All recent comments on applications from Cumberland Council, NSW

10 Rowena Street, Greystanes NSW 2145
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Demolition of existing structures, construction of an attached two storey dual occupancy with Torrens title subdivision into two lots - 10 ROWENA STREET GREYSTANES NSW 2145

I live on Rowena street, and as I was walking to work today, one of the workers made vile comments and cursed me quiet badly, assuming I had ear pieces on. I wouldn't normally report such a thing, but it seems they would be here for quite a while and therefore, I'd prefer it if they could refrain from such behaviour towards any other people. I didn't want to get involved directly, therefore I did not get a look at who actually made the comments.

Fatema Muradi
Delivered to Cumberland Council
43-47 Gozo Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Demolition of existing structures and subdivision of land into 3 new lots

Hi just wondering with the above development I live next door (49) and haven’t recieved a shadow diagram and r/l levels to see if the development consists off.
No development forms or objection forms been issued to me. Please would like to see a shadow diagram as trees have been cut down. Thank you.

Dominic Grech
Delivered to Cumberland Council
13 Station Road, Auburn NSW 2144
Demolition of existing residential dwellings and commercial building, and construction of a new 10 storey shop-top housing development comprised of 76 units, 3 level of basement parking, communal open space and associated works, at13-19 Station Road, Auburn.

I am writing to formally object to the proposed 10-storey shop-top housing development at 3-19 Station Road, Auburn. While I understand the need for urban growth and development, I believe this project will have a significant and negative impact on the surrounding area, particularly in terms of overshadowing and its incompatibility with the existing streetscape.

The height of the proposed building will drastically overshadow the neighboring properties, reducing natural light for nearby homes and businesses and negatively affecting the livability and aesthetics of the area. The surrounding buildings are predominantly low-rise structures of 2 to 4 storeys and introducing a 10-storey structure will not only be inconsistent with the current character of the neighborhood but also set an undesirable precedent for future developments.

I urge the council to consider the broader implications of approving this development and to work with the applicant to revise the design to better align with the area's current scale and character. A more modest height, in keeping with the surrounding structures, would preserve the neighborhood’s charm and functionality while still accommodating new housing and retail opportunities.

Thank you for considering my concerns. I trust that the council will prioritize the well-being of the community and ensure that future developments enhance, rather than detract from, the area’s unique character.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
109A Church Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141
Demolition of existing industrial buildings, and consutruction and operation an organic waste transfer station featuring internal truck acces, state of the art industrial building with odour control system, ancillary offices and parking.

Here we go again,
Wake up , Lidcombe! We have to fight all over again just like last time.
As we were warned at the last council meeting, the company re applied the development after the
council election.
Please spread the words asap.

chang lee
Delivered to Cumberland Council
73 Ettalong Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Locating a food truck on an existing service station premises and wanting to extend the operating hours from 7pm to 11pm

I strongly disagree with this application. It brings added congestion to the entrance of this petrol station which is already on the small side. Not sure how it even got approved in the first place. Its already a safety hazzard postioned where it is. On top of that cars park anywhere they like making it hard for the people trying to get petrol.

Paul Vassallo
Delivered to Cumberland Council
78 Alpha Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential Alterations and Additions - Alterations and additions and in-ground swimming pool - 78 Alpha Rd GREYSTANES 2145


Certificates of completion/finalised worls as urgent possession is required. I


Leah Franch
rules under the planniing act 1979. and all related acts

LEAH Franchi
Delivered to Cumberland Council
42 Rowley Street, Pendle Hill NSW 2145
S4.55(1A) modification seeking to amend the driveway of the approved dwelling

I object the proposed widening of the footway crossing from 4m to 5m due to adverse impacts on the local environment and community, including:
- excessive width, increasing available turning arcs for vehicles entering and leaving #42, encouraging faster turns and movements across the public footway, reducing public safety
- longer/wider exposure for pedestrians using the footway, making the footway more uncomfortable for a local street, and substantially increasing the proportion of frontage devoted to vehicles and concrete
- increased concrete area and reduced landscaping area, reducing groundwater absorption and increasing urban heat island effects
- reducing opportunity for on-street parking, by reducing the kerbside length between driveways
- adequacy of the approved access for the nearly complete double garage and forecourt at #42

Bruce Simpson
Delivered to Cumberland Council
19 Mia Mia Street, Girraween NSW 2145
Use of Paved Area beneath awning for the purpose of storing equipment and tyres in association with the existing service station

Footpath not walkable around that area. Too many KIDS pass in that area with having no footpath. Sometime they park CARS on footpath.

vipin doshi
Delivered to Cumberland Council
1 Brotherton Street, South Wentworthville NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Other Residential - Demolition of the Existing Structures and Construction of an Attached Dual Occupancy - 1 Brotherton Street, South Wentworthville NSW

I would like to add that at the moment, there are still some spaces available on the street for two cars travelling on the opposite directions to give way to one another. If there is no control to improve the situation, then it is expected that these spaces-for-giving-way will gradually disappear. When this has happened, it will not be possible to give way to one another unless the drivers who give way (thanks for those kind drivers!) must drive into someone's driver way and reverse back out afterward. This will be a situation no resident of Brotherton street would like to face.

I strongly request the Council to consider the challenge for Brotherton and other small streets and create smart solutions for them.

chuong pham
Delivered to Cumberland Council
1 Brotherton Street, South Wentworthville NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Other Residential - Demolition of the Existing Structures and Construction of an Attached Dual Occupancy - 1 Brotherton Street, South Wentworthville NSW

I have been providing this same recommendation every time I see an application for a dual occupancy on Brotherton street.

The unique problem for all residents of Brotherton street is the street is small with a higher number of cars/vans/utes parked on the street. This results in inconveniences and dangers for the residents and service vehicles to use the two-way but small street.

The problem with dual-occupancy developments is they often have a higher number of bedrooms e.g., 8 or 10 rooms on a block of land, compared to 4 or 5 rooms for a single dwelling, and the number of on-site parking spots is not increased to match the number of bedrooms. 2-car on-site tandem parking (one in front of another) never work as people (including ourselves when we used to live in a duplex some years ago) generally avoid using it and park on the street instead.

Brotherton street has wider than average blocks of land (17m) and this provides an opportunity to create smarter on-site parking for dual-occupancy developments. If this option could not be used (did Council ever considered it?), then there should be other controls in place to avoid crowding our small streets more and more.

Please consider this feedback as it is a win-win-win to the residents of Brotherton street, services vehicles and the applicants of dual-occupancy developments on the street.


chuong pham
Delivered to Cumberland Council
30 Holdsworth Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of existing dwelling and secondary dwelling and associated structures Construction of a childcare centre for 44 children over basement carpark

We already have a childcare centre in Holdsworth Street. The traffic in the morning is an accident waiting to happen. Parents are double parked everywhere in Holdsworth Street. Please stop approving all these childcare centres. We have more than enough of them in Merrylands. If you are approving them then make sure the car parks are not underground as none of the parents are using the underground car parks to drop off kids. It is only used for staff.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
123 Magowar Road, Girraween NSW 2145
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Existing Industrial Building for Use as a Waste Transfer Station to Operate 7AM-6PM Monday-Friday and 7AM-NOON Saturday, and Installation of a Portable Weighbridge - A non res part of a building that is in Class 5-9 - 123 Magowar Road, Girraween NSW 2145

This is exactly behind the school where kids are trying to concentrate to study and shape their career. There are already many industrial premises around the school which currently disturbing kids. Also, as this is waste transfer facility, it is going to be harmful for kids and having weigh bridge is going to create lot of disturbances and hazards.

This submission should be rejected unless and until there is many mitigation implemented.

Parent of School Kid
Delivered to Cumberland Council
282 Guildford Road, Guildford NSW 2161
The development application is for the refurbishment of the existing commercial premises which were recently damaged by fire.

How many shops/ offices are there going to be and the usage if known.

Mona Kady
Delivered to Cumberland Council
282 Guildford Road, Guildford NSW 2161
The development application is for the refurbishment of the existing commercial premises which were recently damaged by fire.

Can we please see the plans for the DA as not much information has been provided.

Mona Kady
Delivered to Cumberland Council
35 Orange Street, Greystanes NSW 2145
Modification Application - Complying Development Certificate - Complying Development Cert Private Certifier Issue - Modified Structural Plans - Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a two storey dwelling and in-ground swimming pool. - 35 Orange Street, Greystanes NSW 2145

We have just received a letter for a proposed modification to 35 Orange Street, and we strongly oppose this modification as it will infringe our sun light and our privacy. The building will cast a shadow over our property for nine months of the year. Furthermore, having three young children, and an existing pool in our backyard, we will loose our privacy to our pool area and backyard. We strongly oppose a rear balcony to be built on this property in any circumstance. Please contact us on 0409610428 so that our voice can be heard.

Sonja Maksimovic
Delivered to Cumberland Council
78 Alpha Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential Alterations and Additions - Alterations and additions and in-ground swimming pool - 78 Alpha Rd GREYSTANES 2145

Urgent application to apply to the land planning court - I have attempted to reach out to the council on several occasions- I seek the right to appeal- as the beneficial owner

Leah Franchi
Delivered to Cumberland Council
78 Alpha Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential Alterations and Additions - Alterations and additions and in-ground swimming pool - 78 Alpha Rd GREYSTANES 2145

I read the requiments re a pool it seems to have bi record of a registered pool.i would be greatlful if you I could be given the past information re the sale details as I hold an interest and need to view what you hold as to myself..
our children were taken from a home
e- we deserve to be given back our home- the council I hope also holds the view- that protecting their community, homes to ensure the Cumberland holds a high regard to the role they hold- it

Delivered to Cumberland Council
78 Alpha Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential Alterations and Additions - Alterations and additions and in-ground swimming pool - 78 Alpha Rd GREYSTANES 2145

I read the requiments to a pool iproces and it seems to have bi record of a registered pool.i would be greatlful if you I could be given the past information re the sale details as I hold an interest and need to view what you hold as to myself..
our children were taken from a hom
e- we deserve to be given back our home- the council I hope also holds the view- that protecting their community, homes to ensure the Cumberland holds a high regard to the role they hold-

Delivered to Cumberland Council
74 Alpha Road Greystanes NSW 2145
DA's - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a Detached Dual Occupancy with torrens title subdivision (DRAFT)

The concerns that requires explaining -the court matter/cost assessment/claims of sale /ownership - please advise your process of investigation to resolve without a court matter.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
74 Alpha Road Greystanes NSW 2145
DA's - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a Detached Dual Occupancy with torrens title subdivision (DRAFT)

It seems to be very concerning re the cost and authentitty of the costs -approval ECT
Both 2019/2022
The documents that are no longer able to view- are a concern die to a number of legal issues- copyright - plans/waste waste Management cubes meters- /incorrect details/home -i like a fill report as it would seem I have unfairly paid the price for a planning council

Delivered to Cumberland Council
24 Henson Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of existing structures and the construction of a 91 place, two storey centre based child care centre over basement car parking

Henson street is already filled with cars due to it being a main access point to St Margaret Marys primary school for school drop off and pick up . There is a new childcare centre on the corner of Merrylands road and Holdsworth street as well as centres within 1Km already in Clarence and Lockwood streets. It is already difficult to find parking in this street with the congestion now. Another childcare centre will add additional significant impact. Surely there has to be an assessment of these major congestion issues when considering developments like this. Not to mention the impact building the actual centre will have. There are more than 20 childcare centres in Merrylands alone - that has to be enough for one suburb!

Delivered to Cumberland Council
24 Henson Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of existing structures and the construction of a 91 place, two storey centre based child care centre over basement car parking

Henson Street is already full of cars due to it being a car pick up zone for St Margaret Marys primary school. As a resident of Henson Street at morning and afternoon its ordeal to drive the double park cars. Please consider the already troubled street.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
20 Myee Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a one storey community facility including at-grade parking and tree removal

I live behind the Islamic Masjid on Fowler Road. When the proposal for the Fowler Road Masjid came out, they said that we would not be impacted by traffic, citing similar levels of daily attendance to this Myee Street proposal. On Fridays we are bombarded with traffic and the frequent little bingle between cars looking for parking. Cars often park across mine and my neighbours’ driveways or so close, making it difficult to turn in and out of our driveways. This also happens on their significant celebration days. Most cars only have one male occupant, they don’t seem to carpool. I feel that they have under estimated the amount of people attending in this Myee Street proposal. However, the people attending Fowler Road Masjid are very quiet so I don’t envisage an impact on noise for the residences of this Myee Street proposal, just the traffic and parking. Thank you.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
20 Myee Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a one storey community facility including at-grade parking and tree removal

I strongly object to this development. This development will have a negative affect on the local community and environment for the below reasons:

1. Increased traffic levels
Myee street already has a high level of traffic as it serves Merrylands East Public school. Walker street also serves the school and the Day-care centre and these streets are already extremely busy throughout the week particularly during drop off and pick up times. The traffic congestion is further increased by residents trying to leave their homes to go work, general traffic and couriers drivers. This development particularly the operating hours proposed of Monday to Sunday – 7am to 9:30pm is going to significantly have a negative impact on the level of traffic.
2.Parking and accessibility
Parking is already limited due to multiple driveways and congestion from the school. Cars are often double parked, backed up and blocking driveways. Whilst this development proposes 8 spots for off-street parking, it is not merely enough parking if the facility is to accommodate 2 staff and 15 patrons during the day time and 4 staff and 25 patrons during the evening. Approving this development is only going to add to the parking issue by further reducing the availability of parking and adding to the increasing frustration of residents.
3. Environmental Impact
This proposal requires the removal of 15 trees, 6 of which are considered high and medium priority. This is a significant amount of trees and will have a significant impact on the environment.
4. Safety Risk
The increased traffic, pollution and noise posses a significant increase to the safety and health of the residents and children attending the school.
Noise Pollution
It is proposed that this service will operate every day between 7am to 9:30pm. How is the noise going to be managed particularly if they anticipate a total of 29 people in the evening. This can potentially pose a significant disturbance to the residents.
5. Sufficient Islamic Centre in the Area
There is already a significant number of available Muslim community centre within the Cumberland local government for residents to access and utilise, including the Darul Arqam on Fowler Rd Merrylands which is 24hrs.

For these reasons i strongly object to this development and hope Council considers my concerns.

Delivered to Cumberland Council