Merrylands is already saturated with childcare centres. We already have enough trouble in the street with parking due to St Margaret Marys primary. The childcare centre on the corner of Merrylands Road and Holdsworthy Street is an accident waiting to happen. Parents are double parked in peak times trying to get kids in and out of the centre. Imagine peak morning and afternoon times with extra parents trying to drop off and pick up kids. Henson Street is already full of cars due to it being a car pick up zone for St Margaret Marys primary school. Please reconsider a centre being built in this street. We have another centre on Davies Street and on Merrylands Road.
24 Henson Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
- Description
- Demolition of existing structures and the construction of a 91 place, two storey centre based child care centre over basement car parking
- Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 196 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 4 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.
I strongly object to this development. There is already serious traffic conjestion due to St Margaret Mary school where it backs up Henson Street and both sides of Davies Street. Cars double park, block driveways, back up the streets causing serious traffic and safety concerns with kids and their parents running out from in between cars during drop off and pick up. There are already ample childcare facilities available within the Cumberland Council and two of them are less than 1km away from this proposed development being on Davies street and the Cnr of Holdsworthy and Merrylands Rd. This development will also increase noise and polution and decrease the availability of parking for residents and reduce our privacy with the increase in traffic. This development and centre is not necessary and I hope Council considers the concerns outlined.
Henson Street is already full of cars due to it being a car pick up zone for St Margaret Marys primary school. As a resident of Henson Street at morning and afternoon its ordeal to drive the double park cars. Please consider the already troubled street.
Henson street is already filled with cars due to it being a main access point to St Margaret Marys primary school for school drop off and pick up . There is a new childcare centre on the corner of Merrylands road and Holdsworth street as well as centres within 1Km already in Clarence and Lockwood streets. It is already difficult to find parking in this street with the congestion now. Another childcare centre will add additional significant impact. Surely there has to be an assessment of these major congestion issues when considering developments like this. Not to mention the impact building the actual centre will have. There are more than 20 childcare centres in Merrylands alone - that has to be enough for one suburb!