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24 McDougall Road, Anglesea VIC 3230Construction of an outbuildingFound 16 minutes ago
1115 Cape Otway Road, Modewarre VIC 3240Amended Permit - to allow the creation of two lots to separate the current dwelling and immediate surrounds from the site of the proposed dwelling.Found 16 minutes ago
28 Erskine Falls Road, Lorne VIC 3232Condition 1 c) - A southern elevation which shows a chain mesh fence with a height no greater than 1.8m.Found 16 minutes ago
We currently cover 86% of Australia's population within 194 authorities. For this number we're only counting places where the main planning authority is covered. As an example, most of Victoria is covered by the SPEAR system but not all Victorian planning applications go through it. So, we don't include SPEAR in our population count.
We don't yet cover the whole country, but we are working on it. New authorities are being added all the time.
If you are a programmer and would like to write a scraper for your local authority, or work for a local authority and would like to make your data available, find out how you can get involved.
Planning Data
From time to time planning authorities change their websites which breaks the scrapers that gather the planning data. Help by providing a donation to help us fix it.