I have been providing this same recommendation every time I see an application for a dual occupancy on Brotherton street.
The unique problem for all residents of Brotherton street is the street is small with a higher number of cars/vans/utes parked on the street. This results in inconveniences and dangers for the residents and service vehicles to use the two-way but small street.
The problem with dual-occupancy developments is they often have a higher number of bedrooms e.g., 8 or 10 rooms on a block of land, compared to 4 or 5 rooms for a single dwelling, and the number of on-site parking spots is not increased to match the number of bedrooms. 2-car on-site tandem parking (one in front of another) never work as people (including ourselves when we used to live in a duplex some years ago) generally avoid using it and park on the street instead.
Brotherton street has wider than average blocks of land (17m) and this provides an opportunity to create smarter on-site parking for dual-occupancy developments. If this option could not be used (did Council ever considered it?), then there should be other controls in place to avoid crowding our small streets more and more.
Please consider this feedback as it is a win-win-win to the residents of Brotherton street, services vehicles and the applicants of dual-occupancy developments on the street.