96 Oramzi Road, Girraween NSW 2145

Demolition of Exisiting Building; Construction of a new boarding house 31 Units (DRAFT)
Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 6 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
140 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
100 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.

The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
- The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
- The aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds.
- People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient
people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.
- The houses on both sides will have their privacy significantly impacted by the
proposed building.
- Unacceptable amount of pedestrian traffic and accompanied noise.
- The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for
such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels.
- The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building.
- The streetscape will be affected to the detriment of those living alongside the proposed building.
- The value of the properties around the proposed building will be devalued due to the nature of the proposal (too many residents for such a small block, large numbers coming and going at all times).

Sent to Cumberland Council

Please stop this project so that our community will be safe and our children will be safe.

Venu Boreddy
Sent to Cumberland Council

Please do not approve this proposal, all of the residents do not want this boarding house in the area.

Nag Gowda
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a member of this tightly knit, peaceful community of Girraween, I oppose this project's approval considering the peace and safety of children with 2 primary schools and 2 child care centres within meters of the proposed building.

Also, the traffic will be affected significantly resulting in congestion and threat to children walking to and from the schools.

Keeping these in view, please DO NOT approve this project.

Kind Regards,

Janakiram Sampalli
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a member of integrated, peaceful community of Girraween and regular contributor of the Cumberland council I oppose the plan for building the boarding houses at 96 Oramzi road,Girraween.

The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “severe risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic” and the aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds. The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I live nearby this property and I strongly oppose this boarding house because I don’t want this beautiful area to become a commercial.

Dhaval Patel
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a near by residence, I strongly oppose to this project. It will affect community, traffic and particularly children in this area as it has 2 school and 2 child care within walking distance. This area already has enough traffic please don't make more by adding 30 units.

Dhaval Joshi
Sent to Cumberland Council

Please stop this project to ensure safety for the children and the neighbourhood.

Sivakumar Kathiresan
Sent to Cumberland Council

I am worried about the development application for Boarding Houses @ 96 Oramzi Rd, Girraween.

There is a very strong opposition from the local community of Girraween and we have gathered about 100 physical signatures from people living within 300 meter radius of the application and many more people living in Girraween are opposing the DA application for Boarding Houses @ 96 Oramzi Road Girraween.

Here are some of my concerns:

- The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
- The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
- The houses on both sides will have their privacy significantly impacted by the proposed building.
- Unacceptable amount of pedestrian traffic and accompanied noise.
- There could be potential health risks if a number of people living in these boarding houses are smokers.
- The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels.
- The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building.
- The value of the properties around the proposed building will be devalued due to the nature of the proposal.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I am very concerned about the possibility of a Boarding House being built in Girraween.
Besides being close to 2 schools and Childcare Centres, it is also opposite the local Girraween Scout Hall.

The local residences have enough problems with parking in their areas as the population keeps growing, but to have 30 Units on a Residential sized block of land, will only increase the problem.

Please think about the voting residents in the Cumberland Council and reject this application.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Please stop this project to ensure safety for the children and the neighbourhood.
Also Approval of 31 units on a small block of land seems unreasonable and unrealistic.

Sent to Cumberland Council

This should be stopped and not approved. Girraween is one of the smaller and quieter suburb and this sort of planning doesn't match with the suburb profile.

Adarsh Gupta
Sent to Cumberland Council

Please do not construct this boarding house as it may increase the crime rate which will be unsafe for the school and young children going there.
Please consider constructing the boarding house in a location which is not near a school.

Thank you.

Dhruv Doddi
Sent to Cumberland Council

Strictly opposing this development proposal due to the possibility of high theft /crime which can be very dangerous to the many young children and other residents living nearby.

Thank you.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Strictly opposing this development proposal as the boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.

Thank you.

Sent to Cumberland Council

To Sir / Madam,
The boarding house is coming between two schools. According to the Daily Telegraph article, the number of students in 2017 is 1,100 students — almost twice compared to 2010. With the number of townhouses coming up around Girraween, the number of students will increase exponentially in the coming years. At schools timings, it's challenging to get parking around the school. Boarding houses will add more traffic that may compromise the safety of the students. Generally, the residents of boarding houses are transient. It's unsafe for the students to walk through the boarding residents situated in the safe residential precinct. In residential areas, the traffic is only at school hours dropping or picking the students. With the boarding houses, there will be traffic round the clock, its not only disturbs the school's students in day time also in night time for the residents too. So for the safety of students and residents, the boarding house must not be permitted
Sunil KempeGowda

Sent to Cumberland Council

Please do not approve this proposal, all of the residents do not want this boarding house in the area.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am a resident of Carinya Road, and writing in regards to object the Development application at 96 ORAMZI ROAD GIRRAWEEN - DA- 2019/193/1. I am writing this letter to lodge my strong protest against the application.

We are a very close community like one big family in Girraween where most of the families have primary school going children. I have strong objection for the proposed development at 96 Oramzi road for following reasons.

· This is a quiet residential street with houses and units where people commute to work daily using the public transport and more than this they prefer a quiet living as compared to the busy neighbouring suburbs.
· Recently we heard on the news that Police arrest three in Sydney counterterrorism raids, accuse one of planning attack link - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-02/nsw-police-counter-terrorism-operation-in-western-sydney/11271066

This is scarier for us as one of the person who was arrested was found in our area (Toongabbie), this puts us in scary situation where the development of such boarding could house such anti-social elements and more so affecting the lifes of us, our children and our neighbours.

· The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
· The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
· The aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds.
· People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.
· The development will effect safety and secure of entire community, it will also set the precedence for this type of unnecessary development.
· Carinya Road which consists of residential duplexes or townhouses which are Family oriented. Introduction of a boarding house is a clear misfit. How can a 3 storey boarding House be permitted in this area be allowed when this area is designated as R3? The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street.
· The boarding house will provide housing of single Males especially and can expect people addicted to drugs / alcohol/ smoke especially because of the psychological fact of being alone. This might lead to antisocial behaviours or tempt crime. This will affect the children going to adjacent play area in Bukari Reserve park which is opposite the proposed development address and neighbouring schools as well.
· The plan for introduction of a boarding house has made a negative impact in the society already in the owners and rent payers. No one prefers to live in such an area. It will also make financial impacts for the owners .The market is down already and it would go further down in the adjacent properties if boarding house is introduced. Nobody can guarantee the people who will stay in short-term motel-style accommodation, they will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature. This will impact on their lifestyle and the character of the area.
· This being a very good locality for people living as family to fulfill their children's educational needs with some very good schools nearby, will have a very bad impact with the development of this boarding house. I have one child studying in the neighbouring primary school, and almost all of the families have kids studying in the nearby schools and I am really concerned about the safety of kids with an ever changing nature of people living in motel type of accommodation, nature of people living in there and the busy nature of the street when it is commercialized.
· Some of the houses in our community have one or more rooms (living room/ bedroom) facing this proposed development i.e. 96 Oramzi road. The 3 storey development would certainly impact each ones privacy and also block sunlight/ ventilation. Just to add here, we are concerned with the safety of our houses, with this development, where the crowd will be ever changing and they will not be responsible for any misbehaviour they do.
· The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels. The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building
· Traffic will increase exponentially with this development and this will be accompanied with high amount of noise pollution which will be highly unbearable for families living here.
· The Girraween public school already have great pressure to enrol primary students within school area because of high number of enrolment requests. The education department and council keep reducing school catchment area to relax the enrolment pressure. How can you justify this type of development while we don’t have enough primary classes for current populations within the catchment? This type of development will put unnecessary strain on already stretched Girraween public school.

Please consider this as a formal request to reject the proposal for the development at 96 Oramzi road, Girraween. Please feel free to contact me via email or mobile number if required. Request you to send an acknowledgement that you have received the email and take this as a formal request of my objection.

Resident of Carinya Road, Girraween.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am a resident of 187 Targo Road, and writing in regards to object the Development application at 96 ORAMZI ROAD GIRRAWEEN - DA- 193/2019 GIRRAWEEN.

We are a very close family community in Girraween where most of the families have primary school going children. I have strong objection for the proposed development at 96 Oramzi road for following reasons.

· This is a quiet residential street with houses and units where people commute to work daily using the public transport and more than this they prefer a quiet living as compared to the busy neighbouring suburbs.
· Recently we heard on the news that Police arrest three in Sydney counterterrorism raids, accuse one of planning attack link - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-02/nsw-police-counter-terrorism-operation-in-western-sydney/11271066

This is scarier for us as one of the person who was arrested was found in our area (Toongabbie), this puts us in scary situation where the development of such boarding could house such anti-social elements and more so affecting the lifes of us, our children and our neighbours.

· The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
· The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
· The aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds.
· People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.
· The development will effect safety and secure of entire community, it will also set the precedence for this type of unnecessary development.
· Targo Road which consists of residential duplexes or townhouses which are Family oriented. Introduction of a boarding house is a clear misfit. How can a 3 storey boarding House be permitted in this area be allowed when this area is designated as R3? The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street.
· The boarding house will provide housing of single Males especially and can expect people addicted to drugs / alcohol/ smoke especially because of the psychological fact of being alone. This might lead to antisocial behaviours or tempt crime. This will affect the children going to adjacent play area in Bukari Reserve park which is opposite the proposed development address and neighbouring schools as well.
· The plan for introduction of a boarding house has made a negative impact in the society already in the owners and rent payers. No one prefers to live in such an area. It will also make financial impacts for the owners .The market is down already and it would go further down in the adjacent properties if boarding house is introduced. Nobody can guarantee the people who will stay in short-term motel-style accommodation, they will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature. This will impact on their lifestyle and the character of the area.
· This being a very good locality for people living as family to fulfill their children's educational needs with some very good schools nearby, will have a very bad impact with the development of this boarding house. I have one child studying in the neighbouring primary school, and almost all of the families have kids studying in the nearby schools and I am really concerned about the safety of kids with an ever changing nature of people living in motel type of accommodation, nature of people living in there and the busy nature of the street when it is commercialized.
· Some of the houses in our community have one or more rooms (living room/ bedroom) facing this proposed development i.e. 96 Oramzi road. The 3 storey development would certainly impact each ones privacy and also block sunlight/ ventilation. Just to add here, we are concerned with the safety of our houses, with this development, where the crowd will be ever changing and they will not be responsible for any misbehaviour they do.
· The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels. The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building
· Traffic will increase exponentially with this development and this will be accompanied with high amount of noise pollution which will be highly unbearable for families living here.
· The Girraween public school already have great pressure to enrol primary students within school area because of high number of enrolment requests. The education department and council keep reducing school catchment area to relax the enrolment pressure. How can you justify this type of development while we don’t have enough primary classes for current populations within the catchment? This type of development will put unnecessary strain on already stretched Girraween public school.

Please consider this as a formal request to reject the proposal for the development at 96 Oramzi road, Girraween. Please feel free to contact me via email or mobile number if required. Request you to send an acknowledgement that you have received the email and take this as a formal request of my objection.

Jayshree Patel
Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am a resident of Targo Road, and writing in regards to object the Development application at 96 ORAMZI ROAD GIRRAWEEN - DA- 193/2019 GIRRAWEEN. I am writing this letter to lodge my strong protest against the application.

We are a very close community like one big family in Girraween where most of the families have primary school going children. I have strong objection for the proposed development at 96 Oramzi road for following reasons.

· This is a quiet residential street with houses and units where people commute to work daily using the public transport and more than this they prefer a quiet living as compared to the busy neighbouring suburbs.
· Recently we heard on the news that Police arrest three in Sydney counterterrorism raids, accuse one of planning attack link - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-02/nsw-police-counter-terrorism-operation-in-western-sydney/11271066

This is scarier for us as one of the person who was arrested was found in our area (Toongabbie), this puts us in scary situation where the development of such boarding could house such anti-social elements and more so affecting the lifes of us, our children and our neighbours.

· The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
· The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
· The aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds.
· People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.
· The development will effect safety and secure of entire community, it will also set the precedence for this type of unnecessary development.
· Targo Road which consists of residential duplexes or townhouses which are Family oriented. Introduction of a boarding house is a clear misfit. How can a 3 storey boarding House be permitted in this area be allowed when this area is designated as R3? The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street.
· The boarding house will provide housing of single Males especially and can expect people addicted to drugs / alcohol/ smoke especially because of the psychological fact of being alone. This might lead to antisocial behaviours or tempt crime. This will affect the children going to adjacent play area in Bukari Reserve park which is opposite the proposed development address and neighbouring schools as well.
· The plan for introduction of a boarding house has made a negative impact in the society already in the owners and rent payers. No one prefers to live in such an area. It will also make financial impacts for the owners .The market is down already and it would go further down in the adjacent properties if boarding house is introduced. Nobody can guarantee the people who will stay in short-term motel-style accommodation, they will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature. This will impact on their lifestyle and the character of the area.
· This being a very good locality for people living as family to fulfill their children's educational needs with some very good schools nearby, will have a very bad impact with the development of this boarding house. I have one child studying in the neighbouring primary school, and almost all of the families have kids studying in the nearby schools and I am really concerned about the safety of kids with an ever changing nature of people living in motel type of accommodation, nature of people living in there and the busy nature of the street when it is commercialized.
· Some of the houses in our community have one or more rooms (living room/ bedroom) facing this proposed development i.e. 96 Oramzi road. The 3 storey development would certainly impact each ones privacy and also block sunlight/ ventilation. Just to add here, we are concerned with the safety of our houses, with this development, where the crowd will be ever changing and they will not be responsible for any misbehaviour they do.
· The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels. The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building
· Traffic will increase exponentially with this development and this will be accompanied with high amount of noise pollution which will be highly unbearable for families living here.
· The Girraween public school already have great pressure to enrol primary students within school area because of high number of enrolment requests. The education department and council keep reducing school catchment area to relax the enrolment pressure. How can you justify this type of development while we don’t have enough primary classes for current populations within the catchment? This type of development will put unnecessary strain on already stretched Girraween public school.

Please consider this as a formal request to reject the proposal for the development at 96 Oramzi road, Girraween. Please feel free to contact me via email or mobile number if required. Request you to send an acknowledgement that you have received the email and take this as a formal request of my objection.

Bhavik Patel
Sent to Cumberland Council

I m resident of Targo Road, Girraween would like to strongly oppose the proposal of boarding house development at 96, Oramzi road.

There are so many reasons for opposing but mainly my concern is for school, traffic and parking.. As this property is under Girraween Public School catchment, the school is already over crowded and number of students per classroom is increasing day by day. The quality education is getting lower cause of too many students to handle for one teacher. Also, school is building new classrooms every year and ground is getting smaller and smaller.. students need to walk approximately 1km to go to the playground as school is using KellyPark for sports. Kids do not happily participating in sports as they become very much tired on the sports day after walking and playing. Last year number of students were around 1100 and this year Iheard they are more than 1250 students. You can confirm all the details with the school.

Another main point is traffic is increasing on Targo Road and around streets as so many new town house have been built. I saw three accidents on Targo Road in 15 days on peak time. This proposal will increase traffic which is already too much for us.

Please do not approve such proposal as this suburb residents are already facing issues with school and traffic and parking on street too. To maintain the decency of suburb , as resident I am not happy with Boarding House proposal. So, I request you to consider the same.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Please provide documents which are created as per the the following

How you can be provided permission to have part 3 storey building in R3 zone?

Arun Bhuta
Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the construction of boarding houses in a densely populated area of Girraween. The council should not permit such development. It is posing serious risk to school children. There has been recent incident of drink and overspeed driving which could have nearly taken school children lives.


Priyesh Patel
Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/Madam
The affordable housing requirement stated in "State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009"

State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009
Current version for 28 February 2019 to date (accessed 9 July 2019 at 20:38)
Part 1 Clause 4
4 Interpretation—general
(1) In this Policy:
accessible area means land that is within:
(a) 800 metres walking distance of a public entrance to a railway station or a wharf from which a Sydney Ferries ferry service operates, or
(b) 400 metres walking distance of a public entrance to a light rail station or, in the case of a light rail station with no entrance, 400 metres walking distance of a platform of the light rail station, or
(c) 400 metres walking distance of a bus stop used by a regular bus service (within the meaning of the Passenger Transport Act 1990) that has at least one bus per hour servicing the bus stop between 06.00 and 21.00 each day from Monday to Friday (both days inclusive) and between 08.00 and 18.00 on each Saturday and Sunday.

This does not comply for the site.
Hence My objection is the site can not suitable and can not be used for affordable housing.

Arun Bhuta
Sent to Cumberland Council

I am a resident of Carinya Road, and writing in regards to strongly object the Development application at 96 ORAMZI ROAD GIRRAWEEN - DA- 2019/193/1. I am writing this letter to lodge my strong protest.

We are very close community like one big family in Girraween where most of the families have primary school going children. I have objection for the proposed development at 96 Oramzi road for following reasons:

· This is a quiet residential street with houses and units where people commute to work daily using the public transport and more than this they prefer a quiet living as compared to the busy neighbouring suburbs.

· Recently we heard on the news that Police arrest three in Sydney counterterrorism raids, accuse one of planning attack link - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-02/nsw-police-counter-terrorism-operation-in-western-sydney/11271066

This is scarier for us as one of the person who was arrested was found in our area (Toongabbie), this puts us in scary situation where the development of such boarding could house such anti-social elements and more so affecting our life’s, our children and our neighbours.

· The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.

· The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.

· The aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds.

· People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.

· The development will effect safety and secure of entire community, it will also set the precedence for this type of unnecessary development.

· Carinya Road which consists of residential duplexes or townhouses which are Family oriented. Introduction of a boarding house is a clear misfit. How can a 3 storey Boarding House be permitted in this area be allowed when this area is designated as R2? The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street.

· The boarding house will provide housing of single Males especially and can expect people addicted to drugs / alcohol/ smoke especially because of the psychological fact of being alone. This might lead to antisocial behaviours or tempt crime. This will affect the children going to adjacent play area in Bukhari Reserve and neighbouring schools as well.

· The plan for introducing of boarding house has made a negative impact in the society already in the owners and rent payers. None prefers to live in such an area. It will also make financial impacts for the owners .The market is down already and it would go further down in the adjacent properties if boarding house is introduced. Nobody can guarantee the people who will stay in short-term motel-style accommodation, they will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature. This will impact on their lifestyle and the character of the area.

· This being a very good locality for people living as family to fulfil their children's educational needs with some very good schools nearby, will have a very bad impact with the development of this boarding house. I have one child studying in the neighbouring primary school, and almost all of the families have kids studying in the nearby schools and I am really concerned about the safety of kids with an ever changing nature of people living in motel type of accommodation, nature of people living in there and the busy nature of the street when it is commercialized.

· Some of the houses in our community have one or more rooms (living room/ bedroom) facing this proposed development i.e. 96 Oramzi road. The 3 storey development would certainly impact each ones privacy and also block sunlight/ ventilation. Just to add here, we are concerned with the safety of our houses, with this development, where the crowd will be ever changing and they will not be responsible for any misbehaviour they do.

· The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels. The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building

· Traffic will increase exponentially with this development and this will be accompanied with high amount of noise pollution which will be highly unbearable for families living here.

· The Girraween public school already have great pressure to enrol primary students within school area because of high number of enrolment requests. The education department and council keep reducing school catchment area to relax the enrolment pressure. How can you justify this type of developer while we don’t have enough primary classes for current populations within a catchment? This type of development will put unnecessary strain on already stretch Girraween public school.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

Definition of "walking distance" means the shortest distance between 2 points measured along a route that may be safely walked by a pedestrian using, as far as reasonably practicable, public footpaths and pedestrian crossings.

The site does not comply with
10 Development to which Division applies
(1) This Division applies to development for the purposes of dual occupancies, multi dwelling housing or residential flat buildings if:
(a) the development concerned is permitted with consent under another environmental planning instrument, and
(b) the development is on land that does not contain a heritage item that is identified in an environmental planning instrument, or an interim heritage order or on the State Heritage Register under the Heritage Act 1977.
(2) Despite subclause (1), this Division does not apply to development on land in the Sydney region unless all or part of the development is within an accessible area.
(3) Despite subclause (1), this Division does not apply to development on land that is not in the Sydney region unless all or part of the development is within 400 metres walking distance of land within Zone B2 Local Centre or Zone B4 Mixed Use, or within a land use zone that is equivalent to any of those zones.

Either or

27 Development to which Division applies
(1) This Division applies to development, on land to which this Division applies, for the purposes of boarding houses.
(2) Despite subclause (1), clauses 29, 30 and 30A do not apply to development on land within Zone R2 Low Density Residential or within a land use zone that is equivalent to that zone in the Sydney region unless the land is within an accessible area.
(3) Despite subclause (1), clauses 29, 30 and 30A do not apply to development on land within Zone R2 Low Density Residential or within a land use zone that is equivalent to that zone that is not in the Sydney region unless all or part of the development is within 400 metres walking distance of land within Zone B2 Local Centre or Zone B4 Mixed Use or within a land use zone that is equivalent to any of those zones.

The building height can not be 3 storey as the that is not allowed in R3 zone as height of building is likely to disrupt the streetscape for Oramzi Road.
Hence my object is to this development

Arun Bhuta
Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/Madam
My further objection is based on the following requirement

30A Character of local area
A consent authority must not consent to development to which this Division applies unless it has taken into consideration whether the design of the development is compatible with the character of the local area.

Arun Bhuta
Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Madam/Sir,

As each Boarding house requires the following

"Communal rooms: if a boarding house has 5 or more boarding rooms at least one communal living area is required"

As I can not see any communal room in the drawing.

I do have objection to this DA as it does not follow the policy of affordable rental housing

Arun Bhuta
Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

The boarding house is having DA with statement stating the room for manager in premises.

The room(unit) is not designated for manager and hence it does not comply to
"State Environmental Planning Policy (Affordable Rental Housing) 2009"

If you nominate a managers room then you need to provide a open space for the manager unit.

My objection is the drawing submitted are not complying to The Policy.

It does seems the drawing and approval process is expedited without due consideration to The Policy in total by both Architect and Council.

Arun Bhuta
Sent to Cumberland Council

I have lived in Oramzi Road for the past 35 years and during that time I have witnessed the gentrification of Girraween. The changes to this suburb have been profound and from my long-term perspective have all been for the good of the area and its citizens.

When I first moved in, the area could have been well described as the "wild west":
- My car was stolen by 'ram-raiders' for the purpose of breaking and entering.
- Hells Angels Bikers used to deal heroin from a house across the street.
- My house was broken into and many personal possessions were stolen.
- High School children vandalised and graffitied my property.

Most likely, as a result of Girraween High School becoming a 'Selective High School', the suburb has been undergoing a renaissance over the past thirty years:
- There has been an influx of 'aspirational' people; mainly migrants, often from the sub-continent who have been keen to 'have-a-go' in the Australian sense. Drawn by the promise of the good education within the area, these 'new Australians' have really lifted the tone and culture of the area.
- To see the grand-parents with small children utilizing the play-ground areas is most pleasing as in the past these were 'no-go areas'.
- Girraween shops has become a vibrant hub of busy multi-cultural restaurants.
- The new citizenry on the whole are polite, respectful, quiet and family oriented.

I fear that the building of an over-crowded guest-house in Oramzi Road would be a retreat to the bad old days and therefore I object most strongly to this development.

I suggest that the Cumberland Councillors ask themselves the question:
"Would I approve this development if it were to be built in the street in which I live?"
And if the answer is "No" then as our elected representatives it is your duty to reject this application!

Stephen Press
Sent to Cumberland Council

I am very concerned about the boarding house proposal at 96, Oramzi Road and strictly oppose this.

- The site is very close to two primary schools (Girraween Public School and St.Anthony's Primary School) and many kids walk to their schools from this area and it concerns us the safety of all of them

- Boarding houses like this will attract people without any proper background and social responsibility is a very big safety risk for all the families in this area.

- Girraween is a small suburb with no train facility and Oramzi road is a quiet street, overcrowding this suburb with 31 units in place of one single house currently is totally unacceptable. The noise from such a high-density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach to unacceptable levels.

- This suburb has seen a considerable amount of development in the past 10 years because of the residents settled here who are more focused on the education, safety and upbringing of their kids in a good environment. Developments like this will have a huge negative impact as no one would like to bring up their kids in such kind of environment, and if granted permission, many families with kids will start moving away from this suburb. I am sure, if you have kids, you will have the same concern and will do the same!!

- Builders always look from their commercial perspective, but it is the responsibility of the local government and the planning committee to consider the characteristics of the area and suitability of such proposals before putting forward for the public opinion. It is a big surprise to even accept such kind of proposal for a family suburb like Girraween and it is already having a negative impact on the health of the people.

Please help us to save this family friendly community as many young families have chosen this suburb to bring up their family here for the quality of schools and most importantly as it is a very safe place to live. Boarding house proposals like this will have a huge negative impact on the community, their personal safety and financial stability.

Please REJECT this application and STOP this development!!

Sent to Cumberland Council

I am a resident of Girraween road, Girraween. We are already facing consequences of having a boarding house at the end of Girraween road, opposite to St Anthony primary school. We don't want another blow from another street near by. We want to feel safe. Our letters/posts go missing. We had credit cards stolen from the letter boxes.

This development will pose threat to the well-being of our children and community.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I can not find any document for strom water easement, please provide the required documentation.

Srinivas Sunki
Sent to Cumberland Council

I object this proposed development mainly due safety concerns I have for children as this very close to two primary schools, high school and two child care centres. Girraween public school is already over crowded and kids have to walk to nearest park for sports activities.

Kashyap Budhbhatti
Sent to Cumberland Council

I object to the building of the boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road.It is close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient
people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.
The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for
such a small residential block in a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels.
The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Anyone who wants to comment, do it directly on government website. This is corruption. I believe the construction has already begun without approvals and while the government still is open for comments.

Its as if whatever we say or do, this building is going ahead.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I object the development of boarding house on oramzi road as it is a risk for the peaceful life of the families in Girraween suburb.

There are primary schools and high school in the area and at present lots of children come home walking by themselves. The proposed plan will create fear among them as well as the parents.

There is already one opp to St Anthony's school so why one more in the same suburb.

There are several instances of stealing credit cards from the post boxes,
Swearing and shouting has become a nuisance at the end of Girraween Rd.

We always see Police at the property at the end of the Girraween Rd which states that something wrong is going on always.

So we don't want any other nuisance and hence for the safety of the families I object this proposed plan.

Dewang Purohit
Sent to Cumberland Council

I am really worried about our children's safety with new development proposal which may have out of characters living in the boarding houses which cause bigger threat to our neighbourhood due to new boarding houses.
Please do consider and please do not approve these boarding houses in Girraween.

Thank you

Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly object and oppose the construction of boarding house at 96 oramzi road, Girraween. Girraween has been a peaceful and safe place so long. The construction of a boarding house will pose threat to the safety of community. The neighbourhood contains schools and daycare centres. The boarding house construction will be a threat to these places.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/ Madam,
I am a resident of Carinya Road, and writing in regards to object the Development application at 96 ORAMZI ROAD GIRRAWEEN - DA- 2019/193/1. I am writing this letter to lodge my strong protest against the application.

We are a very close community like one big family in Girraween where most of the families have primary school going children. I have strong objection for the proposed development at 96 Oramzi road for following reasons.

· This is a quiet residential street with houses and units where people commute to work daily using the public transport and more than this they prefer a quiet living as compared to the busy neighbouring suburbs.
· Recently we heard on the news that Police arrest three in Sydney counterterrorism raids, accuse one of planning attack link - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-07-02/nsw-police-counter-terrorism-operation-in-western-sydney/11271066

This is scarier for us as one of the person who was arrested was found in our area (Toongabbie), this puts us in scary situation where the development of such boarding could house such anti-social elements and more so affecting the lifes of us, our children and our neighbours.

· The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
· The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
· The aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds.
· People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.
· The development will effect safety and secure of entire community, it will also set the precedence for this type of unnecessary development.
· Carinya Road which consists of residential duplexes or townhouses which are Family oriented. Introduction of a boarding house is a clear misfit. How can a 3 storey boarding House be permitted in this area be allowed when this area is designated as R3? The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street.
· The boarding house will provide housing of single Males especially and can expect people addicted to drugs / alcohol/ smoke especially because of the psychological fact of being alone. This might lead to antisocial behaviours or tempt crime. This will affect the children going to adjacent play area in Bukari Reserve park which is opposite the proposed development address and neighbouring schools as well.
· The plan for introduction of a boarding house has made a negative impact in the society already in the owners and rent payers. No one prefers to live in such an area. It will also make financial impacts for the owners .The market is down already and it would go further down in the adjacent properties if boarding house is introduced. Nobody can guarantee the people who will stay in short-term motel-style accommodation, they will be mainly transient people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature. This will impact on their lifestyle and the character of the area.
· This being a very good locality for people living as family to fulfill their children's educational needs with some very good schools nearby, will have a very bad impact with the development of this boarding house. I have one child studying in the neighbouring primary school, and almost all of the families have kids studying in the nearby schools and I am really concerned about the safety of kids with an ever changing nature of people living in motel type of accommodation, nature of people living in there and the busy nature of the street when it is commercialized.
· Some of the houses in our community have one or more rooms (living room/ bedroom) facing this proposed development i.e. 96 Oramzi road. The 3 storey development would certainly impact each ones privacy and also block sunlight/ ventilation. Just to add here, we are concerned with the safety of our houses, with this development, where the crowd will be ever changing and they will not be responsible for any misbehaviour they do.
· The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels. The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building
· Traffic will increase exponentially with this development and this will be accompanied with high amount of noise pollution which will be highly unbearable for families living here.
· The Girraween public school already have great pressure to enrol primary students within school area because of high number of enrolment requests. The education department and council keep reducing school catchment area to relax the enrolment pressure. How can you justify this type of development while we don’t have enough primary classes for current populations within the catchment? This type of development will put unnecessary strain on already stretched Girraween public school.

Please consider this as a formal request to reject the proposal for the development at 96 Oramzi road, Girraween. Please feel free to contact me via email or mobile number if required. Request you to send an acknowledgement that you have received the email and take this as a formal request of my objection.
Anita Shah
Resident of Carinya Road, Girraween.

Sent to Cumberland Council

The boarding houses proposed for Oramzi Road are close to the primary school, posing a “serious risk to school children arising out of potential occupants and traffic”.
- The development will attract a “different demographic to this family-friendly area”.
- The aspect of trust will be seriously questioned if the boarding house development proceeds.
- People staying in short-term motel-style accommodation will be mainly transient
people of varied life experiences, some of a conflicted nature.
- The houses on both sides will have their privacy significantly impacted by the
proposed building.
- Unacceptable amount of pedestrian traffic and accompanied noise.
- The proposed plan allows for the potential 30 units. This is totally unacceptable for
such a small residential block and such a quiet residential street. The noise from such a high density residence, so close to the neighbours, would reach unacceptable levels.
- The peace and wellbeing of the neighbours will be significantly affected by the proposed building.
- The streetscape will be affected to the detriment of those living alongside the proposed building.
- The value of the properties around the proposed building will be devalued due to the nature of the proposal (too many residents for such a small block, large numbers coming and going at all times).

Jignesh Raval
Sent to Cumberland Council

This is my response from our Local MP:

Thank you for contacting Hugh McDermott MP regarding your concerns about the proposed Boarding House development (DA193/2019) in Girraween. Hugh is currently investigating what measures need be taken to assist with these concerns from the Girraween community.

We will be in contact with you during this process to ensure that you are made aware of the actions that are being taken. During this process please make sure that you have made a submission to Cumberland Council voicing your concerns. Please find below the submission link.


Once again, thank you for raising this issue, we will be in contact updating you of any progress. In the meantime, please feel free to email or contact the office if you have any further concerns.

Kind Regards,
Annie Wang

Electorate Officer | Office of Hugh McDermott MP | Member for Prospect
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

2/679 The Horsley Drive, Smithfield NSW 2164 | P (02) 9756 4766 | F 9756 1544 | E annie.wang@parliament.nsw.gov.au

Sent to Cumberland Council

The bulk and scale is higher because fsr allowed is1.2 as compared to nearby. 7 (r3 zone)

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

1. Building is not as per the bulk and scale of the locality

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Neighbours development cannot be projected and used as a basis for showing that they are not bulky and scaly as shown in da application.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Resident’s managers unit is not nominated and hence we cannot verify allocated pos (private open space)

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

What are your plans for solar panel which are the norms as per the locality?

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Sun diagram does not look appropriate as per our understanding and experience of neighbours

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

As shown in sun diagram we are unable to locate 27 a and b on physical location.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Sun diagram is not representing the current situation on the ground in terms of habitable and non-habitable areas.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Roof is flat and it should be not accessible and it should have a proper lock and key to further enhance the privacy of neighbours the terrace should have peripheral walls height larger than eye level with construction material opaque or translucent.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

We feel that this high density development may lead to high traffic and noise hence it is appropriate to ask for social impact statement.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Please stop the development of a boarding house, which is planned at 96 Oramzi Road, Girraween NSW 2145. This development is in the middle of peaceful family homes and close to two primary schools which will impact the safety of children. This will cause traffic chaos in this area and is a big risk for primary school children's safety on the roads. Also, the boarding house will be out of character amid peaceful family homes. I request you to stop this development in the interest of the community. Thank you.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Communal room is not nominated.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Bus timings are up to 7.22 pm whereas it needs to be served up to 9 pm

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

We are not able to understand the ground floor plan and first floor plan

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

DA is not supposed to be based on future development of neighbours.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

As per current status the front elevations is bulky as compared to neighbours street escape elevation

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

1. Building is not as per the bulk and scale of the locality
2. The bulk and scale is higher because fsr allowed is1.2 as compared to nearby. 7 (r3 zone)
3. Neighbours development cannot be projected and used as a basis for showing that they are not bulky and scaly as shown in da application.
4. Resident’s managers unit is not nominated and hence we cannot verify allocated pos (private open space)
5. What are your plans for solar panel which are the norms as per the locality?
6. Sun diagram does not look appropriate as per our understanding and experience of neighbours
7. As shown in sun diagram we are unable to locate 27 a and b on physical location.
8. Sun diagram is not representing the current situation on the ground in terms of habitable and non-habitable areas.
9. Roof is flat and it should be not accessible and it should have a proper lock and key to further enhance the privacy of neighbours the terrace should have peripheral walls height larger than eye level with construction material opaque or translucent.
10. We feel that this high density development may lead to high traffic and noise hence it is appropriate to ask for social impact statement.
11. Communal room is not nominated.
12. Bus timings are up to 7.22 pm whereas it needs to be served up to 9 pm
13. Site plan is not depicting ground reality of neighbours
14. We are not able to understand the ground floor plan and first floor plan
15. DA is not supposed to be based on future development of neighbours.
16. As per current status the front elevations is bulky as compared to neighbours street escape elevation

Sent to Cumberland Council

I object the development of boarding house on oramzi road as it is a risk for the peaceful life of the families in Girraween suburb.

Govind Anil Wagle
Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the boarding house development at 96 Oramzi Road, Girraween. I have the following concerns
• Boarding house not meeting the Transportation policy standards (Bust stop should
be served with hours of operation)
• There seems to be issues with the Storm water Easement and flooding
• Out of character development considering the Streetscape
• Operational project management (OPM) document plan not provided
• Boarding house construction not meeting the shops availability criteria of within
400 meters
• Security and privacy concerns with vertical blinds
• Manager room in lower ground
• Shadow diagram is not up to date with the Carinya road property
• Residential manager is not nominated

Pavani Nandigama
Sent to Cumberland Council

Message from Samuel Thevasaeyan

Samuel Pooranasatkunam
2:54 PM (59 minutes ago)
to Nilan, me, samalexv@hotmail.com, Anmol, Bala, Desai, Geetanjali, Kurani, Rishab, Trintu

Dear All,

You all have to write to Greg Cimmings the Mayor of Cumberland council.

I did go into council with a storm water Engineer as the main problem with this development is overland flood path. It is 95% flood affected. So for the 1 in 100 year flood this land will be completed under water. So normally they will not allow to develop such land. Some how these guys manage to get through the council. I leave it for your imagination......

Now the risk is for our land when the water cant run through their land it is going to flood all your properties. We will be directly affected by this development. There might be other reasons that council will not care. But this storm water and drainage issue is significant for us. Also council have to take personal responsibility if they allow this development to go through.

Also when we went they were not willing to display the storm water plans nor the drainage. After escalating to the senior manager they have reluctantly displayed the storm water plan but not the drainage plan - which shows how they are going to mitigate the flood path. It is very strange that they are covering some one.

Our deadline to object is 17th and they wanted us to lodge a special request which will be approved after 20 days. It will be too late to see the drainage plan which might not work for any flood.

I am sure these guys have good connection and able to do all these with the council blessings. So please contact the Mayor and express your view that this land is 95% flood affected and any development that will happen will for sure flood our properties for a heavy rain. So you need the councils absolute gurantee that our property will be protected.

Also if you have any concerns please contact Ram Baskaran 0419989185 who did the flood study for our development and who can advise the risk of this development going through.

So please each one of you along with strata has to object to this development. I have done mine already and the reasons I gave were:

Missing storm water and drainage plan. Why its not on display in contradiction to council policy.
Incorrect shade diagram. Its not updated for our current property. They have used an old diagram before our complex was built. It will block the sun during afternoon.
95% flood affected land and hence will flood our site for the next heavy rain.
No drainage diagram on display which shows how they are proposing to deal with overland flood path.
Noise of 30 new units going right behind us
Traffic congestion
Safety and privacy of our properties due to 30 units overlooking our properties.

Council will not care about the school and other issues as it is not our concern. This developer is well connected who has developed couple of tall high rises in Paramatta and has deep pocket.

So please draft and send your objections before 17th and ask them to acknowledge receipt. You can email your objection along with your neighbours to

Mayor : Greg Cummings

Tel 8757 9000

Kind regards,

Samuel Thevasaeyan

Phone: 02 8678 3078

Mobile: 0478648992

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

I live in Oramzi Road, Girraween almost opposite this new development. I am very concerned about such a type of boarding house being built here. I am concerned about safety with so many single people around which could lead to drugs, theft, damage to property as well as the issue of car parking spaces. There are not many car places to park now let alone when there are another 30 odd single people that may need to find a parking place for their cars. I am very concerned about my safety with so many people residing close by. I object to this development.

Lesley Davis
Sent to Cumberland Council

In light of the following points
1. Cumberland interim affordable housing policy dated July 2017 on page 4 under the paragraph requirement no. 2
“Short walking distance of rail stations and high frequency stops for buses that use dedicated bus routes. These locations will ensure good access to job opportunities and services for very low moderate income households without car dependency”
2. the super seeding clause from SEP states that public transportation should be within 400 mts of the boarding house and hence we expect the bus to be serving during the time of 6 am to 21 pm at least with a frequency of 1 hour whereas bus route 705 the last starting time is 19.26 and expecting to finish much before 21.00 hours at cannot be used for this particular development. Train station is away by more than 400 mts from this development. Also mentioning Statement of Environment Effect document by client Andrew Robinson Planning Services PVT Limited on page 10 clause number 2.7. Titled Existing public transport.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Please do approve this In light of the following points
1. Cumberland interim affordable housing policy dated July 2017 on page 4 under the paragraph requirement no. 2
“Short walking distance of rail stations and high frequency stops for buses that use dedicated bus routes. These locations will ensure good access to job opportunities and services for very low moderate income households without car dependency”
2. the super seeding clause from SEP states that public transportation should be within 400 mts of the boarding house and hence we expect the bus to be serving during the time of 6 am to 21 pm at least with a frequency of 1 hour whereas bus route 705 the last starting time is 19.26 and expecting to finish much before 21.00 hours at cannot be used for this particular development. Train station is away by more than 400 mts from this development. Also mentioning Statement of Environment Effect document by client Andrew Robinson Planning Services PVT Limited on page 10 clause number 2.7. Titled Existing public transport.

Rathan nag
Sent to Cumberland Council

Community space provided in the unit, is having higher noise level then acceptable in the night time which is likely to disturb the neighbours sleep time. This is not acceptable.

As per geo technical report , DCP(dynamic con penetrator) has refusal at different levels in three bore holes which is shallow then car park level which indicates during construction the excavator is likely to use jack hammer or other noise creating equipment. We have not seen any noise reduction or noise control plans during constructions, so we have concerns of higher noise during constructions.

Sent to Cumberland Council

This plan is subjected to surface water flooding and we failed to understand how normal storm water drainage can suffice in such situations and does not show alarming comments even after the flooding point after high danger.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Resident manager unit is attached to carpark which is not allowed as per BCA, due to CARBON MONOXIDE (poisonous gas) emitted by cars, this may go into inhabited rooms and calls for health hazard to the occupants.

Car park slab is not showing any slop so we suspect it may lead to water logging within car park, leading to health hazard like fungus developments, mosquito breading, which all are health hazard especially to resident managers unit.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the construction of boarding house development at 96 Oramzi Road, Girraween.

Landscape plan has nominated certain trees which needs to be protected. They may be in adjoining property and their roots may get escaped during to the excavation of basement leading to death of such trees. We haven’t seen any document seeing how they will be protected and in case they are damaged, how they will be replaced.

The geo - technical report has suggested the slop of batter has to be maintained so that the neighboring properties are not damaged. We haven’t seen any foundation plan hence we are not in a position to comment about it in light of restrictions imposed by landscape plan.
We suggest in usual case a slop of 1 is to 100 to be provided as minimum for proper drainage and collection bit.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the Development of boarding house with the concern of Traffic:

Traffic plan suggesting 15 cars 6 two wheelers and 6 cycles which is higher than anticipated traffic generated by normal development under R3 ZONE like expected around 14 car spaces including 2 visitor car park as a higher congestion. This traffic generated is higher than the traffic objectionable

Sent to Cumberland Council

We, as neighbours of the property, we strongly oppose the development with the concerns of:

1. Cumberland interim affordable housing policy dated July 2017 on page 4 under the paragraph requirement no. 2
“Short walking distance of rail stations and high frequency stops for buses that use dedicated bus routes. These locations will ensure good access to job opportunities and services for very low moderate income households without car dependency”

2. the super seeding clause from SEP states that public transportation should be within 400 mts of the boarding house and hence we expect the bus to be serving during the time of 6 am to 21 pm at least with a frequency of 1 hour whereas bus route 705 the last starting time is 19.26 and expecting to finish much before 21.00 hours at cannot be used for this particular development. Train station is away by more than 400 mts from this development. Also mentioning Statement of Environment Effect document by client Andrew Robinson Planning Services PVT Limited on page 10 clause number 2.7. Titled Existing public transport.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Please do not approve this In light of the following points
1. Cumberland interim affordable housing policy dated July 2017 on page 4 under the paragraph requirement no. 2
“Short walking distance of rail stations and high frequency stops for buses that use dedicated bus routes. These locations will ensure good access to job opportunities and services for very low moderate income households without car dependency”
2. the super seeding clause from SEP states that public transportation should be within 400 mts of the boarding house and hence we expect the bus to be serving during the time of 6 am to 21 pm at least with a frequency of 1 hour whereas bus route 705 the last starting time is 19.26 and expecting to finish much before 21.00 hours at cannot be used for this particular development. Train station is away by more than 400 mts from this development. Also mentioning Statement of Environment Effect document by client Andrew Robinson Planning Services PVT Limited on page 10 clause number 2.7. Titled Existing public transport.

Rathan Nag
Sent to Cumberland Council

Dear Sir/Madam ,
I am a resident of Oramzi road, Girraween. The development of a boarding house is uncharacteristic of this area. Considering the safety & security of the community and traffic issues that will be arising due to the development , I oppose the above project.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the Development of boarding house

Resident manager unit is attached to carpark which is not allowed as per BCA, due to CARBON MONOXIDE (poisonous gas) emitted by cars, this may go into inhabited rooms and calls for health hazard to the occupants.
Car park slab is not showing any slop so we suspect it may lead to water logging within car park, leading to health hazard like fungus developments, mosquito breading, which all are health hazard especially to resident managers unit.
We suggest in usual case a slop of 1 is to 100 to be provided as minimum for proper drainage and collection bit.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the Development of boarding house

Landscape plan has nominated certain trees which needs to be protected,. They may be in adjoining property and their roots may get escaped during to the excavation of basement leading to death of such trees. We haven’t seen any doco seeing how they will be protected and in case they are damaged, how they will be replaced.
The geo - technical report has suggested the slop of batter has to be maintained so that the neighbouring properties are not damaged. We haven’t seen any foundation plan hence we are not in a position to comment about it in light of restrictions imposed by landscape plan.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the Development of boarding house

Community space provided in the unit, is having higher noise level then acceptable in the night time which is likely to disturb the neighbours sleep time. This is not acceptable.
As per geo technical report , DCP(dynamic con penetrator) has refusal at different levels in three bore holes which is shallow then car park level which indicates during construction the excavator is likely to be jack hammer or other noise creating equipment. We have not seen any noise reduction or noise control plans during constructions, so we have concerns of higher noise during constructions.
This plan is subjected to surface water flooding and we failed to understand how normal storm water drainage can suffice in such situations and does not show alarming comments even after the flooding point after high danger.

Traffic plan I suggesting 15 cars 6 two wheelers 6 cycles which is higher than anticipated traffic generated by normal development under R3 ZONE like expected around 14 car spaces including 2 visitor car park as a higher congestion. This traffic generated is higher than the traffic objectionable.
In light of the following points
1. Cumberland interim affordable housing policy dated July 2017 on page 4 under the paragraph requirement no. 2
“Short walking distance of rail stations and high frequency stops for buses that use dedicated bus routes. These locations will ensure good access to job opportunities and services for very low moderate income households without car dependency”
2. the super seeding clause from SEP states that public transportation should be within 400 mts of the boarding house and hence we expect the bus to be serving during the time of 6 am to 21 pm at least with a frequency of 1 hour whereas bus route 705 the last starting time is 19.26 and expecting to finish much before 21.00 hours at cannot be used for this particular development. Train station is away by more than 400 mts from this development. Also mentioning Statement of Environment Effect document by client Andrew Robinson Planning Services PVT Limited on page 10 clause number 2.7. Titled Existing public transport.

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

Hi DA,

I an active member of the society I strongly oppose any boarding house construction in my locality as simply it does not add up the very basic reason why it should be needed there.
Its a serious risk to kids safety.

Rohit Kumar
Sent to Cumberland Council

Hi DA,

I an active member of the society I strongly oppose any boarding house construction in my locality as simply it does not add up the very basic reason why it should be needed there.
Its a serious risk to kids safety.

Sangeeta Kumari
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a local resident of Girraween living in Oramzi road, I strongly object to this development application for the following reasons:-

The development as proposed is not considered to be compatible with the character of the local area in terms of the physical characteristics of the building, and its relationship to the site and to the street. The proposed building will be completely be out of Character. The current design is contemporary, bulky and is not compatible with the locality and surroundings. There is no other large scale (if any) boarding houses on this Street. This is proposed to be a large building. It is more than double the size of the existing house on the block currently. The street is characterised by residential homes, or townhouses.

The proposal does not comply with the 9m height of buildings principal development standard prescribed under Clauses 4.3 of Holroyd Local Environmental Plan 2013.

The proposed building will result in greater overshadowing impacts than currently occur. The Plan showing the shadow diagrams is not reflective of the current state of the properties 27a and 27b in Carinya Road.

The site is affected by an overland flow path that traverses in a north-easterly direction and such a development would increase the flood risk which is already classified as medium risk by the council.

The access report identifies several areas where the Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of the BCA are not satisfied. As such, it is considered that the proposed development cannot be used by all people, in a self-sufficient, equitable, dignified and amenable way as required by the current NSW regulations.

The proposed boarding house is submitted under the provisions of the ARH SEPP and seeks to provide high quality affordable rental accommodation in an accessible location and with access to local services and facilities. There is no submission to show the proposed rent of these rooms and it is to be noted that there has been a flow of recent developments in the locality and surroundings that has facilitated the availability of rental accommodation. Recent reports suggest that in Toongabbie alone there are more than 80 properties available for rent. Unless the rent is fixed lower than the current market rate, this proposal will not satisfy the intent of the ARH SEPP provision.

As a Class 3 building (accommodates more than 12 people and is greater than 300m2 in area), the proposed development must meet the requirements of Section J of the BCA. There is no evidence of this requirement being assessed and submitted. The submitted BASIX is not relevant in this regard.
NSW Subsection J(B) Energy Efficiency - Class 3 and Class 5 to 9 buildings. This subsection contains energy efficiency requirements for Class 3 and Class 5 to 9 buildings Basix is not an acceptable standard any more

The SEE refers to a noise assessment report that is not made available. However, the operation management plan outlines that upto 30 people are allowed in the communal living space upto 10.00 pm. This will result in severe disturbance to the neighbours particularly the children and aged who will be going to bed early.

The SEE states that the anticipated traffic and parking demand to be generated by the proposed boarding house is unlikely to have an adverse impact on existing parking in the locality or affect traffic flows along Oramzi Road or the surrounding road network. This may not be the case, particularly with the schools in the surrounding and the proposal being only around 50 m from the busy intersection of Targo and Oramzi road. A proper traffic study and report needs to be done to ascertain the actual impacts with an emphasis on school peak hours.
The entry to the building is by security controlled mechanical operation which may result in queuing on the street causing traffic problems.

Having a communal living space and a Manager’s room in the basement (Lower ground floor) is also not appropriate as it will not provide the normal living conditions. Building code clause F4.1 Provision of natural light (b)Class 3 buildings — to all bedrooms and dormitories. As there is no natural light in residential managers room cannot be part of car park

In summary for the reasons listed above and many other such concerns expressed by the community, the proposal should be refused as it will will result in the loss of privacy and acoustic amenity to neighbours, adverse impact on the visual amenity of the neighbourhood, and not being consistent with the character of the area.

Muthu Ramatchandirin
Sent to Cumberland Council

The primary reason we chose to live in Girraween with our families is because it is small and quiet suburb and this sort of planning doesn't match the existing suburb profile. This development will result in a totally different demography to this family-friendly community.
As a member of this tightly knit, peaceful community of Girraween, I oppose this project's approval considering the peace and safety of children with 2 primary schools and 2 child care centers within meters of the proposed building.
The traffic will also be affected significantly resulting in congestion and threat to children walking to and from the schools.
Keeping these in view, please DO NOT approve this project.

Gopinath Nayak
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a local resident of Girraween living in Oramzi road, I strongly object to this development application for the following reasons:-

The development as proposed is not considered to be compatible with the character of the local area in terms of the physical characteristics of the building, and its relationship to the site and to the street. The proposed building will be completely be out of Character. The current design is contemporary, bulky and is not compatible with the locality and surroundings. There is no other large scale (if any) boarding houses on this Street. This is proposed to be a large building. It is more than double the size of the existing house on the block currently. The street is characterised by residential homes, or townhouses.

The proposal does not comply with the 9m height of buildings principal development standard prescribed under Clauses 4.3 of Holroyd Local Environmental Plan 2013.

The proposed building will result in greater overshadowing impacts than currently occur. The Plan showing the shadow diagrams is not reflective of the current state of the properties 27a and 27b in Carinya Road.

The site is affected by an overland flow path that traverses in a north-easterly direction and such a development would increase the flood risk which is already classified as medium risk by the council.

The access report identifies several areas where the Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of the BCA are not satisfied. As such, it is considered that the proposed development cannot be used by all people, in a self-sufficient, equitable, dignified and amenable way as required by the current NSW regulations.

The proposed boarding house is submitted under the provisions of the ARH SEPP and seeks to provide high quality affordable rental accommodation in an accessible location and with access to local services and facilities. There is no submission to show the proposed rent of these rooms and it is to be noted that there has been a flow of recent developments in the locality and surroundings that has facilitated the availability of rental accommodation. Recent reports suggest that in Toongabbie alone there are more than 80 properties available for rent. Unless the rent is fixed lower than the current market rate, this proposal will not satisfy the intent of the ARH SEPP provision.

As a Class 3 building (accommodates more than 12 people and is greater than 300m2 in area), the proposed development must meet the requirements of Section J of the BCA. There is no evidence of this requirement being assessed and submitted. The submitted BASIX is not relevant in this regard.
NSW Subsection J(B) Energy Efficiency - Class 3 and Class 5 to 9 buildings. This subsection contains energy efficiency requirements for Class 3 and Class 5 to 9 buildings Basix is not an acceptable standard any more

The SEE refers to a noise assessment report that is not made available. However, the operation management plan outlines that upto 30 people are allowed in the communal living space upto 10.00 pm. This will result in severe disturbance to the neighbours particularly the children and aged who will be going to bed early.

The SEE states that the anticipated traffic and parking demand to be generated by the proposed boarding house is unlikely to have an adverse impact on existing parking in the locality or affect traffic flows along Oramzi Road or the surrounding road network. This may not be the case, particularly with the schools in the surrounding and the proposal being only around 50 m from the busy intersection of Targo and Oramzi road. A proper traffic study and report needs to be done to ascertain the actual impacts with an emphasis on school peak hours.
The entry to the building is by security controlled mechanical operation which may result in queuing on the street causing traffic problems.

Having a communal living space and a Manager’s room in the basement (Lower ground floor) is also not appropriate as it will not provide the normal living conditions. Building code clause F4.1 Provision of natural light (b)Class 3 buildings — to all bedrooms and dormitories. As there is no natural light in residential managers room cannot be part of car park

In summary for the reasons listed above and many other such concerns expressed by the community, the proposal should be refused as it will will result in the loss of privacy and acoustic amenity to neighbours, adverse impact on the visual amenity of the neighbourhood, and not being consistent with the character of the area.

Ashish Mohan
Sent to Cumberland Council


I further strongly oppose the development:

Building is not as per the bulk and scale of the locality

The bulk and scale is higher because fsr allowed is1.2 as compared to nearby. 7 (r3 zone)

Neighbours development cannot be projected and used as a basis for showing that they are not bulky and scaly as shown in da application.

Resident’s managers unit is not nominated and hence we cannot verify allocated pos (private open space)

What are your plans for solar panel which are the norms as per the locality?

Sun diagram does not look appropriate as per our understanding and experience of neighbours

As shown in sun diagram we are unable to locate 27 a and b on physical location.

Sun diagram is not representing the current situation on the ground in terms of habitable and non-habitable areas.

Roof is flat and it should be not accessible and it should have a proper lock and key to further enhance the privacy of neighbours the terrace should have peripheral walls height larger than eye level with construction material opaque or translucent.

We feel that this high density development may lead to high traffic and noise hence it is appropriate to ask for social impact statement.

Communal room is not nominated.

Bus timings are up to 7.22 pm whereas it needs to be served up to 9 pm

Site plan is not depicting ground reality of neighbours

We are not able to understand the ground floor plan and first floor plan

DA is not supposed to be based on future development of neighbours.

As per current status the front elevations is bulky as compared to neighbours street escape elevation

Kalpesh Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly object the proposal of constructing the boarding house development at 96 Oramzi Road, Girraween.

• Privacy of all the adjacent properties will be impacted as the proposed building property height is more than the adjacent properties and all the property windows and living will be visible which is completely unfair. We propose to have proper venetian blinds be provided to windows.
• Due to the height and flat terrace of the proposed development it is easy to monitor all entry and exits of adjacent properties and can lead to illegal activities.
• Loss of sunlight which will have an impact on adjacent properties healthy living, veg gardens and nature. We propose the terrace shall be restricted for entry by lock and key and walls higher than eye level.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the DA proposal for boarding house construction at 96 Oramzi road and my concerns are:

• The proposed boarding house development site is not an ideal location
o as it is closer to Girraween Public school, St Anthony’s Primary school, Day
care centers.
o far from nearest available train station.

• Due to the proposed development building size, height, depth of underground car park, setbacks, no. of units and occupants will have a severe impact on all adjacent and nearby properties.

• All the near new built adjacent properties will have a major impact due to
o the proposed depth of underground car park which is 2.7 meters and may
damage adjacent building structures,
o proposed development has only one entry and exit for car park
o and only 15 car parks are allocated for 31 units which may lead to car space
congestion in surrounding streets.
• Loss of existing native tree on proposed development, trees are an asset to the landscape, adding visual appeal, year-round structure, fragrance and sometimes flowers.
• Kids and Family friendly neighborhood will be affected as most of the occupants in boarding house likely to be single person and mainly transient people of diverse life experiences, some of a conflicted nature and won’t be taking any responsibility.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the DA proposal (DA-2019/193/1) - 96 Oramzi Road, Girraween

• Proposed property boundary setbacks for a 5m high building is very short and unacceptable.
• Resident accommodation manager responsibilities are unknown which will have an impact on safety and security of local community when external incidents arise by its tenants.
• Streetscape will be affected due to dominant size and proportion of building to the detriment of local community.
• Proposed development plan for 31 units for such a small residential block on a quiet residential street will increase noise, traffic and may lead to misbehaviour with public which affects peace and wellbeing of the local community
• Members of local community is working hard to live and survive, we pass through many difficult situations in leading life, career, maintaining family etc. and top of it why do we need to spoil our health with unnecessary issues so please think as you are one of the family members of adjacent property or community and act accordingly.
• The local community property values may be affected adversely in long run due to such development.
We have expression from large numbers of community members who were supersized to find such development is coming in this locality as this kind of development is out of characteristics.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly oppose the Development of boarding house on 96 Oramzi road, Girraween (DA 2019/193/1)

Resident manager unit is attached to carpark which is not allowed as per BCA, due to CARBON MONOXIDE (poisonous gas) emitted by cars, this may go into inhabited rooms and calls for health hazard to the occupants.
Car park slab is not showing any slop so we suspect it may lead to water logging within car park, leading to health hazard like fungus developments, mosquito breading, which all are health hazard especially to resident managers unit.
We suggest in usual case a slop of 1 is to 100 to be provided as minimum for proper drainage and collection bit.
Landscape plan has nominated certain trees which needs to be protected,. They may be in adjoining property and their roots may get escaped during to the excavation of basement leading to death of such trees. We haven’t seen any doco seeing how they will be protected and in case they are damaged, how they will be replaced.
The geo - technical report has suggested the slop of batter has to be maintained so that the neighbouring properties are not damaged. We haven’t seen any foundation plan hence we are not in a position to comment about it in light of restrictions imposed by landscape plan.
Community space provided in the unit, is having higher noise level then acceptable in the night time which is likely to disturb the neighbours sleep time. This is not acceptable.
As per geo technical report , DCP(dynamic con penetrator) has refusal at different levels in three bore holes which is shallow then car park level which indicates during construction the excavator is likely to be jack hammer or other noise creating equipment. We have not seen any noise reduction or noise control plans during constructions, so we have concerns of higher noise during constructions.
This plan is subjected to surface water flooding and we failed to understand how normal storm water drainage can suffice in such situations and does not show alarming comments even after the flooding point after high danger.

Traffic plan I suggesting 15 cars 6 two wheelers 6 cycles which is higher than anticipated traffic generated by normal development under R3 ZONE like expected around 14 car spaces including 2 visitor car park as a higher congestion. This traffic generated is higher than the traffic objectionable.
In light of the following points
1. Cumberland interim affordable housing policy dated July 2017 on page 4 under the paragraph requirement no. 2
“Short walking distance of rail stations and high frequency stops for buses that use dedicated bus routes. These locations will ensure good access to job opportunities and services for very low moderate income households without car dependency”
2. the super seeding clause from SEP states that public transportation should be within 400 mts of the boarding house and hence we expect the bus to be serving during the time of 6 am to 21 pm at least with a frequency of 1 hour whereas bus route 705 the last starting time is 19.26 and expecting to finish much before 21.00 hours at cannot be used for this particular development. Train station is away by more than 400 mts from this development. Also mentioning Statement of Environment Effect document by client Andrew Robinson Planning Services PVT Limited on page 10 clause number 2.7. Titled Existing public transport.

Rishabh Wal
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a neighbour of 96 Oramzi Road property, I strongly object to this development application for the following concerns

The proposed development is not compatible with the character of the local area in terms of the physical characteristics of the building, in relationship to the site and to the street. The proposed building will be completely be out of Character. The current design is bulky and is not compatible with the locality and surroundings. There is no other large scale (if any) boarding houses on this street. The proposal for a large building, more than double the size of the existing nearby houses on similar blocks. The street is characterised by residential homes, or townhouses.

The proposal does not comply with the 9m height of buildings principal development standard prescribed under Clauses 4.3 of Holroyd Local Environmental Plan 2013.

The proposed building will result in greater overshadowing impacts than currently occur. The Plan showing the shadow diagrams is not reflective of the current state of the properties 27a and 27b in Carinya Road.

The site affected by an overland flow path that traverses in a north-easterly direction and such a development would increase the flood risk already classified as medium risk by the council.

The access report names number of areas where the Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions of the BCA are not satisfied. It is considered that the proposed development cannot be used by all people, in a self-sufficient, fair, dignified, and amenable way as required by the current NSW regulations.

The proposed boarding house proposed under the ARH SEPP and seeks to provide high quality affordable rental accommodation in an accessible location and with access to local services and facilities. There is no submission to show the proposed rent of these rooms and there has been a flow of recent developments in the locality and surroundings that has helped the availability of rental accommodation. Recent reports suggest that in Toongabbie alone there are more than 80 properties available for rent. Unless the rent is fixed lower than the current market rate as nominated by the competitors, this proposal will not satisfy the intent of the ARH SEPP provision.

As a Class 3 building (accommodates more than 12 people and is greater than 300m2 in area), the proposed development must meet the requirements of Section J of the BCA. There is no evidence of this requirement assessed and gave. The given BASIX is not relevant in this regard.

The SEE refers to a noise assessment report is not available. However, the operation management plan outlines that up to 30 people allowed in the communal living space up to 10.00 pm. This will result in severe disturbance to the neighbours particularly the children and aged who will be going to bed early.

The SEE states that the predicted traffic and parking demand generated by the proposed boarding house is unlikely to have an adverse impact on existing parking in the locality or affect traffic flows along Oramzi Road or the surrounding road network. This may not be the case, particularly with the schools in the surrounding and the proposal being only around 50 m from the busy intersection of Targo and Oramzi road. A proper traffic study and report needs to find the actual impacts with an emphasis on school peak hours.

The entry to the building is by security controlled mechanical operation which may result in queueing on the street causing traffic problems.

Satya Maddi
Sent to Cumberland Council

This is the email received today from the Office of the Member for Prospect:

Dear Mrs Koimanis,

I write to provide an update regarding your recent contact with this office concerning the proposed development of a boarding house at 96 Oramzi Road, Girraween.

Dr McDermott has forwarded a representation/submission to Cumberland Council (General Manager McNulty, Mayor Cummings, Councillors Lake and Saha) opposing the development. This correspondence included a petition signed by over a hundred Girraween residents. He has also forwarded correspondence to local schools and child care centres.

I have contacted Cumberland Council and have been advised that due to the overwhelming number of submissions received the Development Application will be determined by a Council Independent Hearing and Assessment Panel (CIHAP). This process allows for registered objectors to directly address the panel. Further information on this process can be found of Council’s website. Council was unable to confirm the date of the panel hearing at this time but indicated it would most likely be the 28th of August, 2019 or 11th September, 2019. The details of matters on the agenda will be posted to Council’s website and available to the public 5 days before the scheduled meeting. In any case, as soon as I know, I will advise you accordingly.

If you require any further information or assistance regarding this matter please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind regards

David Weston

Electorate Officer | Office of Hugh McDermott MP | Member for Prospect

2/679 The Horsley Drive, Smithfield NSW 2164 | P (02) 9756 4766 | F 9756 1544 | E david.weston@parliament.nsw.gov.au

Sent to Cumberland Council

We requested Mrs Emma Di Rita, Mrs Lisa Lake and Mr. Karl Okorn in regards to the extension for submission of objections for the proposed boarding house development. They positively responded and given the consent verbally, but we are waiting on written/confirmation email. The following letter is submitted to the Karl, Lisa and Emma on Monday 15th July at Cumberland Council, Auburn.
To Cumberland Council
Attention: Mrs Emma Di Rita, Mrs Lisa Lake and Mr. Karl Okorn
Subject: Extension request for the submission of objections for the Proposed Boarding House development at 96, Oramzi Road, Girraween
Development Application Reference: 2019/193/1

We as a community request you to extend the allocated period for the submission of objections for the proposed development of boarding house at 96, Oramzi Road (ref: 2019/193/1) by two more weeks (until 31st July,2019).

The reason for this extension request is some of the people from this community are away due to school holidays and schools are also closed during the current submission period allocated (from 3 July 2019 to 17 July 2019). This extension will help for everyone within the community of Girraween to get an opportunity to convey their opinion regarding this matter.

We hope you take our request into consideration and give opportunity for everyone within the community to express their opinion.

Satya Maddi
Sent to Cumberland Council

Att: Cumberland Council,
I object to this construction as this will further conjest an already conjested streets. The area has been overbuilt and to bring in this construction is going to cause many issues. We have 2 schools already in the vacinity of this area and parking and safety is already an issue. There are also a number of other saftey and welfare issues that need to be seriously considered when you have 2 school populations nearby.
The other concern i have is that council was not very transparent about this and i and our neighbours will be lodging formal complaints with our mps and appropriate ministers. This area does not need anymore buildings. Thank you

Rema Nazha
Sent to Cumberland Council

I strongly object to the proposed development of boarding house at 96,Oramzi Road. The chosen location is a serious concern to the safety and security of school children, given the fact that it is too close to the primary school. Also, with the boarding house, it seems that the council is adopting to double standards in terms of adherence to its own guidelines. The nature of the proposed accommodation & the type of occupants that it would house is a recipe for disaster in a peaceful community.

Sent to Cumberland Council

Please stop this project to ensure safety for the children and the neighbourhood.

Hardik Patel
Sent to Cumberland Council

Kids and Family friendly neighborhood will be affected as most of the occupants in boarding house likely to be single person and mainly transient people. Safety of our children will be highly compromised if this development comes up. Please do not approve

Saravanan Marimuthu
Sent to Cumberland Council

Hi, I have two young kids and I am really concerned of this development in my backyard.
Please stop this development.

Sent to Cumberland Council

I am concerned about this development proposal. Please stop changing the basic fabrics of this beautiful suburb.

Deb A
Sent to Cumberland Council

Hi, I currently live next to a similar boarding house in Pendle Hill. Most of the nights we hear nuisance and shouting (with swear words), and have seen police visiting there. This is affecting the peaceful life of other nearby residents. We are now planning to move to Girraween and now we are afraid whether it'll be the same situation there. Girraween is always known as one of the calm and peaceful suburb. We request you to please stop this proposed boarding house.

Sent to Cumberland Council

As a member of integrated, peaceful community of Girraween. I oppose the plan for building the boarding houses at 96 Oramzi road,Girraween.

Pravash Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a member of peaceful community of Girraween. I oppose the plan for building the boarding houses at 96 Oramzi road,Girraween.

Priya Shah
Sent to Cumberland Council

As a part of Girraween community, I protest against the construction of Boarding house at 96 Oramazi road.The safety and security of the community will be definitely compromised.Please, do not approve this project.

Gayatri Godbole
Sent to Cumberland Council

I urge the assessment process to take into account which comments on this page are simply quoting this news article, and to assign weight to those comments accordingly (https://www.smh.com.au/national/nsw/developers-accused-of-sneaky-tactics-in-gaining-approval-for-boarding-houses-20180328-p4z6qm.html).

Andrea Leong
Delivered to Cumberland Council

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