All recent comments on applications from Cumberland Council, NSW

24 Henson Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of existing structures and the construction of a 91 place, two storey centre based child care centre over basement car parking

I strongly object to this development. There is already serious traffic conjestion due to St Margaret Mary school where it backs up Henson Street and both sides of Davies Street. Cars double park, block driveways, back up the streets causing serious traffic and safety concerns with kids and their parents running out from in between cars during drop off and pick up. There are already ample childcare facilities available within the Cumberland Council and two of them are less than 1km away from this proposed development being on Davies street and the Cnr of Holdsworthy and Merrylands Rd. This development will also increase noise and polution and decrease the availability of parking for residents and reduce our privacy with the increase in traffic. This development and centre is not necessary and I hope Council considers the concerns outlined.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
24 Henson Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of existing structures and the construction of a 91 place, two storey centre based child care centre over basement car parking

Merrylands is already saturated with childcare centres. We already have enough trouble in the street with parking due to St Margaret Marys primary. The childcare centre on the corner of Merrylands Road and Holdsworthy Street is an accident waiting to happen. Parents are double parked in peak times trying to get kids in and out of the centre. Imagine peak morning and afternoon times with extra parents trying to drop off and pick up kids. Henson Street is already full of cars due to it being a car pick up zone for St Margaret Marys primary school. Please reconsider a centre being built in this street. We have another centre on Davies Street and on Merrylands Road.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
216 William Street, Granville NSW 2142
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Residential building/part that is not 1 or 2 - Stage 2 – Construction of 3 Storey Boarding House over basement and Landscaping - 216 William Street, GRANVILLE 2142

Im a little concerned about how close a boarding house is to schools, lots of students walk up William Street and boarding houses are known to have a lot of challenging clients that could be a risk to children.

Anne Roberts
Delivered to Cumberland Council
78 Alpha Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential Alterations and Additions - Alterations and additions and in-ground swimming pool - 78 Alpha Rd GREYSTANES 2145

As the rightful owner I would suggest the application be reviewed. As is property is not in the hands of the rightful owners.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
1 Kane Street, Guildford NSW 2161
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Residential building/part that is not 1 or 2 - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a part 4 and part 5 storey boarding house separated into two buildings, comprising 29 boarding rooms (inclusive of a manager's room) over basement parking and associated landscaping and tree removal - 1 Kane St GUILDFORD 2161

This is a gross over development of the site. Another parking disaster .

Timothy O'Donnell
Delivered to Cumberland Council
1 Kane Street, Guildford NSW 2161
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Residential building/part that is not 1 or 2 - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a part 4 and part 5 storey boarding house separated into two buildings, comprising 29 boarding rooms (inclusive of a manager's room) over basement parking and associated landscaping and tree removal - 1 Kane St GUILDFORD 2161

This is a gross over development of the site. Another parking disaster .

Timothy O'Donnell
Delivered to Cumberland Council
4 Gilba Road, Pendle Hill NSW 2145
Modification Application - S4.55(2) Other modifications. - Demolition of existing structures; consolidation of 2 lots into 1 lot; construction of a 5 storey shop top housing development comprising a medical centre and 3 commercial tenancies at ground floor level; 32 residential units above 2 levels of basement carpark accommodating 72 parking spaces. - The modifications are: refinement of the approved design scheme, minor amendments are proposed in order to deliver a more efficient floor plans, basement layout and apartment layouts to facilitate a more commercially feasible tenancy and introduce apartments under the NDIS scheme. - 2 Gilba Road Pendle Hill

There are two neighbouring homes now with units on the side and now behind them. Why didn't council include our properties as we are now landlocked and have devalued our house's. The town planner has deliberately gone around our properties without any regard of the families living there. Doesn't make sense when they could of had two street frontages. How do you zone B2 behind R2? Why is there R4 in the same street?

George Sakr
Delivered to Cumberland Council
51 Morris Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Complying Development Certificates CDC202251MOR - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential - Demolition of existing structures and construction of attached dual occupancy - 51 Morris Street, Merrylands NSW 2160

This development to close to the front boundary line of the property? and does not comply with council regulations

Delivered to Cumberland Council
25 Royce Street, Greystanes NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate -2525/2016 - Demolition of single storey residential home, separate garage and associated driveway and landscaping 0 25 Royce St Greystanes NSW 2145

Greystanes has too many duplex’s and this is a sneaky way of getting them passed, by demolishing the house first then privately certifying and letting you know what they are building rather than allowing the local residents have their opinion.
1. That is not a true picture of 25 Royce st, but a laneway.
2. Across the road from that is 4 terraces getting built with estimate of 4 to 8 cars
3. Has anyone in council really thought about the width of that street and realized that it will not accommodate a weekly garbage truck to get in let alone an emergency SES or fire truck.
4. This will only increase the amount of cars parked and also congest Greystanes further.

Chris Teli
Delivered to Cumberland Council
14 Hilltop Road, Merrylands NSW 2160
Stage 1 - Construction Certificates 210696/01 - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - (Demolition of existing structures; construction of a 4 storey shop top housing development comprising 50 place child care centre on the ground floor; 1 commercial tenancy, 14 residential units above 2 levels of basement parking accommodating 41 car parking spaces.) - Stage 1 CC approving Demolition, excavation, shoring, Basement 2 footings and construction of Basement 2 floor slab only - 14 Hilltop Road, Merrylands NSW 2160

Why would you allow two large Childcare Centres, across the street from each other.
Has anyone considered the traffic, the parking?

Maria Stornelli
Delivered to Cumberland Council
59 Mons Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141
S4.55(1A) Modification seeking removal of tree protection conditions

A tree on the nature strip belongs to the community. I oppose removal of street trees. There are not enough of them. I suggest if the tree is removed another appropriately sized tree is planted if modifying the plan for the driveway is not possible.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
92 Hampden Road, South Wentworthville NSW 2145
Section 4.55(1A) modification seeking removal of a tree denoted as T2 on the Landscape Plan, prepared by Jungle Design – Sheet 1/1, Issue A dated 31/01/2021.

Hello. How many trees will be removed and will they be replaced? Thanks.

Renee Ciapponi
Delivered to Cumberland Council
17 Brooks Circuit, Lidcombe NSW 2141
Construction Certificates No 7382/0 - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Alterations and fit out works to use part of an existing building as a centre based childcare centre catering for 53 children - Integrated Development (s58 of the Heritage Act 1977) - Alterations, Fitout and use as a Childcare Centre - 17 Brooks Circuit, Lidcombe NSW 2141

I presume this CC has been issued 16/05/2022 for Childcare centre?

Bruce Bennedick
Delivered to Cumberland Council
25 Louis Street, Granville NSW 2142
Development Application - Community Facilities - Place of Worship - Demolition of existing structures. Development of 2 storey Nepalese place of public worship over two levels of basement parking - 25 Louis Street, GRANVILLE

Dear Cumberland Council members and residents. The proposal of a place of worship is certainly going to incumber the people in numerous ways. Firstly the traffic predicted is best case scenario as the results were taken just not long before lockdown on Tuesday June 1st 2021, definitely a very quiet period for a very positive biased outcome. Secondly the place is meant to cater for 20 worshippers however they have many religious festivals able to hold 200 or more which would put an even bigger burden on traffic flows, oudoor parking spaces and not to mention noise as they wish to conclude at 10:30 pm well past the 8pm curfew. Other things that should have been adressed are funerals and weddings which would add to the bimonthly religious days already mentioned. Louis Street is not a road, it has some mixed usage where Woolworths is and some flats, but in general mostly detached houses which already have to suffer from noise and traffic during peak and off peak times. It is so difficult for us to be able to safely leave or enter our own driveways and by allowing this mega prosposal would just be the last straw in safely raising our families. Please, I beg that this does not get permission. Another site would have to be chosen unfortunately for the Nepalese community. Thank you graciously for reading my comments on this proposal and please by all means this needs to be addressed to the people that live around this with letter box drops for their say as we are in a democracy and the majority rules of course.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
2 Mark Street, Lidcombe NSW 2141
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 14 storey mixed use development, consisting of 100 residential apartments, 84 co-living housing rooms, 4 commercial tenancies and 2 office tenancies over 3 levels of basement

I understand the need for this development. However, due to the proximity to Kee Lidcombe of 20 Railway Street, I feel any upcoming project should not be above 3 stories for the privacy of occupants of both apartment blocks.

C. Roy
Delivered to Cumberland Council
9 Binda Street, Merrylands West NSW 2160
Complying Development Certificates 210492 - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Demolition of existing structures and the construction of two x two storey attached dwellings.

This developer should not be approved due to Binda Street Merrylands West having severe parking issues as there has been a number of duplex’s and located at 22 Binda Street X three
Units. Every person has a car multiple that by two or three.

I am requesting this development be STOPPED.
Due to the current excessive car street parking across drive ways and footpaths.

No more enough is enough.

Rex Wright
Delivered to Cumberland Council
258 Woodville Road, Merrylands NSW 2160
Development Application - Commercial - Retail - Office - Commercial Premises - Commercial Car Wash - 258-264 Woodville Road Merrylands

Dear Sir/Madam,

We live at the Development Plan DA2021/0701 just only about 50 meters away. In the recent years we have been facing floods in ours backyard many times whenever heavy storm was occurred. Ours backyard consisted a sewerage main hole where rain water came from different directions.

We wonder whether the rain water sewerage system of the new development will be connected to ours current sewerage system because we worry it could be worsen to the place where used to be flooded.

Your concern and investigation will be much appreciated.

Yours truly,

Chun Lee & Vun Liew

Chun Min Lee
Delivered to Cumberland Council
95 Dahlia Street, Greystanes NSW 2145
Child Care Centres and Demolition (DRAFT)

I am concerned about the growing number of commercial operations being allowed in our residential area. There are already multiple childcare centres in Greystanes, run by private enterprises, and attached to schools and churches. I don't feel there is a real need for any more. The development proposed on the corner of Alpha Road and Dahlia Street is also in close proximity to the Cedary cafe, a recent business starting operations in the area. As enjoyable an amenity as it is, it is already causing some difficulty to traffic due to vehicles parking on Dahlia and Hibiscus Streets, and a new childcare centre less than 100 metres away can only add to this problem. The coming and going of parents dropping off more than 70 children each work day of the week will surely be an inconvenience to people in neighbouring properties..

Darryl Wilkes
Delivered to Cumberland Council
73 Bangor Street, Guildford NSW 2161
Development Application - Other Residential - Boarding House - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 4 level, 1 basement, 20 room + 1Managers Room Board House. - 73 Bangor Street Guildford

Dear Planning Department,

We are the owners of Unit 13, 67-71 Bangor Street Guildford. We wish to lodge our objection to the erection of a boarding house at 73 Bangor Street Guildford due to:
1. Issues associated with street parking that will be introduced by this development.
2. Potential noise issues associated with having a boarding house with short term residents so close to our property.
3. Likely detrimental impact on the value of our property with a boarding house in the same vicinity.

Alvin & Deborah Diamond
Delivered to Cumberland Council
73 Bangor Street, Guildford NSW 2161
Development Application - Other Residential - Boarding House - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 4 level, 1 basement, 20 room + 1Managers Room Board House. - 73 Bangor Street Guildford

re: DA2021/0655 proposal for 73 Bangor Street, Guilford NSW

My husband and I are the owners of apartment 16, 67-71 Bangor Street, Guilford and we strongly object to the development proposal on the following grounds:.

(1) A similar proposal has previously been submitted and was rejected.

(2) A boarding house by its nature is certainly going to have the impact of depreciating the value of our property as well as the possibility of causing frequent disturbances in the neighbourhood.

(3) This is generally a residential area and the proposal will add a large number of short term residents - over 20 rooms (incl Manager).

(4) There will be a significant increase in traffic and associated noise. As a boarding house it can be expected that there will be continuous traffic and people movements at all times of the day and night.

(5) The building appears to be higher than most other buildings in the area.

It is our belief if neighbours were aware of the intention they would not be in agreement. We note no public notice on the property nor written plans were sent to neighbours as done previously.

David and Lorraine Bird
Delivered to Cumberland Council
73 Bangor Street, Guildford NSW 2161
Development Application - Other Residential - Boarding House - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 4 level, 1 basement, 20 room + 1Managers Room Board House. - 73 Bangor Street Guildford

I would like to object to this development as I have not been notified of it's construction nor given the chance to object. My understanding is that this development was rejected last time it was submitted so what is the difference in this application?.....and i would like to understand what ' boarding house' menas?

tony todesco
Delivered to Cumberland Council
16 - 24 Memorial Avenue Merrylands NSW 2160
DA's - Advertising Signage (DRAFT) (18 Mcfarlane Street Merrylands)

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16 - 24 Memorial Avenue Merrylands NSW 2160
DA's - Advertising Signage (DRAFT) (18 Mcfarlane Street Merrylands)

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85 Jersey Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Modification Application - S4.55(1A) Modification min. Environmental impact - Demolition of existing structures, construction of an attached two storey dual occupancy and associated Torrens Title subdivision into 2 lots - Modification seeking to delete conditions 1&2 of the schedule A of DA2019/231/1 as a connection to the rear easement is not possible due to downstream property owners not providing consent to Schedule A Condition 2 - 85 Jersey Road, GREYSTANES 2145

Vehicular entrance to properties Is dangerous and where cars are required to reverse out of driveways on this road it is dangerous to occupants and other road users. Illegal grannyflats on this road already result in too many cars parking on the footpaths, hindering passage of mobility impaired persons and others pushing prams and strollers.

Adriajno Yousef
Delivered to Cumberland Council