What kind of development is going there, that is parkland for the public .These areas need to stay as the population grows not for commercial use ..
All recent comments on applications from Cumberland Council, NSW
Hello Cumberland Council,
My Grandma lives in a house on this street and has done for 37 years so I am very comfortable with the area and its surrounds. This development absolutely cannot go ahead. The road is extremely narrow and cannot possibly cope with the additional traffic and cars a 40 room boarding house would need. Furthermore, we would like some information on the type of residents that will be occupying a room in the boarding house. It is my highest priority she feels safe in her home and area she lives in.
I urge the council not to put this application through as it would have astronomical affects on the neighbourhood.
This is a quiet street full of kind hearted residents. They nor the street can have a commercial boarding house.
I ask that Cumberland Council reject this Development application as it will impact the flow of traffic being right on a corner where there is a roundabout with double lines on both adjacent streets. Not only will this be difficult for traffic going into and out of this site, it will increase traffic congestion on an already busy road. Furthermore, the acoustic levels of a large service with 72 children each day will be disruptive to neighbouring residents. Another childcare centre is not required in an area which already has an oversupply.
I am writing to request Cumberland Council to reject the proposal of DA2021/0323
The main concerns are:
1. High occupancy of residency increase traffic on our quiet street, hugely impacting the safety of roads and pedestrian pathway
2. Increasing numbers of cars parking on the street and blocking driver's eyesight when getting in/out the road or driving on the street
3. Short-term residency increase the risk of community
We, as a family with young kids, do enjoy and appreciate the family-oriented community offered. Please help us to raise kids in a great environment and REJECT the DA application.
I am requesting that DA2021/0323, being the construction of a boarding house at
29 Boronia Street, South Wentworthville, be rejected.
I am part owner of the adjacent residence which has been occupied by my mother for the past 68 years, and my sister and I am concerned for their safety and well being.
My request is based on the following considerations:
1. The neighbourhood is one of family groups and elderly, established residents and a development of this type would change the character of the neighbourhood dramatically by encouraging a transient population rather than the stability that has existed for many years.
2. The change in occupancy would impact the security of the area, as the residents of a boarding house would have no connection and therefore little concern for the well being or rights of permanent residents .
3. The street is narrow and already congested by parked cars both day and night, thus creating safety issues and the proposed development does not provide adequate parking for the suggested number of occupants.
4. A double storeyed building will completely overlook neighbouring properties allowing no privacy to these residents.
5. Property values in the area would be negatively impacted by the construction of a boarding house, and would surely encourage future like construction, with no consideration given to the demographics of this family oriented neighbourhood.
Given these reasons I strongly urge Council to deny this proposal,which would allow for a more suitable type of development that maintains the family oriented character of the neighbourhood.
I am requesting that DA2021/0323 which is proposing the construction of a boarding house at 29 Boronia Street, South Wentworthville be rejected.
My objection is due to the following reasons:
1. The style of accommodation proposed is at odds with the character of the existing dwellings in Boronia Street. 25 boarding houses targeting short term accommodation contrasts the current blend of single dwellings and medium density housing. In short it doesn’t add to the current community but devalues it, bringing less desirable high density housing to the street.
2. The high number of tenants housed on a ¼ acre block will bring the added burden of increased competition for on street parking. Parking that is already difficult to come by.
3. The style of accommodation proposed will not attract stable, community minded families or couples but will attract a transient population with little interest in ‘community’.
4. This style of accommodation will attract undesirable tenants (drug dealers, sex workers, criminals) and therefore reduce the safety of locals and make the area less family oriented. Crime in the area is certain to increase.
5. Property values will be negatively impacted by this style of high density accommodation. Who wants to live next to this style of housing? Lots of traffic and human movement creating unnecessary noise. Also if this application is approved, the door will be opened to allow more of the same dwellings in the future.
Given the above-mentioned points, I strongly ask that this development is refused, which will allow for a more compatible development to occur
Please Cumberland Council reject the DA it will turn the greater area into a long term slum. If this DA is approved more will follow. My objections are below regarding the proposal for DA2021/0323/29 Boronia Street South Wentworthville NSW.
My objection is due to the following reasons.
1.Security Concerns: I am concerned as I live alone and there maybe a undesirable element in the high density building.
2. Road side parking and undesirable Increased in traffic: I dont think that Boronia Street can cope up with extra traffic of 30-35 motor vehicles and extra traffic movements. Already residents are struggling to find Street parking from 4:00 pm.
3. The current area is quite and family fixed, mothers walking with their babies and toddlers.
4. council will need to carefully consider the objections reasons before accepting the proposal of construction of boarding rooms and potential slum area.
Please strike it down.
Dear Cumberland Council,
Re: DA2021/0323 – Lot A, DP 376576 - 29 Boronia Street, South Wentworthville
Construction of a boarding house comprising of 25 boarding rooms
I am writing as a local resident of Boronia Street to strongly object to the above application for the development of the 25-room boarding house for a maximum of 50 occupants, as this proposal will have adverse impacts upon the amenity of adjoining properties and upon the character of the surrounding locality, which includes families with young children and elderly residents.
1. Significant loss of amenity in our neighbourhood
The proposed boarding house will result in a detrimental amenity impact on neighbouring residential properties. The Boronia neighbourhood consists largely of individual family homes of varying types, such as single-story, double-story, freestanding and townhouses, with supporting facilities, such as schools and parks, which are valued by locals. The development of a boarding house attracts uncertainty of the type of people that will occupy such residence who may potentially introduce crime and illegal activities, thereby risking the safety of existing residents and deteriorating the family-oriented culture. This development will not compliment the character in which Boronia Street currently holds as it will drastically change the socio-economic status of our neighbourhood. The Developer has neglected to include a social study of such impacts this development will have on our street.
2. Noise generation and disturbance
As mentioned above, our local area consists exclusively of family homes. The nature of the development of the three-storey boarding house is providing a noisy, and oppressive accommodation, as it brings in high population density, and will amplify the noise made up of 50 occupants, 25 – 50 cars, as well as their visitors. Such noise generation and disturbance will have a very strong negative impact on the existing high standard of our residential amenity of the adjoining low density and quiet residential lands.
3. Increased traffic generation
While the Developer has completed a ‘Traffic and Parking Impact’ Assessment of the proposed boarding house development, the assessment was completed in April 2021, during which Covid was very much present, with some residents working from home full-time. The report provided failed to mention such an impacting variable, which alters the results of the assessment and does not reflect the true traffic volume. With the absence of Covid restrictions, together with the proposed development, this will only result in additional traffic which will stretch beyond full capacity and increase delays, especially during peak hour.
4. Adequacy of resident parking
While there are some residents who are working from home, there are others, such as front liners, who are still required to report to work physically. As such, the photo included in the ‘Traffic and Parking Impact’ Assessment does not reflect the true parking capacity of our street as it was taken at a time when some residents are either at work or running errands. I have encountered multiple experiences in the past in which visitors have found difficulty in finding on-street parking in our street. At a given time when all residents are home, there are no vacant on-street parking opportunities found on our residential street. While the proposed development will be providing 13 parking spaces, at full occupancy of the boarding house, there will be a minimum of 25 cars (1 per room) and a maximum of 50 cars (1 per occupant). This will mean that there will be additional 12 to 37 cars relying on street parking, which will result in our street being highly congested.
5. Adequacy of visitor parking
In addition to the increase in resident parking, the proposed development will not be providing any visitor parking, with boarding room visitors needing to park on-street on Boronia Street. As our street is already congested with existing residents, which will only worsen if the proposed development were to be approved and residents will also need to rely on street parking, boarding room visitors will further increase traffic, which our street cannot accommodate with the current full capacity.
Given the above-mentioned points, we strongly ask that this development is refused, which will allow for a more compatible development to occur.
Dear Cumberland Council,
I am requesting that DA2021/0323 which is proposing the construction of a boarding house be rejected.
It is of my opinion that the documentation provided by the developer does not represent the true nature of the community that the residents of Boronia Street calls home.
As it stands the residents of Boronia street range from families with young children to the elderly.
The proposal of the boarding house being built in this community would have potential negative impact to children and other family members exposing us to drug addicts and drug traffickers, paedophiles, sex offenders etc.
The Traffic and Parking Impact report does not accurately represent the parking situation. The image in the report has been taking during work hours. To correctly assess the street parking situation an average should be taken during the evening. This would bring to light the impact the boarding house will have to accommodate the vehicles of 50 additional residents and their visitors where the plan has only provisioned 13 basement car spaces.
I can understand the requirement for low income accommodation in Sydney. But Boronia Street is not the appropriate location for such a dwelling to be built. An alternate and more suitable location should be considered.
Kind Regards
Chris O’Regan
Dear Madam/Sir
I would like to request you to decline the proposed development application (DA2021/0323) 29 Boronia Street,south wentworthville.
Following are my concerns:
1. Boronia Street, is not adequate to cope with such an increase in traffic movements, already residents are struggling to find a Street Parking with the existing number of motor vehicles.
2.The proposal for boarding rooms development comprising of multi tenancy short stay residential paten carries some features of housing commission which is significantly effecting the property values.
3.The proposed Boarding rooms carries an huge threat to young children in the surrounding community. Statistics of recent drug and gun related violence raising in the cumberland council is providing enough evidence to the significant threat.
4.This proposal doesn't suite the character of the Street because it is family oriented and low crime area.
I would like to object on the proposal for DA2021/0323/29 Boronia Street South Wentworthville for the below mentioned reasons.
1. This will increase the traffic flow on the Boronia street and the feel of residential suburb will be gone. I can already seen parking issues on the street and with these boarding houses it will make it worse. I have to everyday look for parking when I have to park on street.
2.The proposal carries some features of a housing commission, which will significantly impact the property value in this area as I recently spent around 2Million on building my house on the top of land value and with housing commission houses my house will be devalued at minimum 500K as my house is directly opposite to it so I alone have to take the biggest toll as my land area is 856m2.
3. Boronia street have got few houses, few town houses and with this approval it will take away Peace and tranquillity & security may get compromised especially taking into account if housing commission houses are coming as all the current families on the street are educated working class and living peacefully with each and these new boarding houses will have impact on mental health of all of us especially taking into account everyone is directly or indirectly impacted by COVID19.
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Dear Cumberland City Council members,
I am an owner and resident of Boronia Street and would like to express my disapproval against application DA2021/0323 for the construction of this boarding house for the following reasons.
1. Street Parking: The 'Traffic and Parking Impact Assessment' provided to support this development is not entirely true. The photo on the report of Boronia street with barely any cars is only the case during the day when residents are away for work. If the council checks the street during after hours from 6:30 pm to the early morning hours you won't find many free parking spots. And given the boarding house will accommodate 50 people and has only provisioned 13 basement car spaces will create a nuisance with street parking.
2. Peace, tranquillity & security: Boronia is a peaceful and tranquil street which mainly comprises families both young and old with children of all ages. Boarding houses are inexpensive in nature and carry features of housing commission which are guaranteed to attract high volume, short stay and low income residents of various characters like drug addicts and drug traffickers, paedophiles, sex offenders who can pose a security threat to our families and properties included. Just like us, most good families study the area before buying or even renting which is how we have such a wonderful street. Please don't ruin it for us by approving such a development in this area.
3.Property value: Last but not the least, it is a well known fact that such boarding houses negatively impact property values big time. If this development is passed, decent families that want to buy or rent on this street will step back and existing residents will slowly start moving out of this place. So please try and picture the impact this boarding house could have in changing the demographics of this street over the next few years.
We, the residents of this street, urge the council to reject this development and at the most only allow a handful of townhouses on that property which will attract good families to settle on our street.
This will probably be the first 4 terraces in Greystanes.
Bad points:-
1. Parking will be a concern as most households have a minimum of two cars so multiply this by 4. This will result in on street parking in front of other neighboring residents as parking out front theses terraces will be impossible. This will have an impact on residential traffic flow.
2. Garage collection once a week might be a nightmare as seen at the other end of Royce street as a perfect example consisting of multiple residential duplexes (bins & rubbish everywhere).
3. If these become non owner occupied (rentals) then the substandard of general maintenance will fall resulting in a ghetto like street scape. Again having some form of future impact to existing local residents.
4. As for property value should not fall over time however this will make it a less appealing street to live in being congested. This will look odd having all larger well kept homes in its surroundings.
In my opinion :-
An exclusive home should be built as to blend in within the neighboring homes or alternative a common dulplex would be reasonable.
This will keep the location and street scape to a consistent standard level of living for Royce st residents as they expected before purchasing homes to live in and not for profitable turnover.
I would also request for this application to be declined on the basis that it would not be compliant with current COVID social distancing restrictions of 1 person for each 4 square metres and would also increase the risk of further Covid outbreaks within our local area as a result of overcrowding.
Boarding houses traditionally also accommodate people whom may also have recently been released from Correctional Facilities whom may also have Child related crime issues thus putting the local children at risk of harm as these people often reoffend according to statistics.
I am concerned that having a boarding house next to our property is going to have a few negative effects on the residential property across the street.
Below are a few of the concerns that I would like to bring to your attention:
1. Safety of the kids in the properties around the boarding house, as a boarding house can accomodate any one without a proper reference and background check.
2. Noise pollution due to the number of people accomodated in a small area.
3. Parking issues on the street.
4. All the properties on the street are residential, with young families with kids. There are no properties with a commercial setup.
5. Having a boarding house right next to our property is going to have a negative effect on the value of the property.
I am writing this to request you to reject the development proposal for the following reasons,
1. This Boronia Street is a quite residential area and consists of young families with many young children. 27 Boronia Street is not located at the end of the alley and the temporary boarding environment is not good for the welfare of children.
2. The size of the land is not enough to favor a building that is populated by too many people especially I spend the most of my spare time at my small backyard. Sharing my narrow fence with that many people will seriously impact my lifestyle.
As a character of this area, a small townhouse would fit this lot.
3. I am very concerned about the removal of trees. The number of big trees there for many years that should not be permitted for the removal. Living with birdsong and witnessing the changes in the nature improves the quality of life.
4. Boronia Street is one of the fast growing residential area but this kind of temporary boarding facility will affect a clear cause for dropping the property value.
5. The most important thing is security concerns associated with some illegal activities by people staying temporarily which breaks peace in my neighbourhood.
Please do reject the proposal.
As a resident, I would like to request the council to reject the proposal DA2021/0323. Following are my main concerns
It does not fit the character if the street
-Our street mostly consists of residential homes and some townhouses. Proposing buildings with 25 boarding rooms do not fit the character of the street. Also the plans show the complex will occupy up to 50.
Parking requirements
-the plan only provides 13 parking spaces and the complex allows visitors, this will create parking chaos for Boronia Street. Surrounding mostly consists of young families. This is going to be a huge safety risk for the kids in the street.
I am an owner of a property in Boronia street South Wentworthville and would like to advise of my disapproval against application DA2021/0323
My reasons for objections are as follows:
1. An associate of mine owns 4 boarding houses which are located newtown and bondi. Each boarding house has a manager who has a responsibility to ensure compliance however, he encounters reports of violence and drug use which are associated due to the type of temporary accomodation it provides. An increase in population with an area may increase the incidence of crime.
2. No feasibility studies have been conducted to ensure wentworthville/south wentworthville can cope with new density target
3. Furthermore, this development fails to fit the character of the street and the community as it is a family oriented, low crime, middle income families.
I hope you consider all possible negative impact this development would have on the cumberland LGA.
To the Cumberland City Council,
Happening a boarding house in this neighbor,
- significantly decrease the property value of the road and the whole suburb.
- introduce crimes and illegal activities, hence jeopardising the quality of community health and safety of the residents
- more road congestion and busy traffic
- noisy environment day/night
I request the Council please review our feedback seriously and kindly decline this proposal completely.
Dear Cumberland City Council, respectfully I request to decline the development proposal for the welfare of the neighborhood.
• Security and safety concerns: due to the nature of boarding house, people come and go for short stays. There would be higher chance of drug trafficking and illegal crime activities. The proposal would introduce more crimes to the peacefully established neighborhood.
• Community health and safety is very critical especially during this pandemic outbreak or in the near future. We witness clearly in this COVID19 outbreak, the more people move around, the more difficult to control the virus spreading in the community. I don't know what virus outbreak will happen in the near future but it is NOT necessary to have a compact, short-term accommodation style boarding house happening in my neighborhood.
• Road Safety and street parking concern: more people will bring the cars and park in the street, certainty of road congestion, traffic and vehicle accidents
• Noise level would be increased due to more people would be in the single compact area day and night.
Instead of boarding house, I welcome Townhouse/villa type of dwellings proposal where permanent/long-term families could move in to our neighborhood.
Current situation in Boronia Street is peaceful, quiet, tidy and well-maintained by all the property owners. I believe we must all maintain this quality of living in our community any possible way now and then.
Hence, I urge Cumberland City Council consider our feedback seriously and decline this proposal. Thank you.
To the Cumberland Council,
I would like to request that the Council please reject this proposal, as it will certainly have negative impact on the socio-economic status of the street and surrounds.
The primary cause for concern is the safety of the residents - our street and its inhabitants are currenly characterised mostly by young families with small children, and older/retired residents. The introduction if this boarding style of accomodation will certainly change this dynamic, and has great chance of bringing in individuals and groups that propose a threat to the safety of our residents.
The inexpensive nature of accomodation and the size of the development guarantees high turn-over of residents which further compromises our safety. There is no guarantee on the type of people this accomodation will be made available to, and you cannot argue with Australian statistics showing heightened crime in areas that have boarding such as this.
Futhermore, Boronia Street is already quite populated, and adding a development such as this will create an even more dense population. It is already a challenge to find parking and navigate the street around cars that are already parked, especially on the side of Boronia closest to Old Prospect Road - this development is proposed to go up in the thick of it.
This development will also certainly reduce the value of the surrounding properties, and change the dynamic of the street.
Our area is familial and residentail - Boronia Street is among those in the South Wentworthville - Merrylands West area that can pride ourselves on having a peaceful, safe environment. The developers proposing this property can in no way guarantee that it will not change the dynamic of our area, nor guarantee that there will be no negative impact.
For these reasons, please reject the proposal.
With due respect, I would like to raise the following concerns to the proposal been sent out.
1. The site is surrounded by low density residential areas and does not support a high density residential use as proposed by the developer. As this proposal is significantly out of keeping with the existing and proposed uses for the site, it has adverse impacts on the surrounding community and the environment.
2. Noise/Environment pollution:
With the amount of boarding rooms, there will be a lot of movement especially people living in and in addition their visitors. So noise and extra emissions can be expected and also cannot be ignored. There is no such need of this kind of project as we are not surrounded by multiplex, any attraction or business hub.
3. Security Concerns:
These kind of short stay accommodations will definitely attract drug dealers/paedofiles or people to do any sort of criminal activity which will be a disaster especially for young people living on the street/neighbourhood.
I urge Council to take this serious as the development will impact negatively in the community.
I would like to ask Cumberland Council to please not accept this proposal due to the following reasons:
1. First and the most important concern would be the security, which due to the nature of this boarding house, different people can live in the same place for a very a short time (usually singles and not families). However, South Wentworthville and specifically Boronia Street, is a family area with the low (or nil) criminal rate.
2. There is no business park nor factory in this suburb, which this clearly confirms that having this kind of complex is unreasonable and unnecessary.
3. Another important concern is the property value, as no one likes to live in the place with constantly changed 25 people (at least) in his/her neighbourhood. The reason is that everyone is looking around to find a family and peaceful area to invest their money and live in. That’s why it can have adverse effect on our property value.
4. If you check the Boronia Street during day/night time, you can hardly find a spot to park your car. Having 25 people in one place can really make this street much more crowded and inconvenient.
I would be really appreciated if our concerns taken in to account.
To The Cumberland Council,
With due respect, I request you not to approve this proposal.There are a number of reasons that this area is not suitable for such commercial complex. Here are the reasons:-
a. Just like my in my case, almost all street residents consists of couples with young kids. There will be all kind of people staying in those rooms and its going to be security nightmare for us.
b. This street is known to be a unique, peaceful and secure street with very less traffic. Bringing in 26+ rooms will mean almost 50 additional people living in this small area and so is the number of vehicles parked around. This will change the nature of our beloved home forever.
c. There is proposal of only 16 car parking in the plan. If all rooms are occupied , where other vehicle will be parked, considering two wheel vehicles are not normally used by customers of such complex ? Please consider vehicles of manager and other support staff also. You can easily imagine the issues we are going to face.