16 Royce Street, Greystanes NSW 2145

Modification Application - Complying Development Certificate - Complying Development Cert Private Certifier Issue - Demolition of existing structures and Construction of 4 attached Terrace Dwellings. Amendment A: Updated Stormwater Plans - 16 Royce street, GREYSTANES
Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.

This will probably be the first 4 terraces in Greystanes.

Bad points:-

1. Parking will be a concern as most households have a minimum of two cars so multiply this by 4. This will result in on street parking in front of other neighboring residents as parking out front theses terraces will be impossible. This will have an impact on residential traffic flow.
2. Garage collection once a week might be a nightmare as seen at the other end of Royce street as a perfect example consisting of multiple residential duplexes (bins & rubbish everywhere).
3. If these become non owner occupied (rentals) then the substandard of general maintenance will fall resulting in a ghetto like street scape. Again having some form of future impact to existing local residents.
4. As for property value should not fall over time however this will make it a less appealing street to live in being congested. This will look odd having all larger well kept homes in its surroundings.

In my opinion :-
An exclusive home should be built as to blend in within the neighboring homes or alternative a common dulplex would be reasonable.
This will keep the location and street scape to a consistent standard level of living for Royce st residents as they expected before purchasing homes to live in and not for profitable turnover.

Amalia Kalaf
Delivered to Cumberland Council

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