All recent comments on applications from Cumberland Council, NSW

29 Boronia Street, South Wentworthville NSW 2145
Development Application - Other Residential - Boarding House - Demolition of the site's existing structures, and construction of a new boarding house development. The proposed development is to comprise of 2 levels and attic built over on level of basement carparking. The proposal comprises of two separate built forms erected over the single basement level. The proposal will provide for a total of 25 boarding room, 1 manager's room, communal area, and car parking area on basement level - 29 Boronia Street, SOUTH WENTWORTHVILLE

Due to the following reasons I request the Council authority to reject the proposal.
1. The proposed boarding house plan in 29 Boronia Street seriously contradicts the present residential system in the street. If this is approved then this will be the first of it’s type dwelling in the area. And clearly such kind of commercial accommodation arrangements will change the street residential environment .
2. The residents of this street are family people with kids and elderly people. In such residential area if a dwelling is approved for mainly short staying budget people or sort of housing commission community, it will highly increase the safety of the kids , women and other people living around it. The reason I am saying this because I have seen plenty examples in areas like mount Druit, plumpton where there are many budget accommodations are available. Incidents like child abuse, hijack etc .
3. Any planning similar to housing commission community will significantly decrease the property value of the road and area.
4. In an area of 1044 sqm , 25 boarding room will be very high number . If we consider 2 car for each room please there will be 50 cars plus guests. This will spoil the environment .

Considering the street demographic environment , few units for small and medium families makes it more suitable proposal to me.
Using this property for commercial benefit in expenses of surrounding peaceful environment will be a disaster .
I there for hope that council will ask the investors to change their plan. Thanks.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
29 Boronia Street, South Wentworthville NSW 2145
Development Application - Other Residential - Boarding House - Demolition of the site's existing structures, and construction of a new boarding house development. The proposed development is to comprise of 2 levels and attic built over on level of basement carparking. The proposal comprises of two separate built forms erected over the single basement level. The proposal will provide for a total of 25 boarding room, 1 manager's room, communal area, and car parking area on basement level - 29 Boronia Street, SOUTH WENTWORTHVILLE

Due to the following reasons I would request council to reject the proposal and please save the the current character of the south Wentworthvile suburb and life style of Boronia street.

1. 25 boarding houses on a 1044 sqm is not reasonable and cause a higher density of this area. The character of the street has a mixture of houses, duplex and town houses. 25 on the block will add undue pressure to the sorrounding amenity. Street parking and loss of open/ vegetation. In addition,these dwellings will be totally compromised on their space which will have a serious impact on the street lifestyle.The proposed boarding houses will be a type of short stay purpose and we cannot expect families and couples. Which will be a major change to the current demographics of the street and may attract various type of people and have an impact on the settled lifestyle of the street.

2. The proposal carries some features of a housing commission,which will significantly impact the property value in this area.

3. Tree removal should not be permitted if we are to preserve ever-shrinking wildlife habitat and worst effects of climate change.

There is a big tree on the lot which has been there for decades. Please don't permit the tree removal to protect the birds/wildlife and vegetation of the street.

Reddy Odiveti
Delivered to Cumberland Council
535 Merrylands Road, Merrylands NSW 2160
Section 8.3 Review of refusal for the demolition of existing structures and removal of trees and construction of a 90-bed residential aged care facility, including at grade car parking and associated site improvements (State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004

I would like to know who is building this facility. Is it council ,church etc.
Is there going to be ample parking for staff ,visitors and trades people or are they going to be parking in already congested side streets. Is the entrance and exit on Merrylands Rd. Are plans available to be viewed by surrounding residents.
Are residents permitted to have their say about over building and overcrowding in this particular area.

Phyllis Hoole
Delivered to Cumberland Council
96 Oramzi Road, Girraween NSW 2145
Demolition of existing structures and construction of multi dwelling housing comprising of 9 dwellings over basement car parking

I request council to check the flood controls on this property designs and approvals. When we opposed the construction of boarding house on this property in few years back, we came to know there many flood controls are required to maintain on this property due to the land located on flood path.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
13 Pritchard Street East, Wentworthville NSW 2145
Section 4.55(1A) modification application for various amendments to the approved mixed use development including amendments to the public domain, lobbies, retail areas and reduced levels (RLs) of the ground floor, subdivision of a retail/commercial tenancy, reduction in car parking spaces, and relocation of basement on-site detention tank

I can’t see any documentation detailing the proposed changes to the public domain. Is this intentional? If so, I don’t think that’s appropriate since it is the community who will predominantly be using the public domain. The lack of documentation lacks transparency which is a concern. The community should be properly informed on how the public domain will be changed. Could council please provide the relevant documentation so we can comment appropriately?

Similarly, will the reduction of the 11 car parking spaces mean the total amount of car spaces be less than what is required according to the local DCP and LEP?

Would really appreciate more information so the public can provide useful feedback.

Thank you.

Cristina Baker
Delivered to Cumberland Council
24 Pearson Street, South Wentworthville NSW 2145
Development Application - Residential Single Dwelling - Demolition of Existing building, Construction of a double storeys dual occupancy, a front fence and Torrens subdivide the land - 24 Pearson Street, SOUTH WENTWORTHVILLE NSW 2145

No further trees be removed from the back of the property as two full grown trees have already been removed

Delivered to Cumberland Council
17 Brooks Circuit, Lidcombe NSW 2141
Alterations, fitout and use of existing premises for the purpose of a medical centre

The street view reference is not 17 Brooks Cct.
It is Main Ave and shows the rear of the the development site.

Bruce Bennedick
Sent to Cumberland Council
34 Greystanes Road, Greystanes NSW 2145
Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential Single Dwelling - Construction of two storey dwelling, attached garage, retaining walls and swimming pool - 34 Greystanes Road GREYSTANES

As from yesterday construction on an empty lot behind my house , 34 Greystanes Rd, Greystanes has commenced without us been notified or contacted by the developer.
We understand that this development has been signed off by Private Certifier.
As affected property owners we would like to see some drawings of the proposed development and understand how this development will affect us.

Antonis Anastassiades
Delivered to Cumberland Council
54A Louis Street, Granville NSW 2142
Section 4.56 application to modify size of neighbourhood shop

As much as I would like to see progress, there is a need for parking spaces to cater for this business. There is an established shop on the corner across the street which has been there for over fourty years. This shop has brought issues of people parking on both sides of the street in close and illegal proximity to the corner and in the 'No standing zone' on both sides of the street. It has deffinitely got worse in recent years. If this buiness at 54A is given permission to run then I would forsee an increase in traffic and people who illegally park and hence a greater risk of injury to pedestrians and vehicles in accidents.
Kind regards,
Concerned resident.

Louis St Resident
Delivered to Cumberland Council
54A Louis Street, Granville NSW 2142
Section 4.56 application to modify size of neighbourhood shop

As much as I would like to see progress, there is a need for parking spaces to cater for this business. There is an established buiness on the corner across the street which has been there for over fourty years. This buiness has brought issues of people parking on both sides of the street in close and illegal proximity to the corner and in the 'No standing zone'. If this buiness is given permission to run then I would forsee an increase in traffic and people who illegally park and hence a greater risk of injury to pedestrians and other vehicles.
Kind regards,
Concerned resident.

Louis St Resident
Delivered to Cumberland Council
51 Davison Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - A single dwelling - Construction of an attached Dual Occupancy - 51 Davison Street MERRYLANDS

Do we really need more duplexes in the street? Their is an oversupply of them in the area, so all we get are scum renting them out. They use their garages as another lounge room and then have all their cars parking along the street. The street is already congested with cars that are either dumped or not registered, or cars not even belonging to those that live on the street. Council needs to stop these duplexes.

Sarah Jegison
Delivered to Cumberland Council
48 Lockwood Street, Merrylands NSW 2160
Demolition of an existing dwelling house and associated structures, and the construction of a 2 storey boarding house containing seven (7) boarding rooms, on-site parking for two (2) vehicles and associated landscaping and tree removal

Parking in Lockwood street a premium NOW.
Two cars only require 4-5 car spaces. Street parking not an option.

Rex Wright
Delivered to Cumberland Council
213 Targo Road, Girraween NSW 2145
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Multi-unit residential building -This Stage Two Construction Certificate is to address: Remainder of approved building works above basement slab approved by Stage 1

They have large trucks and cement pumps/trucks across the footpaths.
Very dangerous to pedestrians & school children.

Delivered to Cumberland Council
213 Targo Road, Girraween NSW 2145
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Multi-unit residential building -This Stage Two Construction Certificate is to address: Remainder of approved building works above basement slab approved by Stage 1

The construction is currently being done which is now blocking the footpath for children to walk to the nearby schools, St Anthony’s Primary and Girraween Public. They are using unsafe work practices to ensure the safety of the public to use the footpath in between their trucks and the worksite. This site is now unsafe to pass by to get to the school opposite this site

Eleanor Mulligan
Delivered to Cumberland Council
4 Bando Road, Girraween NSW 2145
Section 4.56 modification to reconfigure the basement level including the provision of an additional car space, alterations and additions to unit layouts, including additional bedrooms, bathrooms and wardrobes, allocation of adaptable units and reduction in landscaped areas

I am greatly opposed to this construction :
This address is directly opposite Girraween Primary School, which is busy at the best of times with existing developments in the area adjacent to Tungarra Rd. Girraween.
Drop off times before and after school is difficult for parking without the extra cars that would be parked on the street for the units.
People usually have more than one car per household, so there would be more cars on the street during the day. This would greatly impact the safety of children both coming & leaving school.
I hope that the Council will do the right thing by the residence of this area.

Maxine Koimanis
Delivered to Cumberland Council
4 Bando Road, Girraween NSW 2145
Section 4.56 modification to reconfigure the basement level including the provision of an additional car space, alterations and additions to unit layouts, including additional bedrooms, bathrooms and wardrobes, allocation of adaptable units and reduction in landscaped areas

School traffic / walking and driving will be impacted greatly when construction begins.

Betty Brown
Delivered to Cumberland Council
25 Louis Street, Granville NSW 2142
Development Application - Community Facilities - Place of Worship - Demolition of existing structures, removal of trees. Development of 2 storey Nepalese Place of Public worship over 2 Levels of Basement Parking.

I believe Louis street is already very congested with so many cars and trucks that will only get worse if this place of worship gets approval. Car spots are already limited and there is no guarantee that all worshipers will park in their allocated building which may be undercapacity.
Please reduce the noise and traffic flow on Louis St.
Thank you kindly.
PS. I have not received any written proposal from the council in regards to this proposal.

Concerned Louis streeter!
Delivered to Cumberland Council
36 Binda Street, Merrylands West NSW 2160
Modification Application - Construction Certificate - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Demolition of existing structures; construction of an attached 2 storey dual occupancy with associated Torrens subdivision into 2 lots and front fence. C9A262B3 - The construction certificate relates to those works associated within the development consent relating to the modification of approval number C9A262B1 for the modified stormwater plans. - 36 Binda Street Merrylands West.

ALL demolition work is to be carried out with AUst Standards- Asbestos removal, safety procedures to be followed without risk to environmental and residential owners occupiers.

Rex Wright
Delivered to Cumberland Council
36 Binda Street, Merrylands West NSW 2160
Modification Application - Construction Certificate - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Demolition of existing structures; construction of an attached 2 storey dual occupancy with associated Torrens subdivision into 2 lots and front fence. C9A262B3 - The construction certificate relates to those works associated within the development consent relating to the modification of approval number C9A262B1 for the modified stormwater plans. - 36 Binda Street Merrylands West.

ALL demolition work is to be carried out with AUst Standards- Asbestos removal, safety procedures to be followed without risk to environmental and residential owners occupiers.

Rex Wright
Delivered to Cumberland Council
5 Bransgrove Street, Wentworthville NSW 2145
Construction Certificates - Construction Certificate Private Certifier Issue - Demolition of existing structures, consolidation of 4 lots into 1 lot, construction of a 5 storey residential flat building over basement parking accommodating 48 units and 47 parking spaces under Affordable Rental Housing SEPP 2009.

The whole area seems to be becoming affordable housing hub. Council should ensure that it should not become another mafia/drug hub of western Sydney. The whole of eesington st, Great western highway, all have been built under affordable housing. it has become impossible to live in the area.

Radhay Kishori
Delivered to Cumberland Council
25 York Street, Berala NSW 2141
Demolition of existing structures and construction of a two storey Boarding House containing 36 rooms (35 boarding rooms and 1 managers room) over basement parking

We submit the following reasons for not wanting a 36 bedroom boarding house with parking built in our street.

York Street is a very short street leading up to Park Road with 8 units, 2 duplexes, 26 townhouses and an unofficial boarding home across the road from where we live rented out to men (3) and a granny flat at the rear with parking which is also rented out. (This is on the even side numbers of our street). Different cars park outside our property from late afternoon to early evening and we can see that they come from that property.

We have lived in our property for 26 years and our neighbours at No. 20 have lived in their house for over 20 years, No. 22 has lived in her house for 34 years, No. 24 for over 26 years, No. 1 Wrights Avenue for over 15 years. It is obvious that we all like living in this street and area which is very quiet and peaceful in the evening and it is a good family area. The proposed boarding house is only two houses away from York Park where many school aged children play after school and in the early summer evenings and on weekends.

We believe that Environment and Planning have already approved a 29 bedroom boarding house at 188 Woodburn Road, Berala on the corner of Elizabeth Street which is not too far away from the proposed one in York Street.

There are already parking problems in this street. We can't even park in front of our own house most of the time. There seems to be a lot more traffic (light trucks) using York Street to by-pass the traffic lights in Lidbury Street to turn into the busy Park Road which leads to Auburn. We believe there will be more traffic disruption in this street when and if the said boarding house is built, also the boarding house is close to the intersection of Wrights Avenue and York Street.

We feel that a better option to build a boarding house across the railway line in Campbell Street which only has houses on one side of the street and there is less traffic flow and is still in close proximity to facilities.

We respectfully request that you consider all these issues when determining the application.

We have not made a donation or gift to a councillor or council employee.

We request that our personal information be suppressed under Section 58 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

Thank You.


Boon K Tan and Janet Tan
Delivered to Cumberland Council
2B Union Road, Auburn NSW 2144
Retrospective consent for the alterations and additions to an existing residential flat building to incorporate an enclosed communal area on the ground floor

Nice 👍🏼

Delivered to Cumberland Council
174 Military Road, Guildford NSW 2161
Alterations and additions to an existing industrial building to use as a community facility

What exactly would be the nature of business conducted as a community facility , which will be held at this location.
Thank you.

Basil Cardis
Delivered to Cumberland Council
11 John Street Lidcombe NSW 2141
Section 4.55(1A) modification to the mixed used development to amend the internal layout of residential units 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 64, 69 and 79 to provide additional study room on Levels 1 to 8

To whom it may concern,

I cannot locate the decision for this modification on Council's website.

I represent buyers of this block who purchased off the plan 7 years ago and left in limbo.

Please update Council's eplanning website for transparency.

Delivered to Cumberland Council