25 York Street, Berala NSW 2141

Demolition of existing structures and construction of a two storey Boarding House containing 36 rooms (35 boarding rooms and 1 managers room) over basement parking
Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
152 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.

We submit the following reasons for not wanting a 36 bedroom boarding house with parking built in our street.

York Street is a very short street leading up to Park Road with 8 units, 2 duplexes, 26 townhouses and an unofficial boarding home across the road from where we live rented out to men (3) and a granny flat at the rear with parking which is also rented out. (This is on the even side numbers of our street). Different cars park outside our property from late afternoon to early evening and we can see that they come from that property.

We have lived in our property for 26 years and our neighbours at No. 20 have lived in their house for over 20 years, No. 22 has lived in her house for 34 years, No. 24 for over 26 years, No. 1 Wrights Avenue for over 15 years. It is obvious that we all like living in this street and area which is very quiet and peaceful in the evening and it is a good family area. The proposed boarding house is only two houses away from York Park where many school aged children play after school and in the early summer evenings and on weekends.

We believe that Environment and Planning have already approved a 29 bedroom boarding house at 188 Woodburn Road, Berala on the corner of Elizabeth Street which is not too far away from the proposed one in York Street.

There are already parking problems in this street. We can't even park in front of our own house most of the time. There seems to be a lot more traffic (light trucks) using York Street to by-pass the traffic lights in Lidbury Street to turn into the busy Park Road which leads to Auburn. We believe there will be more traffic disruption in this street when and if the said boarding house is built, also the boarding house is close to the intersection of Wrights Avenue and York Street.

We feel that a better option to build a boarding house across the railway line in Campbell Street which only has houses on one side of the street and there is less traffic flow and is still in close proximity to facilities.

We respectfully request that you consider all these issues when determining the application.

We have not made a donation or gift to a councillor or council employee.

We request that our personal information be suppressed under Section 58 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

Thank You.


Boon K Tan and Janet Tan
Delivered to Cumberland Council

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