54A Louis Street, Granville NSW 2142

Section 4.56 application to modify size of neighbourhood shop
Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
189 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.

As much as I would like to see progress, there is a need for parking spaces to cater for this business. There is an established buiness on the corner across the street which has been there for over fourty years. This buiness has brought issues of people parking on both sides of the street in close and illegal proximity to the corner and in the 'No standing zone'. If this buiness is given permission to run then I would forsee an increase in traffic and people who illegally park and hence a greater risk of injury to pedestrians and other vehicles.
Kind regards,
Concerned resident.

Louis St Resident
Delivered to Cumberland Council

As much as I would like to see progress, there is a need for parking spaces to cater for this business. There is an established shop on the corner across the street which has been there for over fourty years. This shop has brought issues of people parking on both sides of the street in close and illegal proximity to the corner and in the 'No standing zone' on both sides of the street. It has deffinitely got worse in recent years. If this buiness at 54A is given permission to run then I would forsee an increase in traffic and people who illegally park and hence a greater risk of injury to pedestrians and vehicles in accidents.
Kind regards,
Concerned resident.

Louis St Resident
Delivered to Cumberland Council

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