4 Gilba Road, Pendle Hill NSW 2145

Modification Application - S4.55(2) Other modifications. - Demolition of existing structures; consolidation of 2 lots into 1 lot; construction of a 5 storey shop top housing development comprising a medical centre and 3 commercial tenancies at ground floor level; 32 residential units above 2 levels of basement carpark accommodating 72 parking spaces. - The modifications are: refinement of the approved design scheme, minor amendments are proposed in order to deliver a more efficient floor plans, basement layout and apartment layouts to facilitate a more commercially feasible tenancy and introduce apartments under the NDIS scheme. - 2 Gilba Road Pendle Hill
Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.

There are two neighbouring homes now with units on the side and now behind them. Why didn't council include our properties as we are now landlocked and have devalued our house's. The town planner has deliberately gone around our properties without any regard of the families living there. Doesn't make sense when they could of had two street frontages. How do you zone B2 behind R2? Why is there R4 in the same street?

George Sakr
Delivered to Cumberland Council

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