78 Alpha Road, Greystanes NSW 2145

Complying Development Certificates - Private Issued Complying Development Certificate - Residential Alterations and Additions - Alterations and additions and in-ground swimming pool - 78 Alpha Rd GREYSTANES 2145
Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
71 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
5 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.

As the rightful owner I would suggest the application be reviewed. As is property is not in the hands of the rightful owners.

Delivered to Cumberland Council

I read the requiments to a pool iproces and it seems to have bi record of a registered pool.i would be greatlful if you I could be given the past information re the sale details as I hold an interest and need to view what you hold as to myself..
our children were taken from a hom
e- we deserve to be given back our home- the council I hope also holds the view- that protecting their community, homes to ensure the Cumberland holds a high regard to the role they hold-

Delivered to Cumberland Council

I read the requiments re a pool it seems to have bi record of a registered pool.i would be greatlful if you I could be given the past information re the sale details as I hold an interest and need to view what you hold as to myself..
our children were taken from a home
e- we deserve to be given back our home- the council I hope also holds the view- that protecting their community, homes to ensure the Cumberland holds a high regard to the role they hold- it

Delivered to Cumberland Council

Urgent application to apply to the land planning court - I have attempted to reach out to the council on several occasions- I seek the right to appeal- as the beneficial owner

Leah Franchi
Delivered to Cumberland Council


Certificates of completion/finalised worls as urgent possession is required. I


Leah Franch
rules under the planniing act 1979. and all related acts

LEAH Franchi
Delivered to Cumberland Council

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