I would like to object to this development as I have not been notified of it's construction nor given the chance to object. My understanding is that this development was rejected last time it was submitted so what is the difference in this application?.....and i would like to understand what ' boarding house' menas?
73 Bangor Street, Guildford NSW 2161
- Description
- Development Application - Other Residential - Boarding House - Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 4 level, 1 basement, 20 room + 1Managers Room Board House. - 73 Bangor Street Guildford
- Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 141 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.
re: DA2021/0655 proposal for 73 Bangor Street, Guilford NSW
My husband and I are the owners of apartment 16, 67-71 Bangor Street, Guilford and we strongly object to the development proposal on the following grounds:.
(1) A similar proposal has previously been submitted and was rejected.
(2) A boarding house by its nature is certainly going to have the impact of depreciating the value of our property as well as the possibility of causing frequent disturbances in the neighbourhood.
(3) This is generally a residential area and the proposal will add a large number of short term residents - over 20 rooms (incl Manager).
(4) There will be a significant increase in traffic and associated noise. As a boarding house it can be expected that there will be continuous traffic and people movements at all times of the day and night.
(5) The building appears to be higher than most other buildings in the area.
It is our belief if neighbours were aware of the intention they would not be in agreement. We note no public notice on the property nor written plans were sent to neighbours as done previously.
Dear Planning Department,
We are the owners of Unit 13, 67-71 Bangor Street Guildford. We wish to lodge our objection to the erection of a boarding house at 73 Bangor Street Guildford due to:
1. Issues associated with street parking that will be introduced by this development.
2. Potential noise issues associated with having a boarding house with short term residents so close to our property.
3. Likely detrimental impact on the value of our property with a boarding house in the same vicinity.