I strongly object to this development. This development will have a negative affect on the local community and environment for the below reasons:
1. Increased traffic levels
Myee street already has a high level of traffic as it serves Merrylands East Public school. Walker street also serves the school and the Day-care centre and these streets are already extremely busy throughout the week particularly during drop off and pick up times. The traffic congestion is further increased by residents trying to leave their homes to go work, general traffic and couriers drivers. This development particularly the operating hours proposed of Monday to Sunday – 7am to 9:30pm is going to significantly have a negative impact on the level of traffic.
2.Parking and accessibility
Parking is already limited due to multiple driveways and congestion from the school. Cars are often double parked, backed up and blocking driveways. Whilst this development proposes 8 spots for off-street parking, it is not merely enough parking if the facility is to accommodate 2 staff and 15 patrons during the day time and 4 staff and 25 patrons during the evening. Approving this development is only going to add to the parking issue by further reducing the availability of parking and adding to the increasing frustration of residents.
3. Environmental Impact
This proposal requires the removal of 15 trees, 6 of which are considered high and medium priority. This is a significant amount of trees and will have a significant impact on the environment.
4. Safety Risk
The increased traffic, pollution and noise posses a significant increase to the safety and health of the residents and children attending the school.
Noise Pollution
It is proposed that this service will operate every day between 7am to 9:30pm. How is the noise going to be managed particularly if they anticipate a total of 29 people in the evening. This can potentially pose a significant disturbance to the residents.
5. Sufficient Islamic Centre in the Area
There is already a significant number of available Muslim community centre within the Cumberland local government for residents to access and utilise, including the Darul Arqam on Fowler Rd Merrylands which is 24hrs.
For these reasons i strongly object to this development and hope Council considers my concerns.