42 Rowley Street, Pendle Hill NSW 2145

S4.55(1A) modification seeking to amend the driveway of the approved dwelling
Planning Authority
Cumberland Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
226 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Cumberland Council. Add your own comment.

I object the proposed widening of the footway crossing from 4m to 5m due to adverse impacts on the local environment and community, including:
- excessive width, increasing available turning arcs for vehicles entering and leaving #42, encouraging faster turns and movements across the public footway, reducing public safety
- longer/wider exposure for pedestrians using the footway, making the footway more uncomfortable for a local street, and substantially increasing the proportion of frontage devoted to vehicles and concrete
- increased concrete area and reduced landscaping area, reducing groundwater absorption and increasing urban heat island effects
- reducing opportunity for on-street parking, by reducing the kerbside length between driveways
- adequacy of the approved access for the nearly complete double garage and forecourt at #42

Bruce Simpson
Delivered to Cumberland Council

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