The lack of information with the plan lodgement beggars belief. How can a meaningful assessment be undertaken?
This proposal should be rejected outright. It is totally contrary to the local environmental plan that existed when our land was purchased, namely single occupancy, 2000 sq m blocks. Tamworth Regional Council eroded this with its decision to allow blocks of 1000 sq m, allegedly to maximise return from water / sewer infrastructure. This proposal even further erodes the life style that we bought into. Already this subdivision has poor amenities compared to neighbouring ones and is simply not designed for this density level. There are other subdivisions close by in North Tamworth that cater for this type of development.
All recent comments on applications from Tamworth Regional Council, NSW
I’m seeking an important clarification.
1. The Environmental Impact statement does not address the fact that the proposed location is in fact a buffer zone to the adjoining nature reserve. This was a critical buffer in the case of fire but also to the wildlife. Unless this has been modified without notification to neighbouring land holders, this simply prohibits building in the proposed location. The existing shed is placed intentionally outside of this zone.
2. Is it proposed that the shipping container currently placed on the Windmill Drive side of the land be relocated? Is this subject to this application as a permanent structure or will it remain temporary?
I find this application totally inconsistent with the character of the suburb. Initially all blocks were to have a minimum of 2000sq metres. This was altered to 1000m allegedly to make better use of the water /sewerage infrastructure. This within itself caused much dissension amongst the residents who had purchased and built on based on the previous LEP. This proposal further erodes the “rural” character of Moore Creek and should be rejected outright.
Gorman Street is a quiet narrow residential street. Always has been.
The planned DA will create additional traffic congestion all the time and the frequency of additional traffic will adversely affect the otherwise quiet neighbourhood.
This type of development should be kept to wider and busier streets that can accommodate.
This development would negatively affect not just my property but the entire street. There is currently no other business on the street and that’s because it’s residential and a very narrow street. The street already has far too many units causing excess traffic and parking issues.
Please keep our street residential to maintain our lifestyle. Businesses should be kept to wide, ‘main streets’ type streets like piper or Johnson st. Gorman street is not in a business district.
The lane way at the back is extremely narrow and again would have massive negative effects on all neighboring properties.
We simply do not need or want a large business within our small tight street.
Thank you.
This development would negatively affect not just my property but the entire street. There is currently no other business on the street and that’s because it’s residential and a very narrow street. The street already has far too many units causing excess traffic and parking issues.
Please keep our street residential to maintain our lifestyle. Businesses should be kept to wide, ‘main streets’ type streets like piper or Johnson st. Gorman street is not in a business district.
The lane way at the back is extremely narrow and again would have massive negative effects on all neighboring properties.
We simply do not need or want a large business within our small tight street.
Thank you.
This development is simply too big for the site at 7-9 Gorman Street Tamworth. The road is too narrow for parked cars and traffic flowing in both directions. Of site parking is a concern for the narrow street and will not accommodate additional volume of parked vehicles. This DA should be rejected and should not be considered with any amendments to the current DA, as the street can not take on a development of its size.
Trying to conduct business in Tamworth is becoming harder. Unfortunately we don't have a choice and have to use Australian post,parcels can travel around the world in day's but when it gets to Tamworth it can take weeks to be delivered. I see from other comments about package being on board for delivery only to go back to in transit .DON'T DEPEND ON THIS SERVICE. SHAME AUSTRALIA POST.
I'm am totally over the Tamworth centre and it's pathetic employees. If you have no intention of doing your job why are you still working. Package on board for delivery yesterday day and the lazy good for nothing drove straight past three times before changing status from on board for delivery to in transit. This is not exceptable 👿
Council should close this totally useless excuse for a business down. They are totally incompetent and they are uncontactable.
Hello, just to let you know that there is a 40 Gordon St, Calala 2340 now. I built the house and now living in it 😀
I had package delivered to wrong address I have a photo of package from sender & it clearly has my address written on it. So how can they stuff that up Still waiting for someone to let me know weather driver went back to get it . Very unhappy about as not a cheap parcel.
You guys are usless go back to school learn to read about you put our parcel at a diff street name learn to read halfwits.
Ok by me. No problems.
KWM006279201000935003 . Hi, This parcel was sorted in Chullora Sydney on the 29 april at 804 am . Which means it is now in tamworth and has been for several days ??? can I expect delivery any time soon .? or would it be quicker for me to drive from Inverell to Tamworth to collect It . ??
Just wondering if this anything to do with the new Arcadia Estate and Bylong Rd
Just wondering as to why sewer and water are stopping here and not continuing
This is a very significant level off development that will cater for seniors living needs for at least the next forty years in a rapidly expanding area of Tamworth. However, there are issues obviously in need of reconsideration.
1. The Brown & Knippner Environmental Impact Statement is severely lacking for such a significant and large scale development. This development deserves better than a few cut and paste statements, which appear to be be simply "going through the motions."
2. The major entry off Moore Creek Road, adjacent to a well recognised "black spot" intersection needs reconsideration. Turning right into such a facility from Moore Creek Road on a down hill slope when coupled with the increased residential development and traffic flows across the Hills Plain area presents an unacceptable risk.
2. Any aged care facility with two story buildings is an unacceptable and should be avoided especially when there is no shortage available land.
3. Double story construction out of character within the area which is restricted to single story dwellings and if approved will destroy the existing character of the area.
4. Will the developer be required to improve all adjacent road infrastructure? Council uses the excuse that it can only undertake road improvements if developers pay for it. What steps will be undertaken to ensure adequate developer contributions are collected?
5. Recently council approved a reduction in lot sizes north of Browns Lanes on the basis that they had provided water/ sewerage infrastructure for a larger population then the larger allotment distribution delivered. Will council be required to reverse this decision if this DA is approved?
Every extra lot has potential to increase traffic on Browns Lane. Several recent council decisions have adversely impacted on this - revised lot sizes to 1000m and revised entry to a Moore Creek Gardens from Browns Lane being most significant. This proposal, although seemingly minimal in isolation, will further compound the increased risk at the Moore Creek Road Browns Lane intersection especially with Child Care centre operational. As this subdivision is closer to Manilla Road than Moore Creek Road, will additional developer contributions be required to facilitate the sealing of Browns Lane to Manilla Road to elliviate some of the traffic at the Moore Creek Road intersection.
I think this house is a peice of history that really needs to be preserved.
There is so much land on that lot, is it absolutely necessary to demolish the place along with a peice of hanging rock history?
I was interested in buying this property, although the time wasn't right for me, such a little gem. Also a beautiful reflection of the years gone by.
I'm not sure if How was responsible for breaking your parcel or riding over lawns, but regardless, this Web page merely contains information regarding a development consent issued by the TRC for signage at the mail sorting centre. It was determined in June 2014 so both complaints won't get too far sorry.
All we can do is hope How will develop into a more responsible postie.
I got a parcel in the mail and it was broken. Not very happy. I would like to know how is responsible for that.
I got a parcel in the mail and it was broken. Not very happy. I would like to know how is responsible for that.
I have since my previous comment, had a look at the building site, it would appear that the relevant piece of ground will be above the flood zone, so my objection to this with regards to flooding is withdrawn.