7-9 Gorman Street North Tamworth NSW 2340

PAN-230898 - Demolition of Existing Dwelling and Structures, Allotment Consolidation, Construction of a Centre-based Childcare Centre, and Medical Centre with Pharmacy
Planning Authority
Tamworth Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
24 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Tamworth Regional Council. Add your own comment.

This development is simply too big for the site at 7-9 Gorman Street Tamworth. The road is too narrow for parked cars and traffic flowing in both directions. Of site parking is a concern for the narrow street and will not accommodate additional volume of parked vehicles. This DA should be rejected and should not be considered with any amendments to the current DA, as the street can not take on a development of its size.

Delivered to Tamworth Regional Council

This development would negatively affect not just my property but the entire street. There is currently no other business on the street and that’s because it’s residential and a very narrow street. The street already has far too many units causing excess traffic and parking issues.
Please keep our street residential to maintain our lifestyle. Businesses should be kept to wide, ‘main streets’ type streets like piper or Johnson st. Gorman street is not in a business district.

The lane way at the back is extremely narrow and again would have massive negative effects on all neighboring properties.

We simply do not need or want a large business within our small tight street.

Thank you.

Delivered to Tamworth Regional Council

This development would negatively affect not just my property but the entire street. There is currently no other business on the street and that’s because it’s residential and a very narrow street. The street already has far too many units causing excess traffic and parking issues.
Please keep our street residential to maintain our lifestyle. Businesses should be kept to wide, ‘main streets’ type streets like piper or Johnson st. Gorman street is not in a business district.

The lane way at the back is extremely narrow and again would have massive negative effects on all neighboring properties.

We simply do not need or want a large business within our small tight street.

Thank you.

Delivered to Tamworth Regional Council

Gorman Street is a quiet narrow residential street. Always has been.

The planned DA will create additional traffic congestion all the time and the frequency of additional traffic will adversely affect the otherwise quiet neighbourhood.

This type of development should be kept to wider and busier streets that can accommodate.

Delivered to Tamworth Regional Council

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