We don't want this to go ahead as our way of life will be severely diminished , we object to not being able to park in front of our house, we have grown up children with cars, wont be able to have visitors or deliveries and only left hand turn to our property. We have problems most of the day getting out and in the drive way as it is . We have lived here for 15 years. We believe that we would be stuck in our properties and not be able to get out most of the day. We are not against Aldi as we shop there now, its just where they want to build. Surely there must be a better place and not ruin our street and others near by. We are not sure if our house prices will drop or be even able to sell if this goes ahead.
7 Scott Road South Tamworth NSW 2340
- Description
- Subdivision (One Lot into Two) and Construction of Supermarket, Signage & Car Park
- Planning Authority
Tamworth Regional Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 8 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 20 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Tamworth Regional Council. Add your own comment.
Surely this area would be considered flood prone???? I can remember flood waters flowing right though there. And we have not had a major flood, with the new levee bank system around Taminda yet, where is all that water going to back up, into the Scotts Rd flood plain, right where this building will go. My objection is to the risk to any building that might build on that site due to flood, how can the Council contemplate such a risky, due to flood, application???
I have since my previous comment, had a look at the building site, it would appear that the relevant piece of ground will be above the flood zone, so my objection to this with regards to flooding is withdrawn.