Would like to complain about our local postman riding over our lawn. Most times this is reasonably acceptable but with the recent heavy rains my yard is very muddy under the lawn surface and he leaves heavy tracts cutting through the lawn. We spend a lot of time on our lawns to keep the yard looking nice.
Could you please ask him to use the road so we don't have this problem once again.
Thanking you in anticipation
Mail Sorting Centre 8-13 Goonan Street Taminda NSW 2340
- Description
- Signage
- Planning Authority
Tamworth Regional Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 11 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 1 person was notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 11 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Tamworth Regional Council. Add your own comment.
I got a parcel in the mail and it was broken. Not very happy. I would like to know how is responsible for that.
I got a parcel in the mail and it was broken. Not very happy. I would like to know how is responsible for that.
I'm not sure if How was responsible for breaking your parcel or riding over lawns, but regardless, this Web page merely contains information regarding a development consent issued by the TRC for signage at the mail sorting centre. It was determined in June 2014 so both complaints won't get too far sorry.
All we can do is hope How will develop into a more responsible postie.
KWM006279201000935003 . Hi, This parcel was sorted in Chullora Sydney on the 29 april at 804 am . Which means it is now in tamworth and has been for several days ??? can I expect delivery any time soon .? or would it be quicker for me to drive from Inverell to Tamworth to collect It . ??
You guys are usless go back to school learn to read about you put our parcel at a diff street name learn to read halfwits.
I had package delivered to wrong address I have a photo of package from sender & it clearly has my address written on it. So how can they stuff that up Still waiting for someone to let me know weather driver went back to get it . Very unhappy about as not a cheap parcel.
Hello, just to let you know that there is a 40 Gordon St, Calala 2340 now. I built the house and now living in it 😀
Council should close this totally useless excuse for a business down. They are totally incompetent and they are uncontactable.
I'm am totally over the Tamworth centre and it's pathetic employees. If you have no intention of doing your job why are you still working. Package on board for delivery yesterday day and the lazy good for nothing drove straight past three times before changing status from on board for delivery to in transit. This is not exceptable 👿
Trying to conduct business in Tamworth is becoming harder. Unfortunately we don't have a choice and have to use Australian post,parcels can travel around the world in day's but when it gets to Tamworth it can take weeks to be delivered. I see from other comments about package being on board for delivery only to go back to in transit .DON'T DEPEND ON THIS SERVICE. SHAME AUSTRALIA POST.