All recent comments on applications from Tamworth Regional Council, NSW

7 Scott Road South Tamworth NSW 2340
Subdivision (One Lot into Two) and Construction of Supermarket, Signage & Car Park

Surely this area would be considered flood prone???? I can remember flood waters flowing right though there. And we have not had a major flood, with the new levee bank system around Taminda yet, where is all that water going to back up, into the Scotts Rd flood plain, right where this building will go. My objection is to the risk to any building that might build on that site due to flood, how can the Council contemplate such a risky, due to flood, application???

Jeff Bartlett
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
Mail Sorting Centre 8-13 Goonan Street Taminda NSW 2340

Would like to complain about our local postman riding over our lawn. Most times this is reasonably acceptable but with the recent heavy rains my yard is very muddy under the lawn surface and he leaves heavy tracts cutting through the lawn. We spend a lot of time on our lawns to keep the yard looking nice.
Could you please ask him to use the road so we don't have this problem once again.
Thanking you in anticipation

Owen & Jeanette Whale
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
7 Scott Road South Tamworth NSW 2340
Subdivision (One Lot into Two) and Construction of Supermarket, Signage & Car Park

We don't want this to go ahead as our way of life will be severely diminished , we object to not being able to park in front of our house, we have grown up children with cars, wont be able to have visitors or deliveries and only left hand turn to our property. We have problems most of the day getting out and in the drive way as it is . We have lived here for 15 years. We believe that we would be stuck in our properties and not be able to get out most of the day. We are not against Aldi as we shop there now, its just where they want to build. Surely there must be a better place and not ruin our street and others near by. We are not sure if our house prices will drop or be even able to sell if this goes ahead.

David & Frances Smith
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
Parks & Reserves inc Bicentennial Park & Velodrome Kable Avenue Tamworth NSW 2340
Tamworth Growers Market

I am not sure what this application is about but if related to Tamworth Growers Markets to be able to use any area within the coloured area, I would think a condition on the such an application should include that the public path that runs through that area, used by bikes, walkers and runners, is not impeded by any stand being used by Tamworth Growers Market.

Jeffrey Bartlett
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
Peak Drive Hillvue NSW 2340
Community Title Subdivision - Two Lots into Fourteen Lots (Private Access Road)

Initial access into Peak Drive from The Heights is already a traffic hazard for both vehicles and golfers. Additional traffic volume through this specific area is not addressed by the DA.
The intersection of proposed easement and Peak Drive has visibility issues when exiting the proposed development. It would also be restrictive to larger vehicles, I.e delivery trucks, garbage vehicles.
The Peak was designed and sold as a low volume traffic area and attracted young families because of this feature. If approval is granted to this DA this feature will be reduced.
It can be expected that with increased traffic and people, house values will be lowered because much o f the features of The Peak will be less attractive to proposed buyers.
The use of the proposed easement as a thoroughfare and not a house in the original DA for the development of The Peak.

Brian John Crosby. (Known as John)
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

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120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

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120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

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120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

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120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

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120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

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120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

I object to this mosque (community centre) proposed for Tamworth. In fact I object to any mosques being built in Australia. They are not just a place for prayer, but a place for hate preaching against western civilisation. Muslims will not assimilate into our culture, so why should we with there's. Why are Muslims a protected species in Australia, when we all know they would not afford us the same treatment in a Muslim country. Each new mosque, each new objection to our laws, our way of life is just driving an even bigger wedge between our two cultures. If they are happy to come live in Australia, then they should be happy to asslmilate & not try to change Australia into the place they left.
No to all mosques.

M. Billings
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

I am writing to voice my objections to a mosque (or community centre). The accusations of being "intolerant " are unfounded for this discussion as it is unfortunately Islam which is "intolerant" of our western society. Any other religious building I am happy to embrace. I ask that those in authority would read the qua ran in full before a decision is made. Not a qua ran where it is in order of longest to shortest verse, but the qua ran in chronological order.The law of abrogation states according to the Muslim faith is that any words revealed to Muhhumad that are different than early ones, than the latest is to be obeyed. The final instructions of Muhhumud are of intolerance towards anyone who is not a Muslim. Read it for yourself please and don't just listen to my ravings (taubah Chpt 9 was the 2nd last chapter revealed to Muhhumud). I think we can show tolerance to Muslims living in Tamworth, I do not believe any of them are afraid or fearful, I speak to them at school and happy to do that, however we need to be very educated on the reality of what happens once a Mosque is built. It is their belief that it is like a claim over the city and have more power in the community. I am not "fascist" - its a religion anyway not a race. But we need to remember that since 9/11 there have been 26,008 Islamic Terrorist Attacks, and they continue more frequently on a regular basis. I believe the issue of what is causing Fundamental Islam needs to be addressed and resolved before we contribute to the fastest growing religion at the moment.

Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

I wish to object to the proposed community centre. There seems to be a lot of suspicion that it may in fact be used as a mosque. I think the majority of locals agree that this is not wanted in our town.

Chris Eather
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

Dear Councilors
I would like to lodge my objection to the mosque being built.
This property was bought in 2014 after the current owners fund raised to buy a Masjid. I have their flyer.
The owners have since been using this property as a Masjid for approximately a year. Its advertised around the various internet mosque finder sites as a Mosque. I have screenshots.
I also have a screenshot of the applicant asking for donations for the Masjid. (mosque)
To apply to council for approval for a community centre that is going to continue to offer the five prayers and also the friday prayers is stretching the truth a lot.
Clearly the owners of this mosque hold the councilors in contempt as well as the population of Tamworth. Maybe they think the Councillors are stupid enough to pass the application and not have a clue what is really going on.
This application needs to go BACK to the start again as a place of worship and let the Tamworth people and the people who come to Tamworths's festival have a say on this development.
Everyone has a right to religion but in the case of Islam where Islamists are a very real and present threat the Council has the responsibility to keep the community safe.
Australia already has over 400 mosques/musallas/prayer rooms/islamic centres

Di Riley
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

I say NO ! it is about segregation of the community. In no way is this a "community centre".

Ross T
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

Our comments and concerns will not stop the so called Community Centre (Mosque). Why are Tamworth Regional Council allowing it to be called a Community Centre when its not going to be used as that, but a place of prayer, be upfront with the truth. Tamworth residents deserve to be informed of the truth and council should expect the truth on all applications, not misleading information. I feel council knew all about this from the start.

Mandy Hearne
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

I have no problem regarding this community centre.
I believe the council would have received few negative responses if it were a community centre for a non Muslim group.
I'm not aware of any problems caused by any of our local Muslim residents.
Most of the hate coming from the local community has been from non Muslims.
All residents, no matter their race or religion should be treated with kindness, fairness and compassion.
Many of the comments suggest the community centre should not go ahead suggesting the Muslims should assimilate.
A bit hard when there are so many inciting hatred and condemnation against these people.

Verona Gimbergh
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

I am very concerned about this development. In reality it will be a mosque, even though it says community centre as it has been posted on social media as a mosque. Having lived and worked in England, I have seen first hand the racial conflicts which are unresolved and the tensions created by them. I have worked with Muslims and been treated with disrespect because I am an educated woman.
The problem is that Muslims believe Christians are infidels and it is okay to kill them in the name of the Quran , which It specifically stated. I have studied Islam and read a large part of the Quran.
Tolerance goes both ways, they need to accept and tolerate our society and integrate into our country. Interestingly enough, Muslim countries are not welcoming refugees like we are.
Please consider the impact this will have on our community. Also, reflect on the fact that there is already a mosque in Tamworth and one in Kootingal, which were not disclosed to the community. Why was that? I do not believe this will be positive for our community or increase tolerance.

Helen Mary Jones
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

So if it's a community Center non Muslim would be welcomed? And if it's just a community Center why can't they use the facilities that are all ready on offer in Tamworth? Why was google maps calling it a mosque? Could any one on hear maybe enlighten me on who the registered immigration officer is for our region and maybe also enlighten me on what law firm handled the sale of this building and the legal side of things for the crescent community, just out of curiosity.

Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

The house in question is next to the bunk house on Goonoo. Goonoo Rd and the next time The bunk house is for sale that is where the mosk. Will be In my opinion. So I am apposed to Development

Wayne Painter
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

If it were that a "community centre" was to be erected at the proposed site, I don't believe this is needed as fortunately for our community we have numerous community centres in our region, which I believe services our needs.

Now if it were that a Mosque was to be erected at the proposed site, I welcome it's addition to our towns facilities with open arms.
Tamworth is an expanding multicultural, multireligion community, and it is an opportunity for the residents of our town, new and old, to develop a cohesion of existence. It's exciting to have people come and choose to establish their families homes here, they obviously value our morals and our virtues.
And as we have done before, and I hope, really hope we can do again, welcome any new religions, nationalities and people to our region.
And as we have the right to worship our chosen religions from their appropriate house of prayer, new cultures should be free to do as we take for granted.
Whether you're Christian, Catholic, jehovahs Witness, a Buddhist or a Muslim you should be given the same respect as the people who stood before you.
Building a mosque will give people a sense of place, of home, of love. How can anyone fight a war of hate when they feel love and acceptance?

Leah Dryden
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

Stop being bigots. Australians should be free to express their faith, and to gather together as a community of friends. If you object to this, you need to take a good look at yourself and ask what sort of freedoms our ancestors fought and died for. Bring on some dialogue, understanding, and tolerance.

Daniel Gillett
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

Don't turn my country into some messed up place they left.NO TO BIKIES .NO TO MOSQUES.They are worse than any out law motor cycle group. ☺

Annie Press
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council
120 Goonoo Goonoo Road West Tamworth NSW 2340
Community Facilities Development

I agree with all of the above comments, this is our Country, we do not need segregation, we need to live, work and play together, after all I thought they came here for a better life, long live our Australia, and long live our Country music.

Sue Alderson
Sent to Tamworth Regional Council