All recent comments on applications from Swan City Council, WA

47 Winston Crescent Viveash WA 6056

This residence is 29 Winston Crescent Viveash
I would be interested to know what the application entails

Julie Cole
Sent to Swan City Council
47 Winston Crescent Viveash WA 6056

This residence is 29 Winston Crescent Viveash
I would be interested to know what the application entails

Julie Cole
Sent to Swan City Council
31 Jinda Road Koongamia WA 6056
Retaining Wall

I live directly opposite this site and would like to know what the actual plans are as we haven't been notified at all. How many stories is it, as we have a pool area adjacent and wouldn't want people to be able to see direct in.

Dylan Sanderson
Sent to Swan City Council
Midland Oval Lot 59 The Avenue Midland WA 6056
Subdivision (Road Widening)

The Recreation Ground Reserve is public land "dedicated to the public for all time" according to Council solicitor's advice, and should be retained as Public Open Space; redeveloped as Midland's Central Park.
No work should be carried out to the detriment of the place. The Oval land and the Velodrome are both important heritage places and should both be the minimal retained elements or areas of the Central park.
There should be no work commenced until the place has a proper plan in place with a viable business plan and community support.
The public asset should not be disposed of, as it provides the only major parkland in Central Midland, and at 2.7Ha only gives Central Midland (77Ha) less than 4% of Green POS.

Patrick Irwin
Sent to Swan City Council
2 First Avenue Woodbridge WA 6056
Amendment - Single House


I am curious what is happening with this property and why it has sat as is for so many years.

What is the intention? Continue, bulldoze, sell?

It strikes my imagination each and every time I drive past with what I would do with it.


John Doe
Sent to Swan City Council
19 Hubert Street Guildford WA 6055
Alterations to single house

Alterations to this dwelling have already started in the form of paint (black) Windows ( plastic) and a frosted glass entrance door all of which are not in keeping with the street and Guildford. The charm of Guildford and the surrounding homes is lost with this modern take on renovation.
If allowed to proceed in this manner a huge door will open and Guildford will be a mixed bag of old and new.
In my view and i dare say others Guildford should be kept within the Heritage guidelines.

Donald Etherton
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

This hotel should not be demolished as it represents a unique, historic building which was the working man's pub. It has an ANZAC relationship as well as being the hotel across the road from a now gone, racecourse. Bellevue doesn't have any other pubs. There is strong social and cultural reasons for preserving the hotel and bringing it back to it's former appearance. Bellevue was and still is a working-man's suburb. The hotel is beloved, along with two giant moreton bay fig trees in the rear which were at the original stables. It was watering hole for my grandfathers from around 1940 till their deaths. This hotel presents a wonderful opportunity to develop into a museum or cultural centre about the ANZACS. Please do not demolish it.

Sue Hanson
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

This hotel should not be demolished as it represents a unique, historic building which was the working man's pub. It has an ANZAC relationship as well as being the hotel across the road from a now gone, racecourse. Bellevue doesn't have any other pubs. There is strong social and cultural reasons for preserving the hotel and bringing it back to it's former appearance. Bellevue was and still is a working-man's suburb. The hotel is beloved, along with two giant moreton bay fig trees in the rear which were at the original stables. It was watering hole for my grandfathers from around 1940 till their deaths. This hotel presents a wonderful opportunity to develop into a museum or cultural centre about the ANZACS. Please do not demolish it.

Sue Hanson
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

This Hotel is a well known historic landmark and is in need of a makeover but not demolition. It has served the locals for over a century - and continues to do so.
We are not in need of another service station just 30 seconds from the B.P (which is often quiet and has ample pumps for a much larger population). There is also a mega
Caltex across the road. What is the point in destroying our local Heritage and a perfectly functioning well patronized popular Pub and Restaurant? How does this serve the local community ... Tripling up on identical services located in the same 500 sq metre block ?

Leon Wreyford
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

It's so sad to see another beautiful old piece of history demolished for a service station. Especially considering the area is swamped with servos already.

Sy Albertine
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

I understand this building is heritage listed. If the owners receive approval to demolish it what good is the purpose of having a heritage listing or a heritage council?

James Sweeney
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

Please don't demolish this historic building, let alone for a third petrol station at the intersection! We have eaten at the restaurant many times and appreciate the history within its walls.

Thank you for your consideration.

Nanette Geller
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

Surely that neighbourhood does not need another petrol station.

Michelle Tourigny
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

Please consider the advantage of keeping & restoring this historic building & the virtues it offers to the broader community.
Sadly here in Perth we are light on when it comes to saving our Architectural history .
Another Coles Express will do nothing towards changing this poor practice & everywhere toward showing our sadly blatant disregard for same .
Do we really need another ugly insensitively designed corporately owned building on a busy Highway ?

Robyn Mandal
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

Please do not demolish the Darling Range hotel. Too many historical buildings have been demolished in Perth. It's so sad when you see photos of the amazing buildings that could've been standing today but instead have been demolished. We need to hold onto old buildings to give Perth some diversity in its architecture... otherwise all that history is lost.

Emma Murdoch
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

I agree with all of Cath Harnets sentiments, that this hotel has been a vital part of Midland history for more than 100 years and has been a major contributer in Midlands cultural, social development and this should be akknowleged and the hotel retained as a heritage and historical Midland building and council should endeavour to facillitate this outcome

James Richardson
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

Please take into full consideration that what is proposed is not needed.
Please also take into full consideration that this building is over 100 years old and represents an opportunity to acknowledge and symbolise the history of the Eastern suburbs, not just Midland. There is anectodal evidence that this is significant in terms of WW1 veterans; Blackboy Hill. There is anecdotal evidence that this is significant owing to the former racetrack across the road.
Of itself, it is significant.

Cath Harnett
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

I'm very sad to see this proposal, another old building that should for historical reason be renovated is in the fireing line for demolishon. How many petrol stations does one intersection need? Absolutely absurd. I'm sure I will soon be hearing the fire engines attending a accidentle fire there any day now!

Penny Hooper
Sent to Swan City Council
Darling Range Tavern 49 Great Eastern Highway Bellevue WA 6056
Service Station & Associated Signage

Please do not demolish this wonderful building. It has history and houses the best restaurant in Perth. My husband and I go there for dinner for our anniversary every year.

There is a service station directly across the road. There is no need for another.

If anything, the building needs a face lift which would accentuate the beauty of it and emphasis how important the history of our area is.

Jessica Mauger
Sent to Swan City Council
Lot 9000 Bottlebrush Drive Kiara WA 6054
Kiara Local Structure Plan

Re: Kiara Local Structure Plan for Lot 9000 Bottlebrush Drive, Kiara
I strongly object to the Kiara Local Structure Plan for Lot 9000 Bottlebrush Drive, Kiara (the Plan). Below I have set out the reasons for my objection and some suggestions as to how the Plan could be modified to make it more acceptable to myself and maybe some of the other existing residents in the area.
My main objection is to the proposed road that will be one of two carrying traffic to and from the proposed high school and proposed R30 zoned housing adjacent to Chauvel Court. One road intersects with Altone Road (a Distributor A classification). The second road however is proposed to intersect with Beckworth Avenue (a Local Distributor classification). Beckworth Avenue is a quiet residential street between Altone Road and Roseheath Boulevard. This road contains significant curves and bends which already cause issues for car owners as they exit driveways. By increasing the traffic in Beckworth Avenue the safety to residents will be at risk further and the noise pollution will undoubtedly increase. I would dispute the statement in section 3.4.1 of the Plan that states additional traffic generated will only have a minor effect on the operation of the road. As a resident of Beckworth Avenue I would be supportive of the Plan if the proposed road instead led out to Morley Drive East (a Distributor A classification) and not Beckworth Avenue.
This is the second time in two years where development proposals will lead to the decrease in the property value of my home. The first was the placement of a Disability Justice Centre in Lockridge. Turning our quiet street into a main thoroughfare will be the second. The City of Swan Local Planning Scheme No. 17 (District Zoning Scheme) claims in 4.2.14 the objectives of the Residential Development Zone are to (d) take account of the need to protect the amenity and on-going use of adjacent property owners. I do not think the Plan supports that objective.
As the resident of a low density street, zoned at R20, I object to being forced to live amongst higher density affordable housing (R60/R40) without being offered any of the benefits. Surely if the intention is to generate higher density living in the suburb of Kiara the whole of the area surrounding the development site should be re-zoned to reflect that. I do not believe the Plan is aligned to the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme No. 17 (District Zoning Scheme) which states in 4.2.13 the objectives of the Residential Zone are to (b) promote a residential environment in each locality consistent with the form and density of residential development permissible in the locality.
Please send me the contact details and submissions from the 73 objectors who opposed the Housing Authority proposal to rezone the land to ‘Urban’ under the MRS. I would also like to see the full findings of the committees set up to consider that proposal and the full WAPC rationale as to why 30% of the land could not remain as public open space and included in Bush Forever. Clearly further development of the site is intended but is not included in the Plan as it stands.

Elaine Whitewood
Sent to Swan City Council
22 Wishbone Drive South Guildford WA 6055
Dwelling - RC

Please be so kind as to inform me of where exactly this dwelling is going to be. I live in Wishbone Drive and am concerned as we have an open field infront of our house. I realise there are houses still in development stages but not sure where No 22 would be positioned since residents were informed that no houses wiuld be erected on the open field aling the railway line.

Adrianna Coyte-King
Sent to Swan City Council
Lot 11 Talbot Road Hazelmere WA 6055 ,
Use and development for warehouse (including associated civil works)

i would be greatly concerned about the environmental impacts of this develpment,the persons who will operate it are bad polluters

andrew smart
Sent to Swan City Council
42 Dale Road Middle Swan WA 6056 ,
Amendment No.135 to Local Planning Scheme No.17 - To "Retirement Village" as an Additional use for Lot 1 and 2 Dale Road, Middle Swan

Under Every version of the Swan Valley Planning Act, this area was and is set aside as Swan Valley Rural, it never was and never should be considered as anything but development of a rural nature
Any proposal in this Heritage part of the Swan Valley is totally inappropriate and I oppose it on the basis it should never be build at this location. A more appropriate area is directly opposite the existing Swan Valley sporting club which is in the Herne Hill "town" centre.

Kind Regards Gunther & Thao Kramer

Gunther Kramer
Sent to Swan City Council
150 Coolamon Boulevard Ellenbrook WA 6069 ,
Shop Fitout (Zest Pharmacy 87A)

The ellenbrook shopping centre is struggling why would one of their tenants take trade away from the centre. Maybe they will close the one in the centre down? We have too many liquor stores and Pharmacies in the area already.

Divera Black
Sent to Swan City Council
6 Tolj Loop Aveley WA 6069 ,
Below Ground Swimming Pool and Pool Fence

Sorry that had meant to say full of shit.

Sent to Swan City Council