STOP putting up false information about my property, either take it down or print the truth. Anybody reading stuff written by this site is full of shift.
All recent comments on applications from Swan City Council, WA
I think it would be an absolute tragedy to force Shalom House to close. Please consider who is this facility is really hurting compared to the amount of people it is helping and it saves lives. Isn't it about time as a community we started to get some things right? Also what might surprise you is that this actually brings business to cafes, restaurants and shops in your council.
This the perfect place for Shalom House in a rural setting away from the public eye and a place to re start over.
Please consider approving this planning application. Shalom House is doing wonderful things and it is not incompatible with the area that they are located geographically. I can't imagine any place better than the Swan Valley to help achieve their stated goals. I urge City of Swan to consider the good that this will achieve.