Re: Kiara Local Structure Plan for Lot 9000 Bottlebrush Drive, Kiara
I strongly object to the Kiara Local Structure Plan for Lot 9000 Bottlebrush Drive, Kiara (the Plan). Below I have set out the reasons for my objection and some suggestions as to how the Plan could be modified to make it more acceptable to myself and maybe some of the other existing residents in the area.
My main objection is to the proposed road that will be one of two carrying traffic to and from the proposed high school and proposed R30 zoned housing adjacent to Chauvel Court. One road intersects with Altone Road (a Distributor A classification). The second road however is proposed to intersect with Beckworth Avenue (a Local Distributor classification). Beckworth Avenue is a quiet residential street between Altone Road and Roseheath Boulevard. This road contains significant curves and bends which already cause issues for car owners as they exit driveways. By increasing the traffic in Beckworth Avenue the safety to residents will be at risk further and the noise pollution will undoubtedly increase. I would dispute the statement in section 3.4.1 of the Plan that states additional traffic generated will only have a minor effect on the operation of the road. As a resident of Beckworth Avenue I would be supportive of the Plan if the proposed road instead led out to Morley Drive East (a Distributor A classification) and not Beckworth Avenue.
This is the second time in two years where development proposals will lead to the decrease in the property value of my home. The first was the placement of a Disability Justice Centre in Lockridge. Turning our quiet street into a main thoroughfare will be the second. The City of Swan Local Planning Scheme No. 17 (District Zoning Scheme) claims in 4.2.14 the objectives of the Residential Development Zone are to (d) take account of the need to protect the amenity and on-going use of adjacent property owners. I do not think the Plan supports that objective.
As the resident of a low density street, zoned at R20, I object to being forced to live amongst higher density affordable housing (R60/R40) without being offered any of the benefits. Surely if the intention is to generate higher density living in the suburb of Kiara the whole of the area surrounding the development site should be re-zoned to reflect that. I do not believe the Plan is aligned to the City of Swan Local Planning Scheme No. 17 (District Zoning Scheme) which states in 4.2.13 the objectives of the Residential Zone are to (b) promote a residential environment in each locality consistent with the form and density of residential development permissible in the locality.
Please send me the contact details and submissions from the 73 objectors who opposed the Housing Authority proposal to rezone the land to ‘Urban’ under the MRS. I would also like to see the full findings of the committees set up to consider that proposal and the full WAPC rationale as to why 30% of the land could not remain as public open space and included in Bush Forever. Clearly further development of the site is intended but is not included in the Plan as it stands.
Lot 9000 Bottlebrush Drive Kiara WA 6054
- Description
- Kiara Local Structure Plan
- Planning Authority
Swan City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 8 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 8 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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Elaine Whitewood
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Swan City Council