It can also have indoor cricket in there i volleyball
All recent comments on applications from Swan City Council, WA
I feel the Condition is well intentioned for preservation of local amenity and should be retained for the same reasons it was imposed.
Parking along Swan St East is already an issue, cars are already parking illegally and with the closing of street parking on Water St. even more so. A commerical development in a residential area is always going to cause parking issues unless parking spaces are also developed. The developers own traffic plan indicated that additional parking would be required. I dont feel the ratepayers of CoS, with me being one of them should pay for the parking of a commercial enterprise.
Ellenbrook , worlds most progressive community developement in the beautifull Swan Valley , want to beat the next pandemic virus - Sport for health , masters home building centre in Ellenbrook , now vacant , perfect multi sports stadium ,
American sports facility " 24 hr fitness " company , looks great for long term health and community fitness , includes multitude of sports , swimming , basket ball , racket sports , sauna , mini restaurants ,retail , American model 40,000 sqr ft ,
also would be great tourist attraction , together with natural Swan Valley attractions .
Ellenbrook , worlds most progressive community developement in the beautifull Swan Valley , want to beat the next pandemic virus - Sport for health , masters home building centre in Ellenbrook , now vacant , perfect multi sports stadium ,
American sports facility " 24 hr fitness " company , looks great for long term health and community fitness , includes multitude of sports , swimming , basket ball , racket sports , sauna , mini restaurants ,retail , American model 40,000 sqr ft ,
also would be great tourist attraction , together with natural Swan Valley attractions .
Ellenbrook , worlds most progressive community developement in the beautifull Swan Valley , want to beat the next pandemic virus - Sport for health , masters home building centre in Ellenbrook , now vacant , perfect multi sports stadium ,
American sports facility " 24 hr fitness " company , looks great for long term health and community fitness , includes multitude of sports , swimming , basket ball , racket sports , sauna , mini restaurants ,retail , American model 40,000 sqr ft ,
also would be great tourist attraction , together with natural Swan Valley attractions .
As a resident of Hubert Street I look forward to the completion of the fence for safety and security of the family that reside there. Very sad that it has had to take this long when others plans go through quickly. I can’t understand why anyone would have opposition to this.
As a Hubert Street resident I approve, support and welcome the submission for the proposed fencing at 79 James Street. I look forward to seeing the beautiful end result which will be in keeping with both Hubert and James Streets. This will not only improve the privacy and security for its owners but improve on the streetscape.
I totally agree with regard to the proposed fencing at 79 James St Guildford.
The owners have been trying for years to resolve this issue to everyone’s satisfaction.the fence is absolutely necessary for the safety, security and privacy of the owners, their children and property.
The timber fence that has been already built is a huge improvement on the old timber pickets and I have no doubt the front fence will be built to the same high standard.
Looking forward to a speedy resolution and a fabulous new front fence. Totally in keeping with both Hubert Street and James Street landscapes.
I think the fence will look improve the streetscape and do justice to the previous fence.
The owners definitely need the privacy as James Street is very busy and the adjacent neighbours on Hubert Street have been allowed to build a massive extension, which allows views into the backyard.
The brick fence is in keeping with what has otherwise been accepted along James Street and the timber reflects the more modest Hubert Street.
Looking forward to the completion!
I think the fence will look improve the streetscape and do justice to the previous fence.
The owners definitely need the privacy as James Street is very busy and the adjacent neighbours on Hubert Street have been allowed to build a massive extension, which allows views into the backyard.
The brick fence is in keeping with what has otherwise been accepted along James Street and the timber reflects the more modest Hubert Street.
Looking forward to the completion!
I think timber and brick would look great and fit in with the surrounding areas, will bring character👍
I am concerned that this address already appears to be used more for storage than as a residence, and that to add two sea-containers will only add to this impression.
I do not think this will be positive to the local amenity.
I object to this proposal in the absence of any supporting information,
we object to the 2.1 fence as we did not agree to him putting up as he just went and did it.
why does he need 2 sea containers when he has a 30mtr x 20mtr shed no one is allowed more than 1 container on there property under shire rules
We object to this as we are right behind his property and this is not an industrial area so why does he need to have a prime mover there.
We are happy that we are getting a Supermarket, Restaurant/Cafe, Showroom, Pharmacy, Medical Centre, and Gym. How ever we are not happy with the fact that there will be a Liquor store, we believe that it will create a disturbance in and around the centre encouraging loitering, aggressive behavior and increased reckless driving.
There are more than enough Liquor stores around the area within a 0.5-5 km radius for patrons to be able to buy there liquor should they require with in the Swan Valley region.
Thank you for taking the time to take this into consideration.
I have concerns with this application due to running a restaurant next door with noise for customers any pests rodents insects that this may bring
Did I read this correctly? 343 lots adjacent to West Swan Rd, in the Swan Valley, in the area protected by the Swan Valley Planning Act?
Please correct these details as they cannot be correct!
I totally agree with Jodie Foster’s comment the wandering of residents is a big issue I have just recently had shopping taken from my veranda while I was unpacking the car I followed the person back to St Jude’s with the help of a man and his child in the park, I identified my shopping and spoke to care worker and was told that that * we can’t watch our residents 24/7*
Although I understand the need for this development but Guildford is not the place if having to demolish historical and heritage buildings to accommodate it.
Congestion parking and traffic is bad enough as it is without adding to it.
Would like to add that I used to catch the train from East Guildford but now I use Guildford station this is purely due to the abuse from residents when you just offer a polite *Good Morning * when passing. Plus there is no where to park.
Having lived on Swan St E for 7 years previously, I believe that this development will negatively affect the Guildford streetscape and history and also the quality of life and enjoyment of property for the residents surrounding this area. For 7 years I tolerated constant screaming, swearing, noise from radios blasting from St Jude’s residents and rude care workers parking on my driveway as St Jude’s does not supply enough parking for their employees. While I am sure that some St Jude’s staff are caring, wonderful people that are providing the best care that they can for older persons and those with mental illnesses they are NOT efficient at controlling their residents and calls for assistance and suggestions went unheard. These facilities have a place, however this place is not suited to a medium/high density historical area that would require demolition of the site to continue.
This is a great location for a Dog boarding Kennels in an area that needs this type of facility for the local residents .Hope this gets approved John d Lewington Govnor of Greycroft
This will add traffic to the already congested Toodyay Rd after the overtaking lanes. Developers, if approved should be required to pay for dualling. The current tip is causing biting stable flies which affect all animals in the region surrounding, what will this site need to put in place to ensure further outbreaks? While people think construction waste wont cause flies, it will. The land area is near the beautiful national park and land development would be a better use rather than expansion of any tip precinct.
This is a totally inappropriate use of land in an area like Gidgegannup. People are trying to promote the beautiful landscape to attract visitors to the area.
Take these types of industry to degraded industrial areas
I believe Guildford is becoming a *add on* area, too many houses with charm and character are being ruined by adding a bit here a room there, just leave Guildford original.
So I do not think this is within keeping of the area.
With the loft conversion peoples privacy would be gone as all neighbouring dwellings are single story.