Lot 151 Toodyay Road Gidgegannup WA 6083

To insert an Additional Use of 'Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Facility'
Planning Authority
Swan City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 7 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Swan City Council. Add your own comment.

This is a totally inappropriate use of land in an area like Gidgegannup. People are trying to promote the beautiful landscape to attract visitors to the area.
Take these types of industry to degraded industrial areas

Bill Karoll
Sent to Swan City Council

This will add traffic to the already congested Toodyay Rd after the overtaking lanes. Developers, if approved should be required to pay for dualling. The current tip is causing biting stable flies which affect all animals in the region surrounding, what will this site need to put in place to ensure further outbreaks? While people think construction waste wont cause flies, it will. The land area is near the beautiful national park and land development would be a better use rather than expansion of any tip precinct.

Nathan Riches
Sent to Swan City Council

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