Telecommunication infrastructure will be of benefit to the local community. Many at present experience poor signal strength for mobile phone and internet connection.
A lot of people in the loocation have to leave their home and drive to a high point in order to have a phone conversasion and in an emurgency situation could be a big problem.
All recent comments on applications from Swan City Council, WA
Hello I live opposite this land and have not heard anything about this proposal. Will the neighbours be advised. It is a quiet road and we need to know the impact as there are many children living in the street and would like to know how many dwellings etc. also we are trying to lift the street and are concerned that this will be built without consideration of the street appeal. No more cheap and nasty housing!
I think it’s a great idea
Absolutely NO MORE high density housing in and around The Vines. Any remaining green space should be protected and the wildlife catered for.
Traffic volumes have increased significantly over the last 10 years with the encroachment of Ellenbrook and peoples lifestyles should be respected.
Greedy developers and self-interested councillors should be ashamed of themselves but I suppose if you don't have to look at it and you're not affected by it, then you couldn't care less.
With council elections coming up, myself and people I know around The Vines, will vote to elect councillors who truly represent The Vines residents and uphold their values on this beautiful estate.
Hope it will include some parks or a little bushland to keep things green and extensions to the cycleways and paths.
I think it’s a great idea
No more high density ghetto projects please!
The Vines residents have tolerated this for long enough.
Large housing subdivisions of this nature have a negative flow on effect to surrounding properties and the good name of Swan Shire. Increase in Anti Social behaviour (gangs as seen throughout Ellenbrook) and crime.
Leave as large acreage blocks - value add to those establish homes nearby.
Keep Swan Shire as a desirable area to live not a typical Perth ghetto!
Also - We trust that the emus and kangaroos that own this land will be protected as residents will be watching.
It is already a nightmare to get onto Millhouse road in peak traffic hours - adding this will just make the congestion even worse. Totally opposed to more jam packed small scale development in this area adding more traffic, speeding and car horns blaring, all hours of the day. How many more traffic accidents will we see at that roundabout? Following on the current 2.5 ha divisions is fine, but a definite no to high density little boxes. It would be a further tragedy for the mobs of kangaroos and the few emus left.
My concerns of this application is many things I think there is to much on this application for a safe environment this will cause so much traffic on a already busy road I think the smell noice and smoke from the bbqs will cause an issue for the neighbours cafe situated next door know as fusion on swan
My concerns of this application is many things I think there is to much on this application for a safe environment this will cause so much traffic on a already busy road I think the smell noice and smoke from the bbqs will cause an issue for the neighbours cafe situated next door know as fusion on swan
I am unsure about this proposal. Is it for 1 dwelling or multiple? If it is 1 dwelling then I have no issue. If it is many then I would like to have a better understanding of how many and how it will be layed out. I live opposite this land and hence need to have an understanding of the impact to my family and the neighbours.
The information on the City of Swan website is quite vague.
No objections to the proposed carport
If you want to object it’s probably best to do it through the City of Swan website for it to be taken into account.
Joanna if you mean the depot at Bishop Rd there’s already a tower there
We object to the placement of the tower. Why can’t the tower be erected on the vacant land of the City of Swans Depot where it will be more appropriately placed.
Don’t need two McDonald’s it will bring crime like the other McDonald’s
we object to this application as we have enough traffic on great northern hwy and we do not want the noise of church goers on a sunday or saturday morning.
with the trucks coming out of Bitutek saturday and sunday some one will get killed in a crash it is to dangerous to have that much traffic in a small area .
The roads are very dangerous now they had the money to close the 2 access points to the freeway thus putting that traffic to altone road and beechboro north road one would assume they would have budgeted for these extra upgrades required from blocking the 2 on off ramps
I wrote to Swan Shire last year regarding the same concerns. I was quoted the number of accidents, near misses and no fatalities. This according to them , the figures did not warrant them to spend 2 million or so dollars in restructuring the road layout.
Hi, My name is Ian, I am a resident of Altone Road. My concerns are 1 the extra traffic that passes through Altone road since the closure of Beechboro road access to the Highway and vice versa. We have approxamatly 20 to 30 % more traffic now using this road to access Benara road and Highway in the opposite direction. Whilst this is happening Altone shopping centre has changed its access within the car park, creating a dangerous bottle neck at this point. Only 2 cars can drive of Altone road into the main car park, quite often other cars will try to access while cars are still there and leave,s them in the middle of Altone road, I know this because I have been one of those unfortunate drivers on 3 occasions had to break sharp finding a car stopped in front of me. Altogether there are 5 access points and exit points in a short 100 mtrs plus section of road. That does not include any new access points for the now being built Beechboro Community Centre. There is a solution and I would be willing to put my thoughts forward. If something is not done and done soon we will have another Death outside the Shopping Centre.
Puzzled as to what a noise wall is, and why it is required? The brickworks is to close, I understand, and it would be the noise source at present I assume.
Is the noise wall to keep out the sound of bulldozers as they knock down the trees providing a ribbon of green to the East of the site?
Why is this wall to cost zero? As the BCITF and Building Permit fees are based on the value of the Works this is pertinent.
There are no drawings available on Planning Alerts.
Adding to a poorly designed commercial area is a bad planning decision. Anything that adds more traffic to shops that are there, puts more stress on the existing entry/exit points to the main roads. The proximity of the entry exit points to be roundabout causes congestion and bad road use behaviour. The design at Hungry Jacks is in complete contrast to the BP side.
To City of Swan
This comment is on behalf of the group called ‘Friends of Astroloma Place’ regarding the Planning Application for 12 Astroloma Place, KOONGAMIA WA 6056
Reference number RC-188/2020
We request that the City of Swan make adequate provision for resident parking, two parking spaces per dwelling, as required under Clause 5.3.3 of the Residential Design Codes of Western Australia.
We also remind and request that the City of Swan upholds its pledge made at the Ordinary Meeting of Council 22 January 2020.
Ms Natalie Brown
“The City will ensure that the development of dwellings on each of the subdivided lots provides two parking spaces per dwelling so that resident overflow parking in the street should not occur.”
Yours sincerely
Friends of Astroloma Place
I was looking at purchasing a block here, but if Council is going to consider allowing “variations” from their own code, now I am not so sure. This is a lovely, thoughtfully planned estate and one of the main attractions is the serenity created by the natural bush outlook and sensitive planning. It feels like it’s far away from the city, like being on holidays to visit this area. Building outdoor living areas so close to a boundary is going to spoil the outlook and airflow for neighbours, not to mention the additional noise from occupants of a 5 bedroom home with young children playing so close to the fence. Also I draw your attention to the basketball hoop on council verge. This is a danger and I already had a basketball bounce in front of my car and had to brake. Thank god it wasn’t a child! There are lovely parks for children to play, these blocks are not the 1/4 acre blocks of yesteryear where we all played football and cricket in the street. My concern is that allowing this kind of backyard development is going to ruin the estate and turn it into a built up eyesore view of nothing but rooftops. I might just as well buy in Dayton, Ellenbrook or even Midvale, if that’s what I want to be surrounded by.
We live on Harper Street and we are concerned about this application for the following reasons.
1. Cars already speed down this street at very high speeds
2. Cars use the car park at Ray Marshall park to do spins and wheelies at very high speeds and normally exit speeding down Harper Street.
3. We are already concerned for the safety of our children due to these hoons.
4. We have asked the City to make the roads safer but they have not done so.
5. With more children we are worried that someone will get hurt.
6. The block is not that large so what type of buildings will be put on there as well as the height involved.
7. How many children do they perceive will be at the school?
8. Will parking be made available for staff and parents as parking on the street will be difficult and problematic for residents.
The walls and fences are already complete, what's the point.