It is already a nightmare to get onto Millhouse road in peak traffic hours - adding this will just make the congestion even worse. Totally opposed to more jam packed small scale development in this area adding more traffic, speeding and car horns blaring, all hours of the day. How many more traffic accidents will we see at that roundabout? Following on the current 2.5 ha divisions is fine, but a definite no to high density little boxes. It would be a further tragedy for the mobs of kangaroos and the few emus left.
5 Chateau Place Aveley WA 6069
- Description
- Subdivision - Road widening (WAPC 161295)
- Planning Authority
Swan City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 32 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 6 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Swan City Council. Add your own comment.
No more high density ghetto projects please!
The Vines residents have tolerated this for long enough.
Large housing subdivisions of this nature have a negative flow on effect to surrounding properties and the good name of Swan Shire. Increase in Anti Social behaviour (gangs as seen throughout Ellenbrook) and crime.
Leave as large acreage blocks - value add to those establish homes nearby.
Keep Swan Shire as a desirable area to live not a typical Perth ghetto!
Also - We trust that the emus and kangaroos that own this land will be protected as residents will be watching.
Hope it will include some parks or a little bushland to keep things green and extensions to the cycleways and paths.
Absolutely NO MORE high density housing in and around The Vines. Any remaining green space should be protected and the wildlife catered for.
Traffic volumes have increased significantly over the last 10 years with the encroachment of Ellenbrook and peoples lifestyles should be respected.
Greedy developers and self-interested councillors should be ashamed of themselves but I suppose if you don't have to look at it and you're not affected by it, then you couldn't care less.
With council elections coming up, myself and people I know around The Vines, will vote to elect councillors who truly represent The Vines residents and uphold their values on this beautiful estate.