Hi just wondering if anything is actually happening with this property? It has strong potential to be a nice house but is an eyesore as it currently is.
It's such a shame it's been left like that for years and I'd be interested in helping restore it or if they decided to sell.
All recent comments on applications from Swan City Council, WA
I am glad, there are people applying for subdivision in Millendon, for there is lots of room to bring families back on the land (community living), as well as family not having to move, if their elders, who have land on the same block, but for some reason cannot work or look after the land, or wanting to down size, to better their living standards or other, therefore I am only too happy to support this subdivision. And if the young generation want to obtain a title, to come on the land (residential rural) , to also support their elders in old age, and look after them on their block, then I am totally in favor, so long as there is a environmental plan to revegetate the land, as too many blocks are getting eroded, due to animal degradation (especially on Campersic area surrounding area or people chopping down verge trees or on their block).
We were advised that this land was being used as part of the Hazlemere strategy for truck re-fuelling and/ or service station/ convenience store.
Is this now being requested to changed to residential grouped dwelling?…and for private or social housing use?
Good afternoon
I'm really curious what is happening with this property. I've driven past it for the past 5 years twice a day to and from my workplace.
At first I thought it was a really nice looking new build, but as the years have passed I see now it's a neglected building site. The windows are smashed, and the doors are often open as if someone is squatting.
It's become an eyesore and is clearly abandoned. I hope this property gets the love and attention it needs, or is at least sold and someone can start again or continue the lovely looking house that was once planned.
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This is the first subdivision in a small cul-de-sac of single story homes with the majority of residents having resided in the same home for 20 years or more. It is hoped that the dwelling to be built is a single story home.
Can you please explain Incomplete - Amendment DA-899/202/1B.
Thank you
Can we please have clear direction on removal of trees? We will soon be an area that is tree less at the rate are going. There should be a policy on tree preservation under a CoS Climate Change Strategy. Thank you.
Can you please confirm if this Childcare centre is still going to be built.
We have submitted several applications for our property to be subdivided into 2 lots (1.acre and the other .5 of an acre) on Rose street. Both of these applications have been declined. How is this fair if this subdivision of much smaller blocks I'm sure is allowed to proceed.
We are at 12 Rose Street, Submission by Colin Campbell
MRS1 Form Submitted in person at your office at 9.30am Wednesday 10/08/2022
This is my property and for some reason, Google maps still hasn’t got the correct address in the system. 104 Starflower Road is on the corner of Starflower Road and Henley Street, at the roundabout which forms the entrance to the bus station. Causes endless problems with fast food delivery and Uber pickup
Hello, we live at 8 Trilogy Court neighbouring the property making the application to build a shed.
The house at 2 Trilogy Court was recently sold to the applicant. We have been travelling for 4 months and upon our return we can plainly see trees have been removed and stakes coloured red have been driven to mark the footprint of the proposed structure. The structure is very large as you will see from the application.
The back fence forms part of our side boundary and we are concerned the covenants on the title may be overlooked or ignored where our understanding is one must not build an additional structure unless the set back is recognised and the new structure must be of the same materials as the house. In this case brick.
Because of our travels and the owner being a FIFO worker it seems necessary to raise this matter with you, expressing our concerns as we never seem to see the new Owner.
Our further concern is a structure of this size could mean the shed is used increasing noise to affect our quality of life and property value. This is a high quality, expensive area to live and it isnt a light commercial area which it could easily become if this is allowed to continue. We havent been consulted in anyway and we would like to be. We are available to meet with you if necessary at a nominated time.
Rob and Jane McLachlan.
To City of Swan,
Can I ask first before a comment, is this subdivision 5 acres...each. or other.
Can you please tell me how much you charge for hire for a Birthday Party? Thank you
Without the ability to provision a pull off & turning lane on West Swan road, consideration should be made to requiring access only from Filip Way to protect both road and footpath users.
Would like to know the following
Type of building eg 2 storey, trading hrs
How many kids to be enrolled
Time frame on building contract etc
Thank you
Do you honestly think this is good for ellenbrook? I think we have enough trouble with not so favourable people, this will bring in more and I feel more home break ins.
This property has been operating as a concrete tilt up panel manufacturing business in the large shed for many years. This is not permitted under the Scheme.
Any Development Approvals should be hesitant to not create a bigger non-complaince issue than the one that already exists
Wow, hasn't Hazelmere and Stirling Cres area got enough problems with meat processing, cement works, brick makers, reduction of trees and vegetation to make way for super highways, contaminated grounds and now you want to put waste site here as well. No thanks. Do not agree with this.
Do not agree as it might cause further pollution to the surronding and environment. Have the applicant provide proper solution on the wastage they going to caused thru their processing?
I live in South Guildford and the smell from the meat processing plant in Hazelmere is extremely over powering on some days and now they want to build a waste station? I think the surrounding suburbs have been tortured enough by Talloman Meat processing without having the smell of waste tarnish our air well. Do not agree to this to at all.
It is fabulous to see developments like this in the the Swan Valley further cementing it as the home of professional and high-end equestrian pursuits /properties in WA.
I believe properties and developments like this further add to the rural character - please continue to support equestrian, tourism and agriculture developments of a high caliber (assumed from the overall look and quality of this property to date) like this.
Can you please explain what is being developed on this lot 9001.
Can you please explain what is being developed on this lot 9001.