2 Trilogy Court The Vines WA 6069

Planning Authority
Swan City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
38 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Swan City Council. Add your own comment.

Hello, we live at 8 Trilogy Court neighbouring the property making the application to build a shed.

The house at 2 Trilogy Court was recently sold to the applicant. We have been travelling for 4 months and upon our return we can plainly see trees have been removed and stakes coloured red have been driven to mark the footprint of the proposed structure. The structure is very large as you will see from the application.
The back fence forms part of our side boundary and we are concerned the covenants on the title may be overlooked or ignored where our understanding is one must not build an additional structure unless the set back is recognised and the new structure must be of the same materials as the house. In this case brick.

Because of our travels and the owner being a FIFO worker it seems necessary to raise this matter with you, expressing our concerns as we never seem to see the new Owner.

Our further concern is a structure of this size could mean the shed is used increasing noise to affect our quality of life and property value. This is a high quality, expensive area to live and it isnt a light commercial area which it could easily become if this is allowed to continue. We havent been consulted in anyway and we would like to be. We are available to meet with you if necessary at a nominated time.
Rob and Jane McLachlan.

Robert and Jane McLachlan
Delivered to Swan City Council

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