2 First Avenue Woodbridge WA 6056

Amendment - Single House
Planning Authority
Swan City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 7 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Swan City Council. Add your own comment.


I am curious what is happening with this property and why it has sat as is for so many years.

What is the intention? Continue, bulldoze, sell?

It strikes my imagination each and every time I drive past with what I would do with it.


John Doe
Sent to Swan City Council

Good afternoon

I'm really curious what is happening with this property. I've driven past it for the past 5 years twice a day to and from my workplace.

At first I thought it was a really nice looking new build, but as the years have passed I see now it's a neglected building site. The windows are smashed, and the doors are often open as if someone is squatting.

It's become an eyesore and is clearly abandoned. I hope this property gets the love and attention it needs, or is at least sold and someone can start again or continue the lovely looking house that was once planned.

Suzannah Power
Delivered to Swan City Council

Hi just wondering if anything is actually happening with this property? It has strong potential to be a nice house but is an eyesore as it currently is.
It's such a shame it's been left like that for years and I'd be interested in helping restore it or if they decided to sell.

Larissa cooney
Delivered to Swan City Council

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