If you look at the plans, you can tell that they are trying to exploit some sort of loophole to subdivide this block. Why is the house only on one side and the garden and pool on the other lot?
All recent comments on applications from Strathfield Municipal Council, NSW
If this means more trucks flowing from Mayvic Street into Roberts Road, this will create increased accident risks, with trucks driving into Roberts Road and slowing 3 lanes of vehicles to a standstill, just like happens with the Swift company trucks currently. No heavy vehicles are allowed on Mayvic Street, but heavy vehicles still use this exit road.
Local heritage item demo!!! Is Strathfield Council joking? a 12 room boarding house ...come on. Strathfield will end up an urban heat island.
This development will result in the permanent parking of vehicles on the street. I see about 10 cars parked at this house any given day and the garage has room for 5 at most. Why not make the garage bigger and increase the value of the finished house to $12,000,000?
Doesn't the property sit directly opposite one of the first houses in Strathfield? It is documented to have been built several years BEFORE the adjoining house that is under a local council heritage listing. The few other Queens Anne style properties within the area are subject to heritage. Given the style and its proximity to all these other significant heritage properties one might question, why council choose not to force 'tools down' on site during demolition?
Something seems fishy here. How can a heritage dwelling have a CDC?
The part demolition of the historic property is an epic embarrassment for council. Local voters that are watching this situation unfold and many expect the current elected representatives to adopt a zero tolerance attitude! Individuals who choose to purchase historic properties have a duty of care to maintain the original features. There has been many original features removed during the demolition, and hard space under a carport including a portion of the driveway. I had a sticky beak and inspected the property when it was on the market for sale about two years ago. The property was in considerably good condition and only required very minor roof repairs. One thing for sure, this situation is not going to be pushed under the rug the way some might hope. There is quite a few upset residents within the Strathfield Community Network all talking about this matter.
Strathfield Municipal Council's compliance and regulatory services have not performed basic due diligence in a professional capacity. CDC's are not applicable for this particular property due to its draft heritage status, and also as a result of the home's location within a long established conservation area.
Similar to that of the example of ‘Camden Lodge’ at 102 Burlington Road Homebush that was built in 1916-1917. The Council needs to be insisting that the owners of ‘Konubia’ at 40 Beresford Road which was built even earlier in 1909-1910 be rebuilt to the original format.
Real shame to see such a cool house go.
Make sure no heavy trucks come out from Mayvic St onto Roberts Rd, just like SWIFT company trucks come out and turn into all 3 lanes bringing traffic to a standstill especially late at night.
Please prevent the cutting down of the 26 trees.
These are the only remaining trees on this lot. Please retain and grow our canopy cover, rather than worsening the urban heat island effect.
Please, let’s not tear down more trees from an area that is already lacking in canopy. I grew up in this area and still have family that lives in the area. I hope we can continue to add trees where we can, especially for future generations.
The removal of 26 existing trees which border this lot is unacceptable and in misalignment with a variety of state government policies, strategies and targets for increasing canopy cover in recognition of the significant impacts of urban heat. Even at a 2:1 or 3:1 replanting ratio, juvenile trees cannot replace the ecosystem services provided by mature trees for a number of years.
Strathfield council needs to act in alignment with its own policies on this and significantly scale back the removal of these trees.
What happened to "expanding green in Greenacre"? https://lgnsw.org.au/Public/Public/Growing-Greener/Expanding-Green-in-Greenacre.aspx
By all means, go ahead and get rid of all the trees and then fill the entire block with a massive house and no green spaces.
To whom it may concern,
I have taken a look at this DA in detail, specifically, the Statement of Environment Effects, Sediment Control Plan and Waste Management Plan and there are issues that need to be brought to attention.
I have not seen anything in here describing the proper removal and disposal of asbestos-containing material. The shed in the backyard to be demolished contains asbestos cladding as well as the cladding of the main dwelling.
Additionally, the proposed destination for the disposal of building materials is Brandown Kemps Creek. This disposal site does NOT accept asbestos-containing material and is therefore not a suitable area for disposal.
A cursory search for the ABN belonging to D+C Consortium Pty Ltd (ABN 25080652393) shows that this building company is not licensed for asbestos removal:
If the demolition is not properly controlled as per SafeWork standards this can have serious impacts on neighboring properties and the environment.
Proper asbestos removal procedures must be in place as per SafeWork standards stipulated by the NSW Government.
I am raising this to your attention as a concerned citizen who was a previous resident of this property (renting).
The elderly neighbor who lives at 30 Palmer Ave, Strathfield has a garage that shares a boundary with the back of 101 Wallis Avenue and therefore the asbestos shed is directly adjacent to this boundary. They have expressed concerns to me previously when I mentioned that the DA was taking place as they are likely to be exposed to dangerous ACM and currently suffer from health issues that would make them vulnerable to such exposure.
I would like to see detailed plans of this construction.
The dwelling is next door and will be looking into my backyard and will restrict my privacy. Also why were they allowed to pull down 50yr old very healthy trees without council approval?
On the point of tree removal it is very interesting that trees seem to be alot healthier when they are located on corners of sites or along boundaries. I think there needs to be an investigation into all the poor to fair quality of trees in Strathfield and why this is happening?
Honestly, the development is not too bad. I do object to the entire site being developed. There is an ignorance of microclimate and the effects of heat radiating off hard surfaces. Where are the trees? On a side note at least this building is not being demolished. Embodied carbon is being ignored by Strathfield council. Please do not wait for government to tell you what to do, everyone has their own personal responsibility to mitigating the effects of climate change.
I agree as well with the above comment posted by citizen. However, this is more a State Government problem rather than a local council concern.
“On 11 October 2021, the Real Property Amendment (Certificates of Title) Act 2021 commenced, which abolished the Certificates of Title (CTs) and the control of the right to deal (CoRD) framework. All existing CTs have been cancelled and CTs will no longer be issued. Existing CTs will not need to be produced, and CoRD holder consent will not be required, for a dealing or plan to be registered. All existing Guidelines subject to this change are currently being reviewed and will be updated to reflect these changes. For further information regarding the abolition of CTs, please see” https://www.registrargeneral.nsw.gov.au/property-and-conveyancing/eConveyancing/abolition-of-certificates-of-title
It appears local councils are seemingly powerless today to prevent these residential redevelopments.
That said (both Strathfield and Canada Bay) councils need to crack down on property owner negligence, regarding maintaining and upkeeping of properties. Take a walk around Strathfield or Concord and one soon observes dilapidated untidy front yards and streetscapes with dirty cesspit aesthetics. Too many transient renters and not enough home owner occupiers, our once lovely and inviting communities are in complete disrepute today as a result.
Community starts at the heart of the homes.
Great care needs to be taken with a historic property such as this one. Strathfield is rapidly destroying its heritage houses.
I don't agree with this tree removal.. it doesn't go with the character of the area as too many trees are being removed. Maybe consider tree maintenance rather than removal.
there are two significant ghost gums trees, very beautiful specimens and very tall. contributing to the environment by cleaning the air for us. there are not many trees like this left in this area.
the roots for these trees will be affected when excavation begins, they will not survive any underground interference.
a similar tree existed at 49 Barker Road and died after the new building was built a few years ago.
This is not Strathfield Council, try Sutherland Council. And no, they shouldn’t be allowed to work work on Saturday after 1pm.
Too many trees have been removed from this area. So tired of seeing all of the significant trees in the area removed.