40 Beresford Rd, Strathfield 2135 NSW

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including construction of a swimming pool.
Planning Authority
Strathfield Municipal Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
370 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Strathfield Municipal Council. Add your own comment.

Strathfield Municipal Council's compliance and regulatory services have not performed basic due diligence in a professional capacity. CDC's are not applicable for this particular property due to its draft heritage status, and also as a result of the home's location within a long established conservation area.

Similar to that of the example of ‘Camden Lodge’ at 102 Burlington Road Homebush that was built in 1916-1917. The Council needs to be insisting that the owners of ‘Konubia’ at 40 Beresford Road which was built even earlier in 1909-1910 be rebuilt to the original format.

Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

The part demolition of the historic property is an epic embarrassment for council. Local voters that are watching this situation unfold and many expect the current elected representatives to adopt a zero tolerance attitude! Individuals who choose to purchase historic properties have a duty of care to maintain the original features. There has been many original features removed during the demolition, and hard space under a carport including a portion of the driveway. I had a sticky beak and inspected the property when it was on the market for sale about two years ago. The property was in considerably good condition and only required very minor roof repairs. One thing for sure, this situation is not going to be pushed under the rug the way some might hope. There is quite a few upset residents within the Strathfield Community Network all talking about this matter.

Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

Something seems fishy here. How can a heritage dwelling have a CDC?

Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

Doesn't the property sit directly opposite one of the first houses in Strathfield? It is documented to have been built several years BEFORE the adjoining house that is under a local council heritage listing. The few other Queens Anne style properties within the area are subject to heritage. Given the style and its proximity to all these other significant heritage properties one might question, why council choose not to force 'tools down' on site during demolition?

Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

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