41 Roberts Rd, Greenacre 2190 NSW

S4.55(1A) Modification Application to remove additional twenty-six (26) existing trees within the site and public domain, update landscaping to provide additional replacement trees, update conditions of consent to amend the approved Arborist Report, landscape plans and architecture plans to reflect tree updates.
Planning Authority
Strathfield Municipal Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 1 year ago. It was received by them earlier.
155 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Strathfield Municipal Council. Add your own comment.

The removal of 26 existing trees which border this lot is unacceptable and in misalignment with a variety of state government policies, strategies and targets for increasing canopy cover in recognition of the significant impacts of urban heat. Even at a 2:1 or 3:1 replanting ratio, juvenile trees cannot replace the ecosystem services provided by mature trees for a number of years.

Strathfield council needs to act in alignment with its own policies on this and significantly scale back the removal of these trees.

What happened to "expanding green in Greenacre"? https://lgnsw.org.au/Public/Public/Growing-Greener/Expanding-Green-in-Greenacre.aspx

Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

Please, let’s not tear down more trees from an area that is already lacking in canopy. I grew up in this area and still have family that lives in the area. I hope we can continue to add trees where we can, especially for future generations.

Candace Wong
Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

Please prevent the cutting down of the 26 trees.
These are the only remaining trees on this lot. Please retain and grow our canopy cover, rather than worsening the urban heat island effect.

Susan Lee
Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

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