101 Wallis Ave, Strathfield 2135 NSW

Demolition of existing structures, construction of a two-storey dwelling.
Planning Authority
Strathfield Municipal Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
222 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Strathfield Municipal Council. Add your own comment.

To whom it may concern,

I have taken a look at this DA in detail, specifically, the Statement of Environment Effects, Sediment Control Plan and Waste Management Plan and there are issues that need to be brought to attention.
I have not seen anything in here describing the proper removal and disposal of asbestos-containing material. The shed in the backyard to be demolished contains asbestos cladding as well as the cladding of the main dwelling.
Additionally, the proposed destination for the disposal of building materials is Brandown Kemps Creek. This disposal site does NOT accept asbestos-containing material and is therefore not a suitable area for disposal.
A cursory search for the ABN belonging to D+C Consortium Pty Ltd (ABN 25080652393) shows that this building company is not licensed for asbestos removal:
If the demolition is not properly controlled as per SafeWork standards this can have serious impacts on neighboring properties and the environment.
Proper asbestos removal procedures must be in place as per SafeWork standards stipulated by the NSW Government.

I am raising this to your attention as a concerned citizen who was a previous resident of this property (renting).
The elderly neighbor who lives at 30 Palmer Ave, Strathfield has a garage that shares a boundary with the back of 101 Wallis Avenue and therefore the asbestos shed is directly adjacent to this boundary. They have expressed concerns to me previously when I mentioned that the DA was taking place as they are likely to be exposed to dangerous ACM and currently suffer from health issues that would make them vulnerable to such exposure.


Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

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