All recent comments on applications from Moreton Bay Regional Council, QLD

537 Anzac Avenue Rothwell QLD 4022
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Multiple Dwelling (44 Dwellings) and Building Works - Development Permit for Multiple Dwelling (44 Dwellings)

Please be aware that McKillop street is a culdesac and by allowing this development to go ahead, alongside the Lifepoint Church, you will be completely contesting our small street. At present, the only access to the new Lifepoint church is via McKillop Street. If you couple that with 44 dwellings, the street simply will not be able to hold this traffic.
Many of our properties are owner occupied and we all have young children. We already receive the riff-raff from Deception Bay going to and from the train station - this is a danger in itself with people being highly intoxicated, yelling, swearing, breaking into our cars and homes, graffiti and drug syringes and alcohol bottles left all down the street.
Now you have allowed the Church to be built - all of the trees have been chopped down. Then you’re going to add 44 dwellings.
We have no one to advocate for us - the street is turning dangerous, the parks are neglected, there are burnouts every night at the end of the road at Stubbons Road and now you want to add even more traffic.
Please consider the current residents of this area. We cannot have more traffic and more lower socioeconomic housing put in to attract even more bad behaviour.
Would you want you children to live here?

Julia Herbert
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
12 McDonald Street Bongaree QLD 4507
Request to Change (Other) - Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Alteration and Additions to a Club

I don’t have a problem with the car park. The land is already used as a car park at the moment. My concern would be the main entrance. You can now exit the main entrance, what with the bus parked there, see the near misses with cars trying to get out. Maybe have an exit onto Webster St ?

Chris Jones
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
12 McDonald Street Bongaree QLD 4507
Request to Change (Other) - Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Alteration and Additions to a Club

In reference to DA/2022/4260, few would doubt that the Bribie RSL needs further car park space but this vacant residential land - owned by the Bribie RSL has been used as an illegal car park for the last 3 years with nearly daily traffic problems, vehicles doing 180deg turns at the end of McDonald street, vehicles trying to turn right into Ford street or trying to turn left into McDonald St with near misses of pedestrians from the Spowers St round-a-bout down into McDonald Street. Traffic has increased in both McDonald and Ford streets since the easing of Covid to and from the Bribie RSL.

A formal complaint was made to Council 2 years ago primarily about the traffic problems and a further complaint made this time via the local Councillors office about the increased traffic flow problems and near vehicle misses in McDonald St - to this day nobody from Council has got back to me (REQ2021-189383). As a resident of Ford Street I have NOT been approached by the Bribie RSL or Council re traffic concerns (fixes) or increased noise.

Around 7-8 years ago it was proposed that Ford Street should be made one way given the narrow street with increased traffic (no gutters or storm water) but after a street meeting by the past MBRC Councillor and included all residents between McDonald and Gregory Streets this was rejected but local traffic only signs installed at either end. Given the increased further traffic after the car park is completed - further consideration should be given to traffic flows and or making Ford St ONE WAY ONLY.

Andrew Joyce
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9-13 Firetail Court Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 9 lots and Common Property)

Hi there,

There has not been anything advertised or sign posted on this property until today the 26th Nov and development has already started.

We have not had a chance to voice our concerns or opinions.

Please explain how this has been allowed to happen?

Sheree Prior
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
Lot 2000 Sovereign Drive Narangba QLD 4504
Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks, Stormwater and Earthworks (Narangba Heights, Stage 13)

The proponent has failed to maintain sediment control measures over 4 years. They are consistently in breach of existing approvals. No further approvals should be forthcoming until existing problems are rectified and the site ceases causing environmental harm. What sort of a show is council running here?

Scott Johnston
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

The height scale and massing of the proposal will dominate the surroundings and respond negatively to the surrounding context.

The use of illuminated business identification signage and external pavement and car park lighting will dominate the surroundings and adversely impact the amenity of the surrounding area and public realm.

The proposal will generate unreasonable amenity impacts to the surrounding sites and public realm in terms of lighting, odour, acoustics, litter and traffic.

The proposal lacks sufficient site permeability and best practices in water sensitive urban design.

The applicant had not demonstrated satisfactorily by traffic engineers reports that the traffic to be generated by the proposal will not unreasonably impact road congestion, acoustic and visual amenity, pedestrian safety and not demonstrated safe entry to and egress from its site by motor vehicles via a traffic engineers report.

The proposal will create unreasonable visual, acoustic and social impacts by facilitating the gathering and loitering of its clientele especially those attending the premises in motor vehicles.

The proposal will discharge unacceptable levels of concentrated storm water into the road via crossovers and also via the Storm water network and lacks sufficient onsite detention and gross pollutant screening.

The proposal facilitates the planting of non native vegetation species which have potential to become environmentally invasive in the surrounding region.

The proposal will generate excessive visual bulk and excessive visual impact especially during night time operation.

The proposal will generate unacceptable social impact via risks of community and public health harm via an unacceptable intensification of the availability of energy dense nutrient poor foods.

The applicant has provided insufficient information about the social, acoustic, light, odour, traffic and environmental impacts of its proposal.

I am urging the responsible authority to refuse consent.

Shauna Wilson
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
6-8 Robbs Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot -Development Permit for Subdivision (4 into 48 Lots)

These next generation developments are completely out of keeping with all the surrounding developments, which are semi rural. These developments have a negative visual impact on the streetscape and do not fit in with the current surroundings, The proposed dwellings are not of a design which is in keeping with the scale, character, or appearance of the area. All other dwellings in this area are semi rural properties whereas the proposal is for next generation properties some as small as 200/300sqm. They cause car parking and traffic problems as there are always inadequate parking spaces provided (most households now have at least 2 cars) and the local roads are already under immense pressure. All the mature trees are removed devastating local wildlife, some of which are endangered, which in turn moves them into roads causing more accidents. This area needs to stay semi rural to allow more mature trees to stay, more wildlife, less widening/replacement of roads. There is no point in replanting new trees miles away when they can take 20 years or more to be useful to the wildlife you have already displaced/killed on roads.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
14 Clark Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (3 into 62 Lots, Drainage Reserve, Open Space and New Road in 3 Stages)

These next generation developments are completely out of keeping with all the surrounding developments, which are semi rural. These developments have a negative visual impact on the streetscape and do not fit in with the current surroundings, The proposed dwellings are not of a design which is in keeping with the scale, character, or appearance of the area. All other dwellings in this area are semi rural properties whereas the proposal is for next generation properties some as small as 200/300sqm. They cause car parking and traffic problems as there are always inadequate parking spaces provided (most households now have at least 2 cars) and the local roads are already under immense pressure. All the mature trees are removed devastating local wildlife, some of which are endangered, which in turn moves them into roads causing more accidents. This area needs to stay semi rural to allow more mature trees to stay, more wildlife, less widening/replacement of roads. There is no point in replanting new trees miles away when they can take 20 years or more to be useful to the wildlife you have already displaced/killed on roads.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
281 Petersen Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (10 into 195 lots, open space, drainage reserve and new road in 4 stages)

These next generation developments are completely out of keeping with all the surrounding developments, which are semi rural. These developments have a negative visual impact on the streetscape and do not fit in with the current surroundings, The proposed dwellings are not of a design which is in keeping with the scale, character, or appearance of the area. All other dwellings in this area are semi rural properties whereas the proposal is for next generation properties some as small as 200/300sqm. They cause car parking and traffic problems as there are always inadequate parking spaces provided (most households now have at least 2 cars) and the local roads are already under immense pressure. All the mature trees are removed devastating local wildlife, some of which are endangered, which in turn moves them into roads causing more accidents. This area needs to stay semi rural to allow more mature trees to stay, more wildlife, less widening/replacement of roads. There is no point in replanting new trees miles away when they can take 20 years or more to be useful to the wildlife you have already displaced/killed on roads.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
281 Petersen Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (10 into 56 lots and new road, Stage 5)

These next generation developments are completely out of keeping with all the surrounding developments, which are semi rural. These developments have a negative visual impact on the streetscape and do not fit in with the current surroundings, The proposed dwellings are not of a design which is in keeping with the scale, character, or appearance of the area. All other dwellings in this area are semi rural properties whereas the proposal is for next generation properties some as small as 200/300sqm. They cause car parking and traffic problems as there are always inadequate parking spaces provided (most households now have at least 2 cars) and the local roads are already under immense pressure. All the mature trees are removed devastating local wildlife, some of which are endangered, which in turn moves them into roads causing more accidents. This area needs to stay semi rural to allow more mature trees to stay, more wildlife, less widening/replacement of roads. There is no point in replanting new trees miles away when they can take 20 years or more to be useful to the wildlife you have already displaced/killed on roads.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
88 J Dobson Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 5 Lots, new road and easements) and Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks, Stormwater and Earthworks)

These next generation developments are completely out of keeping with all the surrounding developments, which are semi rural. These developments have a negative visual impact on the streetscape and do not fit in with the current surroundings, The proposed dwellings are not of a design which is in keeping with the scale, character, or appearance of the area. All other dwellings in this area are semi rural properties whereas the proposal is for next generation properties some as small as 200/300sqm. They cause car parking and traffic problems as there are always inadequate parking spaces provided (most households now have at least 2 cars) and the local roads are already under immense pressure. All the mature trees are removed devastating local wildlife, some of which are endangered, which in turn moves them into roads causing more accidents. This area needs to stay semi rural to allow more mature trees to stay, more wildlife, less widening/replacement of roads. There is no point in replanting new trees miles away when they can take 20 years or more to be useful to the wildlife you have already displaced/killed on roads.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
50-56 Nairn Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Operational Works - Development Permit for Landscaping (Affinity, Stages 4-6)

I was glad to see the old houses facing 50-56 Nairn rd demolished.This large development block has provided no habitat for wild life for many years ..Small blocks require sewage..I don think it is available in this area?
There have been some really nice developments in the area divided into 3/4 acre blocks
with quality homes.Hope that is the case here.?

John Powers
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
54 Elof Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks, Stormwater & Earthworks

Please be mindful of any flood impact this will have on surrounding properties. I have been living in Flowers rd for 23 years and with development our house has now flooded twice, first time in 2015 after first development on our street and now 2022 after second development. Our street has also been impacted as now in heavy rain people can not go to work or essential shopping as the road is flooded for 48 hours this is something that never happened before. I try to talk to council but get no help to solve the issue. Very disappointed.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
50-56 Nairn Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Operational Works - Development Permit for Landscaping (Affinity, Stages 4-6)

This area was declared a koala habitat, but now is a high density housing development
how this for a back flip. The question should be asked how can this happen?

A Timms
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
5 Bland Street Strathpine QLD 4500
Request to Extend Currency Period - Material Change of Use – Development Permit for Residential Care Facility (96 beds)

Trying to find out what company will be running this facility and wen is it due to be finished thank you

Tania Watkins
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
50-56 Nairn Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Operational Works - Development Permit for Landscaping (Affinity, Stages 4-6)

These next generation developments are completely out of keeping with all the surrounding developments, which are semi rural. These developments have a negative visual impact on the streetscape and do not fit in with the current surroundings, The proposed dwellings are not of a design which is in keeping with the scale, character, or appearance of the area. All other dwellings in this area are semi rural properties whereas the proposal is for next generation properties some as small as 200/300sqm. They cause car parking and traffic problems as there are always inadequate parking spaces provided (most households now have at least 2 cars) and the local roads are already under immense pressure. All the mature trees are removed devastating local wildlife, some of which are endangered, which in turn moves them into roads causing more accidents. This area needs to stay semi rural to allow more mature trees to stay, more wildlife, less widening/replacement of roads. There is no point in replanting new trees miles away when they can take 20 years or more to be useful to the wildlife you have already displaced/killed on roads.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
88 J Dobson Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 5 Lots, new road and easements) and Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks, Stormwater and Earthworks)

Housing for people is more important than housing for kangaroos .& possums ..(which are always getting run over btw)
As for koala's, I have seen one in 19 years in the nearby environment park which is remaining ..untouched .. ..I go there regularly.

john powers
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
88 J Dobson Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 5 Lots, new road and easements) and Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks, Stormwater and Earthworks)

I agree with other comments - to the effect that work has already commenced on this development. Trees have been cleared down one side of the block, probably to allow access to the proposed subdivision. As I'm new to the area, and new to this planning alert, I wondered if these alerts were more about warning that work was underway, rather than that work had been proposed but not actually approved by council yet.
So, which is it?

Katrina Burgess
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
88 J Dobson Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 5 Lots, new road and easements) and Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks, Stormwater and Earthworks)

It is hard to fathom what is happening in this area. Work has already commenced on this development, prior to the application even being made.
There are areas of state and local significance throughout this community and the MBRC is allowing developers to destroy it all.
What a tragic loss of wildlife habitat.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
88 J Dobson Road Morayfield QLD 4506
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 5 Lots, new road and easements) and Operational Works - Development Permit for Roadworks, Stormwater and Earthworks)

On the da form they have ticked no to part 5 17) when they will be removing native vegetation in a koala priority area.
And they have started work without approval. This application should be rejected

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
28 Hunt Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Operational Work - Development Permit for Vegetation Clearing

How can this application and others like it in Morayfield south even be considered when the Mayor Peter Flannery conceded development in the Morayfield south area was occurring ahead of council planning and he implemented a temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI).
Mayor Flannery has quoted
" The population here is already booming, developers are already submitting applications to build, and without any strategic oversight and coordination in this area I genuinely worry that we will be creating a future problem for our community.
“Before any new developments get underway it’s absolutely critical that we know where new roads will go, identify all the infrastructure that is needed and ensure there are vital community amenities like parks, schools and community centres for future families to enjoy, while protecting our native wildlife. its habitat and environment.
“The consequences of the decisions council make now will be lived by future generations and the overwhelming feedback from our Moreton Says survey was that locals want to see better and smarter environmental friendly planning outcomes.
“I am openly concerned about the risks of these development occurring in the area without adequate planning controls to guide the need for different housing types, protecting environmental corridors and native wildlife, local shops and the community connectivity needed to meet community expectations.
“This needs to be contemplated holistically for the entire Morayfield South growth area. We need a holistic and transparent plan for the area to guide positive development outcomes for the protection of our environment and for those that call Morayfield south home"

So please explain how MBRC can be approving any of the destruction applications that are currently slashing and burning their way across the last native wildlife habitat in the Morayfield south area. The destructive and killing clear cutting of acre after acres of irreplaceable healthy native wildlife habitat and ecosystems from Clark road through to Hunt road is criminal.
The amount of native wildlife habitat this council has already approved and permitted its total destruction is a disgrace.
SO does MBRC agree continue to approve the total destruction of this suburb and its wildlife? or is MBRC going to pause and listen to the environmental experts and the residents of Morayfield south.
Mayor Flannery, Councillor Latter and MBRC You Lied to us.
Please stop this slaughter
This would never of happened if we were still Caboolture council.
Once again MBRC please stop.
Mr Whittaker
Morayfield south

Mr Whittaker
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
38 Atherton Road Caboolture QLD 4510
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Retirement Facility

Please be mindful of any flood impact this will have on surrounding properties. I have been living in Flowers rd for 23 years and with development our house has now flooded twice, first time in 2015 after first development on our street and now 2020 after second development. Our street has also been impacted as now in heavy rain people can not go to work or essential shopping as the road is flooded for 48 hours this is something that never happened before. I try to talk to council but get no help to solve the issue. Very disappointed.

E. Sullivan
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
36 Pleasant Drive Albany Creek QLD 4035
Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (1 into 5 Lots)

This application should not be approved . It is a very nice area with houses on medium sized lots . Do not destroy this area with high density development . During cronstruction , our nice quiet streets will have large trucks going past at and above the current speed limit . Months and months of construction , and that means every day Monday to Saturday banging and clanging and all sorts of noise.If you let this application go through , this once quiet family friendly area will be ruined forever .Everybody with financial means will be eager to subdivide lots and build as many apartments , townhouses as they possibly can. Do not let this development application proceed .

Tony Clarke
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Have the current council learnt nothing from the mistakes of the last one? The residents, once again, have to clearly help the council to do their job properly. This development should not need any comments as it is obviously NOT viable. I challenge the councillors to go to the station shopping centre every day for a week especially around 4 pm onwards and observe the chaotic mess which occurs. Make sure you observe and leave by the driveway exit across from the station. Once you have done that, your decision can be finalised. No brainer: council - get smart.

Gabrielle Stanger
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

If this is to be approved MAJOR traffic modification to the entry and exit of the complexe will be required BEFORE the construction starts.

Adding a no right turn onto Station Road would be pointless as a large percentage of drivers would ignore it. This entry/exit would most likely require a cement island to be installed to take the right turn option away completely.

And after reading some of the other comments - it appears this is a well known problem with this complex.

Ross Cowley
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council