All recent comments on applications from Moreton Bay Regional Council, QLD

9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Traffic entry and exit at Station Rd is already very unsafe for motorists.
I avoid exiting the centre onto Station Rd to turn right as it is dangerous, preferring the Henderson Rd exit through the basement car park.
And where would existing staff park if you take away this area for another drive through fast food store? The car park is already busy with shoppers, especially meal times. Too many existing food vendors.
We are overwhelmed with food options in Burpengary, with much repetition.
No more please. And definately not with poor planning for vehicles!

Anita C
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

I use the train station daily. Adding a drive through take away is going to increase an already unsafe, entry and exit point. Pedestrians are already at risk crossing the pedestrian crossing now, if additional traffic was added, we will definitely see a fatality.

When trains are stopping and the crossing rails are down, traffic banks up across each of the roundabout exit points, add onto that Sunshine Coast drivers diverting off the freeway and its gridlocked.

This space was not created with the amount of traffic already filling the roads, adding more would be disastrous.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Traffic in this area at peak times is crazy now. It comes to stop at the around about when a train arrives at the station. (In peak times every 15mins)
What will happen when the new station construction work begins?

Local Citizen
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Dear MBRC,

I note a number of issues with the current development, which the proposed fast food drive through development will exacerbate even further.
1. The Burpengary Rd entrance/exit is inadequate. Currently there is only one exit lane, which means if you want to turn left, you often have to wait some time for the person in front of you to turn right.
2. Often people who intend to turn right, first turn left, then turn right into the train station carpark so they can take a shortcut. This is dangerous to pedestrians using the QR Rail carpark.
3. The Burpengary round entrance/exit is dangerous for pedestrians, I regularly walk the pedestrian crossing just south of the roundabout, and drivers often behave erratically as there is so many cars, entrances and exits coming from all directions (roundabout, station, shops).
4. The level crossing causes traffic jams everytime a train comes through. This is not too bad for southbound trains as the gates go up and down quickly, but northbound trains stop in the station, so you can be waiting 2mins+ at the crossing. This then turns the roundabout into gridlock. You should ask QR rail to change the sensor times here to reduce unnecessary wait times.
5. The current shopping centre still has 3-4 vacant shops, once these are occupied it is likely traffic will get even worse.

I suggest that if they want to put in a fast food drive through, then the developer should buy the property at 3-7 Burpengary Rd, and put the entrance/exits onto Henderson Road. This property should have been integrated into the development in the first place, I'm guessing that current owners refused as they received inadequate offers from the developer.
I strongly suggest that if this development does go ahead (as council often is in the pockets of developers anyway), that the Burpengary Rd entrance/exit be upgraded to include a slip lane allowing for left turns onto Burpengary Road.

Matthew Tiller
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

I am astounded that’s a drive through takeaway would even be considered for that position. As a resident that drives Burpengary road each day, the traffic is chaotic in peak hours around the Village centre entrance and will only get worse with a drive thru. And for the love of god, PLEASE don’t consider traffic lights at this entrance, that’s all we need to slow the traffic even more. The residents are all saying NO!! Please listening to what we are saying!!!!

Rene Gowans
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Station rd is an extremely congested area with multiple shopping centres and schools feeding into it. At school times it is a car park.

Near the Station shopping Centre there is also a busy railway station- it is already a highly congested area.

Just as the drive KFC through on Station rd has caused similar congestion issues (as one cannot even turn into the shopping centre when cars are queued) please do not
permit another bottle neck in BURPENGARY!

Andrea Fargnoli
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Bad idea. Traffic congestion is terrible. Instead of adding more to fire to the issue, address the problem we already face with shops along station road. Trying to navigate through there now is hard enough.

J Gillies
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

I could not agree more with the comments already made. Removing 29 car parks is INSANE!! It’s hard enough to find a car park here on a busy day already. WE do NOT need another fast food outlet there. The area there including the exit on to Burpengary Road is already congested and causing problems every day with queues of traffic .
I always use the exit through the underground car park and even that has its own problems with young people using the area to skateboard in.
Common sense is Not that common these days but I implore council to really look at this application and make a sensible decision NOT based on Financial gain.

Sandra Waters
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

As a local resident , I live in the next street over , this intersection is already a traffic hazard. Sometimes the wait time to turn left is over 10 minutes as people turning right cannot get out. This is due to incoming trains holding up the crossing and the cars can be banked right back to the new settlement road roundabout.
Honestly I thought more productive planning would of been in place but it appears not .

Jane Citizen
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Please do not allow this application to be approved.
The surrounding roads are already choked with traffic congestion.

Lee Scarlett
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

It beggars belief that this would even be considered. I'm yet to see even one person say "what a great idea". We do not need yet another fast food outlet in the area, let alone in such a place as suggested. What a nightmare. I strongly suggest the powers that be engage their brain matter and listen to what every other person has been saying...No!

Doug Gowans
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

The addition of a drive-through food outlet would compliment the layout of the actual complex and would be very convenient - once you have finally managed to enter. However, the proposed entrance and exit to the new drive-through is:
• The existing shopping centre entrance AND exit (onto Burpengary Road).
This is already an extremely busy junction for multiple reasons listed below.
• The line up to exit the carpark and shopping centre can currently take up to 6 mins or longer during peak times. The only relief during these periods, is a friendly driver waiting in line on Burpengary Road, waiving you out to squeeze in. However, this encourages rushing and most will dash out quickly, only glancing to the right, in turn also irritating the patient cars that are waiting in line to approach (before a train holds them up at the roundabout!).
• Opposite the railway station and it's entry and exits, which are all within 20-30m of each the current shopping centre entrances. Buses also frequently enter and exit.
• Leads onto Burpengary Road and when needing to turn right, then meets (collides) with a pedestrian crossing which is within 20-30m. This is regularly utilized by locals. I witness cyclists, children, the elderly, and commuters using the crossing daily (and is the only crossing method provided for the Railway pedestrians to cross this section of Road).
• Rowley Road/Henderson Road roundabout also meets (collides) with an older style railway crossing. When a train is approaching and vehicles are not to cross, you are unable to turn left at the roundabout (from Burpengary Road) because of congestion. You also cannot move forward from Henderson Road during this time (when needing to turn right, when needing to move straight through towards Rowley Road, or simply needing to turn left and become stuck behind these cars noted above).
• Shows no signs of improvement with regards to the traffic flow, nor assistance to turn right, nor upgraded pedestrian crossing facilities.

I am disappointed to learn that many locals will only learn about this proposed upgrade once it is approved and building begins, or if they are 'lucky' enough to live in the immediate vicinity and are notified by PI, or if they are one of those who actully sign up for email alerts on planning alerts - then can decipher what the application actually says.

I do hope the assessor who reads the quantity of 'existing carpark spaces' that may be noted in the Material Change of Use, is aware that half of the carpark spaces provided for this centre, are actually no where near the new proposed drive-through outlet (and are hardly utilized by the shopping centre patrons). There is a large portion located downstairs and situated in front of and next to, the thriving Burpengary Community Club (which also hosts the other 'downstairs' entrance and exit, leading onto Henderson Road)

While I personally love the boutique feel of this complex and the stores within (I also love the style of builds the Komiskey Group have shown with the Sandstone Point hotel and grounds, the Eatons Hill tavern and their gorgeous adjoining hotel).... the look and feel of a complex and the convenience it may appear to bring, definitely do not outweigh the requirements for residential traffic schemes to have logical designs - that do not actually increase congestion by more than half.
Especially when that specific congestion has already been voiced on many public platforms, by so many local businesses and residents. I definitely hope common sense prevails here (and a sensible Town Planner assists in reviewing future DAs).

Jessica Fischer
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Absolutely ridiculous to put yet another food outlet in another stupid place,causing more traffic issues, in an already congested area. I'm sure losing 29 carspaces will cause issues with parking in busy periods.
I hope more people will be against this unnecessary application .

Katherine Denschel
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

What a terrible decision to even consider this !
Took me 15 mins to leave just two days ago after “quickly popping “ into the IGA for milk , people were beeping at each other , I thought I was going to be in the centre of some mass road rage incident! Between the current traffic with the shops, the station, the back up from the rail crossing and the roundabout you would have to be crazy to add a drive through. I would be avoiding it at all costs , won’t be long until someone gets impatient and there is a fatality there.

Sam Hogan
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Unbelievable that this is even being considered. It’s an absolute shit show up there at the best of times. The evenings are chaos, especially trying to get out of the shops and onto Station Road. The whole street has such poor planning. It’s great having new food venues but approvals really need to be thoroughly thought through.

Melissa Hanson
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Living close to the station it is already chaotic to get in and out of residences at school times adding a drive through food option will only add to the congestion at the roundabout preventing traffic from flowing easily

Jocelyn White
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

This is not the right location for more traffic at this location. During peak times the queue for the roadabout can get back to the l8ghts ar Pit Rd and the queue inside the carport can get back to dentist.

The current infrastructure cannot handle more traffic.
The roundabout needs to be lights and the driveway will need to be lights as well.

A drive through is meant to be quick, you will be stuck in traffic waiting to get out before enjoying your food/beverages.

The current selection of businesses are great in the complex and if the infrastructure was right I wouldn't have an issue.

Scott Brady
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

The surrounding infrastructure could not handle anymore traffic with a drive through take away. The local member also advised there are no detailed plans currently to upgrade the infrastructure. That area is already congested. There have also been several accidents lately at the round about.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

I'd like to second everyone else's comment that it is ridiculous to add disruption to this road when it has already dramatically worsened in the last year or 2. Council needs to check on their hypocrisy consenting to this rubbish if forwarded by developers yet private land owners cannot subdivide and add 1 driveway on much less busy roads. Disgraceful.

Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

A very bad idea. Unless substantial changes are made to traffic flow. Access to the existing shopping centre is already very marginal. Easy for any layperson to foresee.
Council should have made the developer build much better access to shops via Henderson road. Fast food drive thru not suited here.

Bruce Giddings
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

I believe that this is an extremely poor location to add a drive through takeaway.
The entrance/exit to the drive through is the existing entrance onto Burpengary Road opposite the railway station. This is already an extremely busy junction next to the Burpengary Road/Rowley Road roundabout which is already badly congested. Further, the Kinma Valley estate being developed will significantly increase traffic burden upon this main tributary junction and as such, the addition of the drive through will only exacerbate the already heavily congested junction. The location within the Burpengary Station Village is also poor with drivers going to the drive through having to drive through the car park lot. This will make access to the existing car park much slower and also place pedestrians exiting/entering parked vehicles in a much more dangerous environment - particularly children. Note that there is also a children's playground next to this 'choke point'.
The area local to this application is already saturated with drive through takeaway restaurants with Hungry Jacks, two Red Roosters, KFC, Macdonalds and Subway all within a 5 minute/2.5km drive.
The residential nature of the area around the planned location means that the provision of a fast food drive through is also not in keeping with the setting.
For further reference look to KFC on station road and the congestion in and around the facility during its rush hours. KFC is in a similar placement reference wise to this proposed fast food facility. Next to a busy road and busy carpark, sharp turns to enter and exit the facility and beside a road that during rush hours can be backed up and cause congestion where no one can get into the complex & traffic queued back onto the main road creating a hazard!

Moira Purcell
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

This is definitely not needed in this location. The amount of traffic on Burpengary Rd, traffic exiting the centre and the railway opposite is already causing chaos especially at peak times during the day. This is an accident waiting to happen. Obviously the council are willing to put our lives at risk.

Kayleen Lawson
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

The placement of the village as a whole was not done with residents in mind. The corner placement adjacent from a station soon to be refurbished, down the road from one school and next to a roundabout leading to another causes a whole slew of problems at all times during the day, let alone with another fast food outlet with a drive through in the corner of the car park. Not only will there be congestion in the carpark, but at the ill-fitted exit located beside Grill’d. If the council has any thought into how the community functions they would see the lack of consideration and benefit to the community and scrap the idea.

Whilst the service of all facilities located in the village have been second to none in my experience it doesn’t stop the fact that the centre was not built for benefit to the wider community.

Our roads are already filled with congestion at the best of times. Not to mention when the highway falls to a standstill the traffic marches down station road, occasionally backed up to the lights at Pitt Road.

For further reference look to KFC on station road and the congestion in and around the facility during its rush hours. KFC is in a similar placement reference wise to this proposed fast food facility. Next to a busy road and busy carpark, sharp turns to enter and exit the facility and beside a road that during rush hours can be backed up and cause congestion all because of Zinger boxes.

I’d be more than happy to share my thoughts more and discuss the concept of logic and consideration and how they apply to the public service. Feel free to contact me for extra correspondence, but for now I’m just Unhappy Jan.

Unhappy Jan
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

Several times I’ve seen people almost collide trying to exit that driveway turning right.

Make it so you can only turn left, or install traffic lights.

The crossing is insanely dangerous with poor lighting.

There is so much going on here already.
This will only exacerbate the traffic issue.

Martin James
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council
9 Burpengary Road Burpengary QLD 4505
Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Food and Drink Outlet

I believe that this is an extremely poor location to add a drive through takeaway.
The entrance/exit to the drive through is the existing entrance onto Burpengary Road opposite the railway station. This is already an extremely busy junction next to the Burpengary Road/Rowley Road roundabout which is already badly congested. Further, the Kinma Valley estate being developed will significantly increase traffic burden upon this main tributary junction and as such, the addition of the drive through will only exacerbate the already heavily congested junction. The location within the Burpengary Station Village is also poor with drivers going to the drive through having to drive through the car park lot. This will make access to the existing car park much slower and also place pedestrians exiting/entering parked vehicles in a much more dangerous environment - particularly children. Note that there is also a children's playground next to this 'choke point'.
The area local to this application is already saturated with drive through takeaway restaurants with Hungry Jacks, two Red Roosters, KFC, Macdonalds and Subway all within a 5 minute/2.5km drive.
The residential nature of the area around the planned location means that the provision of a fast food drive through is also not in keeping with the setting.

David Barker
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council