12 McDonald Street Bongaree QLD 4507

Request to Change (Other) - Material Change of Use - Development Permit for Alteration and Additions to a Club
Planning Authority
Moreton Bay Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
40 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Moreton Bay Regional Council. Add your own comment.

In reference to DA/2022/4260, few would doubt that the Bribie RSL needs further car park space but this vacant residential land - owned by the Bribie RSL has been used as an illegal car park for the last 3 years with nearly daily traffic problems, vehicles doing 180deg turns at the end of McDonald street, vehicles trying to turn right into Ford street or trying to turn left into McDonald St with near misses of pedestrians from the Spowers St round-a-bout down into McDonald Street. Traffic has increased in both McDonald and Ford streets since the easing of Covid to and from the Bribie RSL.

A formal complaint was made to Council 2 years ago primarily about the traffic problems and a further complaint made this time via the local Councillors office about the increased traffic flow problems and near vehicle misses in McDonald St - to this day nobody from Council has got back to me (REQ2021-189383). As a resident of Ford Street I have NOT been approached by the Bribie RSL or Council re traffic concerns (fixes) or increased noise.

Around 7-8 years ago it was proposed that Ford Street should be made one way given the narrow street with increased traffic (no gutters or storm water) but after a street meeting by the past MBRC Councillor and included all residents between McDonald and Gregory Streets this was rejected but local traffic only signs installed at either end. Given the increased further traffic after the car park is completed - further consideration should be given to traffic flows and or making Ford St ONE WAY ONLY.

Andrew Joyce
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council

I don’t have a problem with the car park. The land is already used as a car park at the moment. My concern would be the main entrance. You can now exit the main entrance, what with the bus parked there, see the near misses with cars trying to get out. Maybe have an exit onto Webster St ?

Chris Jones
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council

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