28 Hunt Road Burpengary QLD 4505

Operational Work - Development Permit for Vegetation Clearing
Planning Authority
Moreton Bay Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
154 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Moreton Bay Regional Council. Add your own comment.

How can this application and others like it in Morayfield south even be considered when the Mayor Peter Flannery conceded development in the Morayfield south area was occurring ahead of council planning and he implemented a temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI).
Mayor Flannery has quoted
" The population here is already booming, developers are already submitting applications to build, and without any strategic oversight and coordination in this area I genuinely worry that we will be creating a future problem for our community.
“Before any new developments get underway it’s absolutely critical that we know where new roads will go, identify all the infrastructure that is needed and ensure there are vital community amenities like parks, schools and community centres for future families to enjoy, while protecting our native wildlife. its habitat and environment.
“The consequences of the decisions council make now will be lived by future generations and the overwhelming feedback from our Moreton Says survey was that locals want to see better and smarter environmental friendly planning outcomes.
“I am openly concerned about the risks of these development occurring in the area without adequate planning controls to guide the need for different housing types, protecting environmental corridors and native wildlife, local shops and the community connectivity needed to meet community expectations.
“This needs to be contemplated holistically for the entire Morayfield South growth area. We need a holistic and transparent plan for the area to guide positive development outcomes for the protection of our environment and for those that call Morayfield south home"

So please explain how MBRC can be approving any of the destruction applications that are currently slashing and burning their way across the last native wildlife habitat in the Morayfield south area. The destructive and killing clear cutting of acre after acres of irreplaceable healthy native wildlife habitat and ecosystems from Clark road through to Hunt road is criminal.
The amount of native wildlife habitat this council has already approved and permitted its total destruction is a disgrace.
SO does MBRC agree continue to approve the total destruction of this suburb and its wildlife? or is MBRC going to pause and listen to the environmental experts and the residents of Morayfield south.
Mayor Flannery, Councillor Latter and MBRC You Lied to us.
Please stop this slaughter
This would never of happened if we were still Caboolture council.
Once again MBRC please stop.
Mr Whittaker
Morayfield south

Mr Whittaker
Delivered to Moreton Bay Regional Council

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