All recent comments on applications from Frankston City Council, VIC

105 Fortescue Avenue, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct three (3) double storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay (SBO) and to subdivide the land

Very close proximity to natural watercourses in a flood zone renders the proposal absolutely inappropriate, noting the Special Planning Overlay.

The only appropriate determination of the development application by the responsible authority is that of refusal.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Frankston City Council
105 Fortescue Avenue, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct three (3) double storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to construct buildings and works in a Special Building Overlay (SBO) and to subdivide the land

That the proposed height, scale, massing and lack of setbacks will dominate the surrounds and not respond positively to the surrounding context.

That the proposed height, scale, massing, number of dwellings and extent of setbacks does not respond to the requirements of the General Residential Zone (R1Z) and will create unacceptable visual bulk and overshadowing impacts.

The proposed use represents an over intensification of the site.

That the proposed works may lead to a reduction in the abilities to provide parking upon the site for occupants and visitors and subsequently create an unacceptable amenity impact upon surrounding area occupants and visitors regularly using public places within.

That the proposed work does not meet the requirements of the R1Z, noting the lot size, orientation of existing structures, street walls and extent of proposed works scale, massing and setbacks contemplated.

The proposed work does not properly respond to the requirements of the Special Planning Overlay noting herein a summary of it:

To identify land in urban areas liable to inundation by overland flows from the urban drainage system as determined by, or in consultation with, the floodplain management authority. To ensure that development maintains the free passage and temporary storage of floodwaters, minimises flood damage, is compatible with the flood hazard and local drainage conditions and will not cause any significant rise in flood level or flow velocity. To protect water quality and waterways as natural resources by managing urban stormwater, protecting water supply catchment areas, and managing saline discharges to minimise the risks to the environmental quality of water and groundwater.

That the proposed work does not respond to the cultural heritage values of the neighbourhood.

That the proposal represents an overdevelopment of the site.

The proposal does not contemplate meaningful landscaping of the site, especially that there is no contemplation of providing and maintaining any canopy trees of the indigenous ecological vegetation class, especially a canopy tree whose height would exceed 6.0 metres upon maturity.

The proposal involves the unacceptable removal of significant vegetation.

This submitter is of the firm considered view that the only appropriate outcome for this proposal is that the Responsible Authority make a determination of Refusal.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Frankston City Council
42 Hillcrest Road, Frankston 3199, VIC
To subdivide the land into three (3) lots in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

don't want anymore concreate monstosaties on this street.
where have all the homes gone with backyards?
gready and selfish coucils just care about money

Dj Nelson
Delivered to Frankston City Council
34 Cliff Road, Frankston 3199, VIC
To construct a building and to construct and carry out works within the Erosion Management Overlay Schedule 3 (EMO3)

Can I please see the planning permit. I live in the house in front of this property.

Bernette Blackford
Delivered to Frankston City Council
23 Hillcrest Road, Frankston 3199, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct five (5) double storey dwellings

Its nice to have the vacant block there last thing we need is more tiny dwellings

Dj Nelson
Delivered to Frankston City Council
18 Bembridge Avenue, Frankston South 3199, VIC
Condition 1 - To subdivide land into two (2) lots and to subdivide in a Design and Development Overlay and Bushfire Management Overlay

Its seems there have been several changes to this divison of land which had previously been subdivided with 20 Bembridge.

It will be interesting too see how they can squeeze a large two story dwelling on this awkward block.

Len McCahon
Delivered to Frankston City Council
438-444 Nepean Highway, Frankston 3199, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct an 8 storey building (above the existing building) and to construct and carry out works in a Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z), to use the land for a Child Care Centre and Dwellings in a Commercial 1 Zone (C1Z) and to reduce the number of car parking spaces required under Clause 52.06-5 of the Frankston Planning Scheme

Parking is a major concern in Frankston and especially near the Nepean Hwy and Kananook Bouldvard, I emplore Frankston City Council to cease the reduction of parking spaces on this and all other proposed building sites within the CBD. It is a disgrace that a former council allowed reduced parking at the South East Water building and then virtually allocated all parking on Kananook Boulevard to SE Water by eliminating the 2 hour parking limit. With the current and foreseeable future worldwide virus situation, public transport is being under utilised in favour of private vehicles which is likely to continue. Parking in Frankston needs to be augmented not diminished

Ken Rightnour
Delivered to Frankston City Council
134 Cadles Road, Carrum Downs 3201, VIC
Condition 1 - To construct nineteen (19) double storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ) and to remove native vegetation

The amount of large townhouses developments going up around Carrum Downs in small narrow streets is concerning. Where are all the extra cars going to go? Most households have more then one car. They have little to no driveways due to houses been crammed in so no other option but to park on a narrow street or up on nature strips making the area look trashy. Nor is there the infrastructure to deal with high density housing. Madison Crescent Carrum Downs is another prime example. Recent and current development of approximately 18 townhouses in the street this does not include all the houses that already exist in the street and the street would only be a 200 meters or so long and the roadway is extremely narrow. Council needs to look at these areas at night or on a weekend when cars are parked up everywhere due to lack of parking availability within these streets and this is without the 10 new townhouses that are to be built in Madison Street. This development with suffer the same fate and from local FB pages already has parking issues due to other developments / businesses in the area.

D Chilton
Delivered to Frankston City Council
38 Hillcrest Road, Frankston 3199, VIC
Five (5) lot subdivision

Nothing wrong with the house so why bulldoze for crammed living... Shame on you council we are not sardines

Jon doe
Delivered to Frankston City Council
86-88 Stotts Lane, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To subdivide the land into Forty Eight (48) lots (staged subdivision) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

As a resident living on manor drive with young children, this street is busy enough as it is without taking on further traffic with a new development.
Entering and exiting from the new development should take place onsite of the development and not use adjoining roads at the risk and detriment of Tahnee estate residents

Nicole Bauld
Delivered to Frankston City Council
86-88 Stotts Lane, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To subdivide the land into Forty Eight (48) lots (staged subdivision) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

I'm very concerned that the developer will be using the existing streets in Tarnee Lodge estate to carry out the construction of the new development. This will significantly impact the residents and will be dangerous for children playing in the park in Manor Drive. The Developer should be providing access to the subdivision from Scott's Lane and not through Tahnee Lodge estate.

Peter K Graham
Delivered to Frankston City Council
86-88 Stotts Lane, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To subdivide the land into Forty Eight (48) lots (staged subdivision) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

As a long standing owner of a property in Tahnee Lodge Estate, I have concerns this application will have a negative impact on our property’s value

Anne Graham
Delivered to Frankston City Council
15 Robinsons Road, Seaford 3198, VIC
To construct one (1) double storey dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling (two (2) dwellings on a lot) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Frankston City Council,
I am concerned about the number of townhouses and blocks being subdivided in the Frankston district. Especially on this occasion, in Robinsons Road Seaford.
Growing up in the area and my father living opposite this address (15 Robinsons Road) we were able to freely play, walk and drive without any hazards. But due to increase blocks being subdivided in the last 10-15 years it’s has caused massive hazards on our roads due to unsuitable parking on housing premises, therefore as a consequence more vehicles park on the road, less children being active outside and hazards for our emergency services vehicles.
Focusing on 15 Robinsons Rd, if this permit was to be approved it would continue with issues in the street.
-Vehicles continuously park on both sides of the Road, causing issues for residents to exit from there driveways.
-Number 11 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 19 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 2 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 27 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 28 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking n the road.
-Number 13 is a small cottage and residents suspect in the future that this will be subdivided as well due to land size current home is on. This land will fit 3-4 townhouse style homes. So if Number 15 was approved, in future there would be up to 8 townhouses next to each other which would be totally unacceptable.
-Bin collection is already made hard due to vehicles always parked on the road.
-With vehicles parked on both sides of road, this will cause massive issues for emergency services vehicles (especially fire trucks), if an emergency was to happen towards end of the street. This is already an issue in Robinsons Road.
-With more houses this causes more issues with noise complaints and privacy issues.

Townhouses and subdividing land is ruining the landscape of The City of Frankston. We have a beautiful part of Victoria which is sadly being ruined by overcrowded streets and cars parked on roads instead on properties.

I hope council look into not just the issues I have for the residents of Robinsons Road but also look into the surrounds them self to see that the development of 15 Robinsons Road is not suitable at all. More issues with arise if this goes forward.

Thank you for your time.

Anthony Besim
Delivered to Frankston City Council
75 Quarry Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC
Secondary Consent - To use the site for Refuse Disposal (landfill)

Councillors and City of Frankston, what action/activity has been taken advising residents about the hugely significant environmental refuse facility proposed for 75 Quarrry Road Langwarrin. Who is accountable ?
75 Quarry Rd is on the EPAs Priority Sites register. Which means Pollution of land and/or groundwater presents a potential risk to human health and the environment. Clean up notices are issed to priority sites! The management is below required EPA standards.
This is a significant issue that every resident in the surrounding area must be alerted to.
Pretty underhand to keep this significant matter quiet and under residential radar. Council elections!
What guarantee is in place prevent a methane leak disaster as in Brookland Greens Cranbourne a decade back? . People became sick, poisoned by the waste station management practices.some even hospitalised. People had to vacate their homes for months. Litigation against the City of Casey cost ratepayers $23.5M
Langwarrin is a residential area. Quarry Road vehicle traffic is heavy due to the operating quarry. A refuse facility will increase traffic, increase noise, smell and air pollutiion. The EPA opposed the building of Brooklsnds Green so close to a landfill site. Why are council and councillors considering a refuse facility in an established residential area? Wheres the environmental risk assessment?
As mentioned in an earlier comment from a concerned resident the area is to be a future greenbelt when the quarry is closed. Families are purchasing in the area accordingly. Considering 75 Quarry Rd as a waste staion is an environmental hazard to the area. it is nonsensical and environmentally risky behaviour by council and councillors. The future generation and voters need informed intelligence and data to make informed decisions when voting. Litigation against council is an increasing risk. .

Morag Macpherson
Delivered to Frankston City Council
75 Quarry Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC
Secondary Consent - To use the site for Refuse Disposal (landfill)

As a nearby property owner what measures are being taken to ensure that their is not a repeat of the methane leak disaster that occurred in Cranbourne that saw people removed from their homes and their house values plummet?
This is a residential area with a high population of children. The area is already subject to large vehicle traffic due to the operating quarry and any such increase will further increase noise, smell and air pollution.
Furthermore Frankston has the area earmarked to be a future greenbelt once the quarry has been closed which is the reason people are purchasing in the area so to consider this area as a refuse facility is a clear divergence and an environmental hazard to the local community.
This is a significant issue that every resident in the surrounding area must be alerted to, not stumbled across when searching for the specific subject on the internet.
What action or activity has been undertaken to advise the community of such a significant environmental decision being made about their immediate surround?

Simon Douglas
Delivered to Frankston City Council
56 Orwil Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
Condition 1 plans - To construct one (1) double storey dwelling to rear of existing dwelling (two (2) dwellings) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Frankston already has 74 registered boarding houses. In 2015 Frankston had 32 boarding houses. Basically doubling in numbers every five years. We have two in Finlay St and there is not enough parking for either of these premises. Enogh is enough Frankston Council. Casey council and Kingston Council act on these issues and stop their suburbs being treated as dumpimg grounds for cheap housing.

Bill Rollins
Delivered to Frankston City Council
56 Orwil Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
Condition 1 plans - To construct one (1) double storey dwelling to rear of existing dwelling (two (2) dwellings) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

The owners of this boarding house have not allowed for the parking needed for more tenants and a new house.

Carly Williams-boucher
Delivered to Frankston City Council
4 Scenic Close, Frankston South 3199, VIC
To construct one (1) double storey dwelling in a Bushfire Management Overlay Schedule 1 (BMO1), To construct a building and carry out buildings and works in a Design and Development Overlay Schedule 1 (DDO1)

Hi can I please be sent information regarding this building as I have just purchased 59 Alicudi Ave, Frankston South and would like to see the building drawings and to see if our current view will be obstructed.

Kenneth Cassidy
Delivered to Frankston City Council
75 Quarry Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC
Secondary Consent - To use the site for Refuse Disposal (landfill)

Can someone please tell me, as a concerned nearby resident, just what is going on with this site. why have we heard NOTHING about this and rely on scouring the internet for information. Is this going to become Landfill? If so, what type and how long will it last? What are the proposed hours of operation? This is way too close to residential areas.

Chris Deliyiannis
Delivered to Frankston City Council
56 Orwil Street, Frankston 3199, VIC
Condition 1 plans - To construct one (1) double storey dwelling to rear of existing dwelling (two (2) dwellings) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

The noise that this would create, as well as the health and safety hazard of having the building materials and dust etc so close to our eating areas, bedrooms etc would impact me due to my lung health.
There is no room for extra traffic flow in this street either and not enough room on the property for them to have more cars parked as well as a house it makes it dangerous for us to leave our driveway due to cars being parked out front already because of their illegal boarding house they run. They have had upto 15 tenants since they bought the house at the end of last year and continued to run illegal inspections during stage 4 restrictions their tenants have told us it’s a boarding house

Delivered to Frankston City Council
70 Potts Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC
To construct and use two (2) rooming houses on one lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Margaret Orr
commented about 24 hours ago
I/we totally agree, not only with the comments, but we all need to think that it is also only 600metres from woodlands primary school and we have already had a young child killed in recent times. What about the safety of children and the
Sorry, I need to state that It was a 2 year old child was MURDED September 2019
Isn’t that enough justification to object against this permit

Margaret Orr
Delivered to Frankston City Council
70 Potts Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC
To construct and use two (2) rooming houses on one lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Sorry, I need to state that a 2 year old child was MURDED September 2019
Isn’t that enough justification to object against this permit

Margaret Orr
Sent to Frankston City Council
70 Potts Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC
To construct and use two (2) rooming houses on one lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

I/we totally agree, not only with the comments, but we all need to think that it is also only 600metres from woodlands primary school and we have already had a young child killed in recent times. What about the safety of children and the aged

Margaret Orr
Sent to Frankston City Council
7 Luxton Terrace, Seaford 3198, VIC
Condition 1 plans - To construct two (2) double storey dwellings on a lot in a General Residential Zone

Must have sufficient off street parking to avoid having more cars parkee on the st.

Frosted windows on the second level if the windows have a view into a neighbouring property

Joy Gleeson
Sent to Frankston City Council
20 Brunnings Road, Carrum Downs 3201, VIC
To subdivide the land into twelve (12) lots in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)

Wanting to ensure there is enough parking space within the boundary of this development and no windows will be able to directly look into the backyard of 9 Hillview Drive Carrum Downs. Wanting privacy in backyard to be maintained.

Kathy Mizzi
Sent to Frankston City Council