This has been long time coming.
A real yachties club we hope with loads of warm nautical character.
Not a soulless noisy box.
This has been long time coming.
A real yachties club we hope with loads of warm nautical character.
Not a soulless noisy box.
Terrible idea! We need more parks and green areas than petrol stations. It is neighbouring residential areas, and roads are too congested. We don't want this! Please no.
Carrum Downs does not need another petrol station. The corner of Hall Road and McCormacks would be an accident waiting to happen it is already a busy roundabout. Apart from that who would want a petrol station next door not very favourable for the residents already living there. How many petrol stations does one area need anyway.
No more petrol stations needed. A small commercial / restaurant / take away food strip would be far more useful to that area.
6 petrol stations all within 2 to 5 minutes of each other. Did not think that area was zoned comercial. More medical needed in this area.
This would be very unfair to local residents. The area is only residential and a service station would impact negatively. Also the congestion is already bad at peak times and would make the intersection quite dangerous.
No servo please just a slab concrete ans let small business owners that have like coffee van or some other mobile some business
How many service stations does one road need ? Im sure there is enough options, don't need another one.
We don't need another petrol station. How about community garden plots or an open park area. Its in a residential area make it appropriate for the residents
You are already planning on widening the roads in a residential area. To add a service station will just increase all the issues that Hall Rd/McCormick already has.
This is already a dangerous area for pedestrians and children, increasing traffic will just worsen the already existing issues.
Please no more petrol stations in Carrum Downs
Have you taken in the congestion particularly at school drop off and pick up times at that intersection. Lot of school children walking in that area to and and from school as well. This will cause issues with cars ducking in quickly for petrol. It does not seem to be in line with the area ie it is all housing there.
I understand the need to create more affordable homes, but nine lots on this site is going to add to the already significant congestion experience on McCormicks road most weekdays and Saturdays.
Gamble Road is already busy with the current traffic load, especially as it is part of the main bus route for the 833 and 832.
In addition a number of the properties park their vehicles on Gamble Road making it difficult to drive down safely. The buses also have issues.
Sub divide the site, but could it be less lots please, say 4 to ensure there is ample offstreet parking.
Carrum downs does not need another petrol station, I'm not against having some commercial development go in there though it would be good to see some substantial native plantings amongst multi use cafe/ restaurant style buildings
If another service station goes ahead there should be green zones added and native planting and not just 1 tree, the pie face service station up the road has enough concrete to land a plane on
No more servos please, this is a horribly congested roundabout already and it will be a accident in the making if this goes ahead, also there are homes around this land and it will be unfair to the owners of these homes to have their residences devalued by this being built there
Don’t need another servo, and it borders residential homes. I don’t agree at all. It will be noisy for neighbors and the smell of fumes would be horrible. That section is also horribly congested already. Bad, bad idea. Why can’t you put in a park instead or even another doctors surgery.
Make it a ‘practical’ service station with options… Not main stream BP
or Shell like a 7/11 with some other smaller food outlets….don’t care what goes there, land is an eyesore and the area doesnt need anymore tiny units. You would need an appropriate traffic management plan with the use of slip lanes, I imagine this is inline with the set of lights being installed for the upgrade and no roundabout ?
We don’t need another servo in Carrum Downs, placing it there would only worsen the already bad traffic. Please do not proceed.
Carrum Downs has enough service stations. There’s would literally be 4 servos within 2kms of there. Carrum downs needs more restaurants rather than servos
Not suitable for the roads. The need for another service station in carrum downs is not needed. It will cause even more congestion and does not suit the housing that it would neighbour.
This property has a large number of trees on it that would have to be cut down if houses were to be built on it. I trust Frankston Council will show a higher regard for the bird life in this area than for the potential profit to a developer.
Tahnee Lodge estate is already listed as a code red high risk area for toxic emissions from the freeway (refer to environmental impact statement - Peninsula Link). This situation can only be exacerbated by a development of this proportion adjacent to this area.
Sorry, I meant 48 lots, not 84.
I live in Colbert Court, 3 houses away from the property/land, and believe a pedestrian access point is planned at the end of our court. I do not feel this is necessary, as the court is for residents. Given the green wedge status of the land surrounding Tahnee Lodge estate, part of what gives our estate its unique amenity is the rural feel and appearance of the streets and environment. It is what attracted me to the area. Developing 84 blocks as proposed will have a dire impact on the considerable diversity of birds and wildlife that we enjoy here. It will also negatively impact the creek that runs along the back of Colbert Court and the billabong and Ibis/waterbird rookery that is at 58 Stott's Lane (Dalmont Park). The runoff from 84 residential lots has the potential to contaminate the billabong and creek. There needs to be an environmental impact report conducted before such a proposal is even considered. I also agree with previous comments, that property values will be adversely affected.
It concerns me that this development will involve removal of substantial trees and native vegetation. What arrangements would be made to plant replacement trees, as recommended by an arborist? I feel that this replacement of trees and vegetation should be mandatory before passing this application, and that Council will ensure the replanting is carried out.