6 x double story dwelling here is unsuitable and excessive. There is already bit unit complex at 2 and 4 spray street and the traffic going in and out of Anderson and Spray street (not to mention on street parking) already excessive. 6 x double story at this location will only add onto the traffic and amount of people going in and out. Way too excessive.
All recent comments on applications from Frankston City Council, VIC
I really don't support this, I strongly feel that people can go to the other petrol station 1 metre away! I support a cafe or restaurant with outdoor seating and parking on site.
This vacant corner site has been an eyesore for many, many years and as a nearby resident who walks and drives past the site on a very frequent basis, I strongly support a sensible development proposal such as this one.
It will complement the marvellous skyrail / oval / playground development, provide some employment opportunities, and lift the tone of the area.
That said, I would prefer a softer, more environmentally harmonious "look", with more use of timber; and less garish signage.
Convenience restaurant = McDonald’s
Unbelievable. There is a petrol station across the road.
This is extremely depressing.
It needs to be a restaurant, cafe or green space.
Very unhappy
We wish to object on several reasons. Firstly we believe this lot is smaller than the area required by council to build on.
Also earlier this year. council made a major submission to VCAT via Council's lawyers which was upheld in rejecting the owners plans. We supported Council in the VCAT submission in conjunction with our neighbour in Somme Av Mr.& Mrs.Minisi .
We cannot under any circumstance accept a plan for 3 stories plus a basement on the site. However we would like to see a set of plans as proposed to Council. Thanks
Ann & Bob Graham 562 Nepean H/way 3199 ph 9783 6482
I am considering moving to the local area surrounding the quarry site. I have now read earlier comments which are disturbing as l too only discovered by chance on the internet this current situation. Please let me know what decision has been made as l and l am sure many others looking into purchasing in the area may end up reconsidering that decision. A environmental hazard in the area is just not okay.
About time we had more choice to both petrol stations and a family type restaurant. Currently we need to travel to Carrum Downs or Frankston for these types of options. This is fantastic for growth and more jobs in the area. Great initiative for options.
Fully support this future development.
Might sound good on paper, when you've lived here and experienced the chaos of traffic and people trying to cross the road and speeding motorists on nepean hwy, you would avoid this tragedy waiting to happen
Coming out of Safeway opposite is dangerous enough already
Need an establishment with low traffic volume and low impact on the environment - aren't we supposed to be reducing emissions rather than making higher consuming establishments...
Parking is getting built up in area, with lack of residential parking , all tourists to area parking in streets , blocking access to residence , especially with the increase of units and flats taking over from traditional houses and more households having more than 1 vehicle. Vehicle traffic is on the increase
Why not a solar park, bike rental park, ranger station or a greens habitat cafe , especially as all the local fauna is succumbing to climate change and thinning of the habitat due to building , something to promote the area rather than make it dingier ?
Kind Regards
There is a servo across the road at woolworths and plenty more within a 5km radius. Parking on a hot day is already problematic and this development will create more issues with traffic flow, parking and will make Seaford Road dangerous for everyone. This area should be used for beach parking, cafe's, restaurants, green open space or apartment building as it is in a prime position across from the beautiful Seaford beach.
Nobody in Seaford wants' another Servo or Fast food restaurant, this is appalling planning ! enough damage has been done to the area by the state governments Skyrail program which has left the area destroyed.
Seaford does not want another fast food franchise which will affect local food businesses, nor do we need another service station.
Very poor planning with no benefit to the local community !
crazy corner will be bedlam in Summer-already is
Seaford residents do not want this!
Well after reading these comments and now after the cyclonic events of last Thursday night Friday morning 29th Oct its just as well the branches were hacked back. Most likely they would have ended up strewn all over the highway and property - very dangerous. These straggly old pines arnt the most attractive species around unlike the lovely Cypress pines on Nepean in Mornington and Frankston.
Just my thought.
14 double storied here is unsuitable. Beach st is very narrow single lane each way is used as a main road to get to Bayside and Frankston train station. This place is next to TAFE parking here is already difficult. If 14 double stories are built here the traffic (cars biked pedestrian and parking) will be horrendous. Already.hard driving in and out of side streets off Beach St if 14 double stories are.buikd will be a nightmare for local residents accessing this area.
I agree.
I went to v-cat 2 years ago to stop a development of 3 town houses in a 725sq block in Pratt ave.
It was rejected by the chair, strangely Frankston Council passed it as a viable development.
The main argument the Frankston council held onto was “medium density zone” The town planner who represented the Frankston Council had a very limited explanation of this and what it meant to our suburb.
I live in Pratt ave. Our street WAS a “single dwelling covenant” area. These covenants have been removed by council.
Since my VCAT hearing, the developer gave up and sold the block to a family who are building a home.
The Frankston City Council is inconsistent and vague about reasons for accepting these kinds of developments…
If we could all access the town planning map as to which areas are “high density” “medium density” and “low density” living, the community would have a clearer, fairer understanding of how these developments are allocated and where they are allowed.
Its high time that the city of Frankston starts looking after the long term residents and work at keeping greedy developers out. Put this centre in a commercial or industrial. development
The extra traffic and congestion that this development will lead too if unfair on all the existing residents and wildlife.
Please let these people know who is important to our city.
Thank you Melinda for your comments. As the owner of the property Yamala Lodge I understand your concerns. I agree with you re removing the trees...BUT..after the recent storms, and large branches breaking and bringing down the power lines to ground level, as well as blocking off part of the highway, I have a major concern that the trees are so tall, that just 1 tree falling will totally block off 4 lanes of highway.
This part of Nepean Hwy was all covered in these trees....these are the last remaining ones left. The highway was only 2 lanes back in the early 1900s, running further away to the eastern side. But progress has brought the highway closer to the trees, with potential of danger. Yamala House has removed all their huge pine trees. All i can see is disaster in the future. And yes, they will be replaced by the same type of trees.
Thank you Melinda for your comments. As the owner of the property Yamala Lodge I understand your concerns. I agree with you re removing the trees...BUT..after the recent storms, and large branches breaking and bringing down the power lines to ground level, as well as blocking off part of the highway, I have a major concern that the trees are so tall, that just 1 tree falling will totally block off 4 lanes of highway.
This part of Nepean Hwy was all covered in these trees....these are the last remaining ones left. The highway was only 2 lanes back in the early 1900s, running further away to the eastern side. But progress has brought the highway closer to the trees, with potential of danger. Yamala House has removed all their huge pine trees. All i can see is disaster in the future. And yes, they will be replaced by the same type of trees.
ps...I have photos of the fallen branches lying on the highway at midnight during the storm a few months back...Its not pretty.
Thank you Melinda for your comments. As the owner of the property Yamala Lodge I understand your concerns. I agree with you re removing the trees...BUT..after the recent storms, and large branches breaking and bringing down the power lines to ground level, as well as blocking off part of the highway, I have a major concern that the trees are so tall, that just 1 tree falling will totally block off 4 lanes of highway.
This part of Nepean Hwy was all covered in these trees....these are the last remaining ones left. The highway was only 2 lanes back in the early 1900s, running further away to the eastern side. But progress has brought the highway closer to the trees, with potential of danger. Yamala House has removed all their huge pine trees. All i can see is disaster in the future. And yes, they will be replaced by the same type of trees.
Unfortunately most of the information on this organisation’s site is out of date.
This particular planning application was approved by Council in July.
I thought the Yamala Lodge (gatehouse )and the Walter Burley Griffin gateway were heritage listed. This property is on The Graeme Butler 1995 study volume 3 and The Graeme Butler 1997 Frankston (East) Heritage Study ( stage 2) . This last study specifically list this property under Environment and Planning Act 1987 Frankston Planning scheme .Are the trees not listed as well? If so then only if trees are unhealthy can they be removed those that have been removed will need to be replace by same type of tree.
Can you please supply details of planning permit, as there is no information supplied on this alert.
Thank you