75 Quarry Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC

Secondary Consent - To use the site for Refuse Disposal (landfill)
Planning Authority
Frankston City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
41 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Frankston City Council. Add your own comment.

Can someone please tell me, as a concerned nearby resident, just what is going on with this site. why have we heard NOTHING about this and rely on scouring the internet for information. Is this going to become Landfill? If so, what type and how long will it last? What are the proposed hours of operation? This is way too close to residential areas.

Chris Deliyiannis
Delivered to Frankston City Council

As a nearby property owner what measures are being taken to ensure that their is not a repeat of the methane leak disaster that occurred in Cranbourne that saw people removed from their homes and their house values plummet?
This is a residential area with a high population of children. The area is already subject to large vehicle traffic due to the operating quarry and any such increase will further increase noise, smell and air pollution.
Furthermore Frankston has the area earmarked to be a future greenbelt once the quarry has been closed which is the reason people are purchasing in the area so to consider this area as a refuse facility is a clear divergence and an environmental hazard to the local community.
This is a significant issue that every resident in the surrounding area must be alerted to, not stumbled across when searching for the specific subject on the internet.
What action or activity has been undertaken to advise the community of such a significant environmental decision being made about their immediate surround?

Simon Douglas
Delivered to Frankston City Council

Councillors and City of Frankston, what action/activity has been taken advising residents about the hugely significant environmental refuse facility proposed for 75 Quarrry Road Langwarrin. Who is accountable ?
75 Quarry Rd is on the EPAs Priority Sites register. Which means Pollution of land and/or groundwater presents a potential risk to human health and the environment. Clean up notices are issed to priority sites! The management is below required EPA standards.
This is a significant issue that every resident in the surrounding area must be alerted to.
Pretty underhand to keep this significant matter quiet and under residential radar. Council elections!
What guarantee is in place prevent a methane leak disaster as in Brookland Greens Cranbourne a decade back? . People became sick, poisoned by the waste station management practices.some even hospitalised. People had to vacate their homes for months. Litigation against the City of Casey cost ratepayers $23.5M
Langwarrin is a residential area. Quarry Road vehicle traffic is heavy due to the operating quarry. A refuse facility will increase traffic, increase noise, smell and air pollutiion. The EPA opposed the building of Brooklsnds Green so close to a landfill site. Why are council and councillors considering a refuse facility in an established residential area? Wheres the environmental risk assessment?
As mentioned in an earlier comment from a concerned resident the area is to be a future greenbelt when the quarry is closed. Families are purchasing in the area accordingly. Considering 75 Quarry Rd as a waste staion is an environmental hazard to the area. it is nonsensical and environmentally risky behaviour by council and councillors. The future generation and voters need informed intelligence and data to make informed decisions when voting. Litigation against council is an increasing risk. .

Morag Macpherson
Delivered to Frankston City Council

I am considering moving to the local area surrounding the quarry site. I have now read earlier comments which are disturbing as l too only discovered by chance on the internet this current situation. Please let me know what decision has been made as l and l am sure many others looking into purchasing in the area may end up reconsidering that decision. A environmental hazard in the area is just not okay.

Kath Karathanasis
Delivered to Frankston City Council

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