15 Robinsons Road, Seaford 3198, VIC

To construct one (1) double storey dwelling to the rear of the existing dwelling (two (2) dwellings on a lot) in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)
Planning Authority
Frankston City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 5 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
87 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Frankston City Council. Add your own comment.

Frankston City Council,
I am concerned about the number of townhouses and blocks being subdivided in the Frankston district. Especially on this occasion, in Robinsons Road Seaford.
Growing up in the area and my father living opposite this address (15 Robinsons Road) we were able to freely play, walk and drive without any hazards. But due to increase blocks being subdivided in the last 10-15 years it’s has caused massive hazards on our roads due to unsuitable parking on housing premises, therefore as a consequence more vehicles park on the road, less children being active outside and hazards for our emergency services vehicles.
Focusing on 15 Robinsons Rd, if this permit was to be approved it would continue with issues in the street.
-Vehicles continuously park on both sides of the Road, causing issues for residents to exit from there driveways.
-Number 11 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 19 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 2 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 27 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking on the road.
-Number 28 is already subdivided with vehicles continuously parking n the road.
-Number 13 is a small cottage and residents suspect in the future that this will be subdivided as well due to land size current home is on. This land will fit 3-4 townhouse style homes. So if Number 15 was approved, in future there would be up to 8 townhouses next to each other which would be totally unacceptable.
-Bin collection is already made hard due to vehicles always parked on the road.
-With vehicles parked on both sides of road, this will cause massive issues for emergency services vehicles (especially fire trucks), if an emergency was to happen towards end of the street. This is already an issue in Robinsons Road.
-With more houses this causes more issues with noise complaints and privacy issues.

Townhouses and subdividing land is ruining the landscape of The City of Frankston. We have a beautiful part of Victoria which is sadly being ruined by overcrowded streets and cars parked on roads instead on properties.

I hope council look into not just the issues I have for the residents of Robinsons Road but also look into the surrounds them self to see that the development of 15 Robinsons Road is not suitable at all. More issues with arise if this goes forward.

Thank you for your time.

Anthony Besim
Delivered to Frankston City Council

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