70 Potts Road, Langwarrin 3910, VIC

To construct and use two (2) rooming houses on one lot in a General Residential Zone (GRZ)
Planning Authority
Frankston City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 5 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
32 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Frankston City Council. Add your own comment.

I would like to object. I feel there shouldn't be a rooming house right near an aged care facility. Also volunteering two days a week in Rosebud, and dealing with residents of rooming houses, I don't feel it's an ideal location for them as they require access to many services and organisations that aren't close to here. It is a 15 to 20 minute drive to Frankston in the car let alone by bus. A lot of residence of rooming houses don't like travelling on public transport due to how long it takes, paranoia of people following or staring at them plus high anxiety in public. We have no community support centres, job providers, salvocare, mental health services to name a few. From my experience in Rosebud, they usually walk or ride a bicycle to where they need to go. I also volunteer with a program called splash, providing meals, shower and laundry service, plus food parcels. There are many services in Frankston that provide meals and food too. I feel that until we in Langwarrin get more services that can provide for those residence, Langwarrin is not an area to have rooming houses.

Louise Broadby
Sent to Frankston City Council

I/we totally agree, not only with the comments, but we all need to think that it is also only 600metres from woodlands primary school and we have already had a young child killed in recent times. What about the safety of children and the aged

Margaret Orr
Sent to Frankston City Council

Sorry, I need to state that a 2 year old child was MURDED September 2019
Isn’t that enough justification to object against this permit

Margaret Orr
Sent to Frankston City Council

Margaret Orr
commented about 24 hours ago
I/we totally agree, not only with the comments, but we all need to think that it is also only 600metres from woodlands primary school and we have already had a young child killed in recent times. What about the safety of children and the
Sorry, I need to state that It was a 2 year old child was MURDED September 2019
Isn’t that enough justification to object against this permit

Margaret Orr
Delivered to Frankston City Council

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