All recent comments on applications from Boroondara City Council, VIC

15 Broadway, Camberwell VIC 3124
(Section 72) Permit allows: Partial demolition and construction of alterations and additions to an existing dwelling and the demolition of an additional dwelling on the lot in a Heritage Overlay

I object on the following grounds:

1. The size of the extension visible from Broadway - the visible bulk is enormous, and detracts significantly from 13 Broadway. The extension is bigger than the neighbouring 13 Broadway when viewed from Broadway. It also is likely to cause significant shadowing into 13 Broadway. The height and width are such that it detracts from the appearance of the original 'Calrossie' at 15 Broadway

2. The gate and new crossover on Broadway is not sympathetic to the heritage of the area - the gate is too high. I note the fence is described as 'vine covered' however these vines have already been removed.

3. When viewed from Berwick St, the new addition is not set back far enough from Berwick St and therefore detracts from the original fabric of 'Calrossie' - on such a large block, building adjacent to the fence is unnecessary.

4. The design is, in my opinion, hideously ugly when viewed from Berwick St - a collection of poorly matched designs, with a pitched roof in one section, what looks like a fake chimney, and random arches. There is no continuity when compared with the original design

5. The side fence on Broadway - renovating should be an opportunity to replace with a new fence sympathetic to the heritage of the area, not to extend a fence not fitting of the era and character of the surrounds.

6. Lack of greenery - for a 1200+ square metre block there is a significant lack of garden space. I also see no need to extend the house to all corners/boundaries at such a high cost to the visible amenity of the area.

7. I'm also concerned by the timing of the permit applications - the 'back to back' applications have resulted in continuous notices on the fence and I am sure most people have ignored the updated notice, thinking it was the same notice as before

To improve the design
1. Please fix the rear design when viewed from Berwick St - it looks awful
2. Please reduce the size and visual bulk of the extension when viewed from Broadway
3. Please address other concerns as above

Nick Watson
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
851 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
(Condition 1 Plans) Full demolition of the building at 853-861 Burke Rd and partial demolition of the building at 851 Burke Rd (Clause 43.01-1); use of the land for dwellings (Clause 34.01-1); construction of an 8-storey building above basement car parking comprising not more than 41 apartments, a restaurant and two (2) food and drink premises (cafés) (Clauses 34.01-4 and 43.01-1); construction of a verandah (Clauses 36.04-2 and 43.01-1); and reduction of the car parking requirements associated with a restaurant and food and drink premises (cafés) (Clause 52.06-3)

I fully agree with Ross.Hudson. This development should not be allowed to proceed if it means full demolition of this heritage building. This is a unique building which will be a loss to the area if it goes. The facade should definitely be retained.
And to, (as usual), attempt to reduce the car parking allocation, will only lead to more congestion in an already busy area of the shopping strip.

Louise Marett
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
851 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
(Condition 1 Plans) Full demolition of the building at 853-861 Burke Rd and partial demolition of the building at 851 Burke Rd (Clause 43.01-1); use of the land for dwellings (Clause 34.01-1); construction of an 8-storey building above basement car parking comprising not more than 41 apartments, a restaurant and two (2) food and drink premises (cafés) (Clauses 34.01-4 and 43.01-1); construction of a verandah (Clauses 36.04-2 and 43.01-1); and reduction of the car parking requirements associated with a restaurant and food and drink premises (cafés) (Clause 52.06-3)

It is totally unacceptable to allow a development of the magnitude suggested to have less on-site parking than stipulated in current planning rules.
Parking on-street in Camberwell is already at the limit without City of Boroondara buckling to developer requests for reduced on-site parking.
Further it is unconscionable to allow this development to proceed with full demolition of existing heritage building.
At least, the facades must be retained!

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
465 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
(Secondary Consent) Permit Allows: Use and development for a medical centre and dwellings and a reduction in the standard car parking requirement.

It is unconscionable that a reduction of on site parking for this site would be considered in an increasingly busy area were public parking is already in short supply.
There are already many developments in progress or planned within 500m of this site and if all were granteda reduction in on-site parking we would have an even worse traffic disaster than the current debacle

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
697 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
Construction of a 12 storey mixed use building in a Commercial 1 Zone, reduction in car parking and to create or alter access to a road in a Transport 2 Zone

It is totally unacceptable to reduce the on-site car parking requiremen
Parking is already at crisis in the Camberwell junction area due to significanr development already with reduced parking and City of Boroondara's unwise decision to replace many on street parking spaces in the area with essentially ugly, unused outdoor dining areas.

Ross Hudson
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
946 Riversdale Road, Surrey Hills VIC 3127
(Endorsement of CMP & TMP) Permit Allows: Construction of four (4) dwellings on the lot

What does CMP & TMP mean?
Can you please refrain from using industry related acronyms and instead spell the words in full so members of the general public have a full understanding of the endorsement?

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
137 Canterbury Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
Construction of a residential building comprising of 14 dwellings, the use of the land for a dwelling within a Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO5), works within a Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO5), the removal of vegetation within a PAO, construction of a front fence greater than 2.0 metres (Canterbury Road) and greater than 1.5 metres (Hopetoun Avenue) and a waiver of visitor car parking

What is the point of requiring visitor parking if the council will waive this requirement in large developments? Canterbury Road is a busy road and on street parking will just add to the congestion.

John Athol Pressley
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
137 Canterbury Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
Construction of a residential building comprising of 14 dwellings, the use of the land for a dwelling within a Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO5), works within a Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO5), the removal of vegetation within a PAO, construction of a front fence greater than 2.0 metres (Canterbury Road) and greater than 1.5 metres (Hopetoun Avenue) and a waiver of visitor car parking

I strongly object to the number of proposed dwellings. This will place a strain on the infrastructure. Also object to the limited number of car parking spaces. There is no off street car parking and at this point of Canterbury road it is extremely busy. Are cars to enter and exit via Canterbury road. Creating traffic bank up?
Insufficient visitor car parking spaces. 14 dwellings is far too many on that sized land creating sewerage/drain stresses. Additional strain on refuse. Cut back to 7 dwellings. Include green play/leisure area of trees.

Meredith Masterman
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
137 Canterbury Road, Canterbury VIC 3126
Construction of a residential building comprising of 14 dwellings, the use of the land for a dwelling within a Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO5), works within a Public Acquisition Overlay (PAO5), the removal of vegetation within a PAO, construction of a front fence greater than 2.0 metres (Canterbury Road) and greater than 1.5 metres (Hopetoun Avenue) and a waiver of visitor car parking

Please do NOT allow planning permits for multi residential apartments to be given a waiver for onsite parking. The streets are already crowded with parked cars. and commuters using the road. Canterbury Road is a major thoroughfare.

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
11 Marian Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122
(Plans for Endorsement) Permit Allows: Demolition of front fence and outbuilding, construction of new front fence, and alterations to a dwelling in a Heritage Overlay and on a lot less than 500 square metres

When will plans be available online pls? Often find plans are not (ever) available online
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
1110 Burke Road, Balwyn North VIC 3104
(Secondary Consent) Permit Allows: Construction of five (5) dwellings on two lots, reduction in car parking (visitor) and alteration of access to a road within the Road Zone Category 1

How can there be any justification in a reduction in parking places for this site when parking is this area is already at a premium?

Debbie McColl-Davis
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
9 Scotsburn Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Construction of an extension to the existing dwelling and the carrying out of works on land affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay

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9 Scotsburn Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Construction of an extension to the existing dwelling and the carrying out of works on land affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay

As several incorrect statements were made in a post by Sweeney, advised me to respond. The facts are:
* Development has been interrupted with Covid/VCAT delays, hence extension request.
* The VCAT delay is a direct result of unsuccessful complaints made by Sweeney. (Approved by Council in Mar 2021, then appealed and finally issued in Jun 2022).
• Far from heavy construction, all demolition/foundations were hand-done to protect the gum trees.
• The gum trees are not identified as Significant Trees but Council canopy trees.
• The construction does not touch the gum trees with steps taken to protect the trees and site-approved by a Council arborist.
• Council cut the tree branch. This was identified in 2016, well before any work commenced, to ensure the tree's longevity and is not a result of any building works.
• There are no noncompliance landscape issues. The hedge is in place and house addition was approved because it met all overlay requirements. The hedge was not a special condition of approval.
• Existing plants on the property include 20m+ of hedge, 3 canopy trees, 2 park gums, 15 mature trees in pots and over 20 shrubs/grasses. These plants are thriving.
• Sadly, the only trees suffering and dying are the 5 x 4m hedge trees – directly attributed to drowning caused by water overflow from Sweeney’s property.
• Landscaping plans have been approved by Council and are required to be implemented in full by the end of the build not mid-way through.
* The proximity to neighbour exceeds the minimum distance required by Council and is set back 2m more than the original house.
• Melbourne Water has inspected and approved the site twice. The site permeability (porousness) has been increased. The under-stilt planting is voluntary and not a flood risk requirement. Ground remains porous planted or not.
It is disappointing that these facts are knowingly misrepresented and that information already overruled by VCAT and Council continues to be used to misrepresent the true situation.

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
15 - 17 Bulleen Road, Balwyn North VIC 3104
Variation of Restrictive Covenant (Instrument numbers 0819274 and 0819275)

This application seems to be deliberately secretive. What are the variations? What do they relate to? Very suspicious?
The worry is that whatever it is, it may set a precedent.
I would suggest that any application should clearly state what it is for.

Martin Wilson
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
936 Toorak Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
Construction of a four-storey building comprising 31 dwellings on two lots and reduction of the visitor car parking requirement.

I object to reduction in visitor car parking. Councils ref: PEOT31/0059 says 20 dwellings and then councils ref: PEOT23/0041 says 31 dwellings. Which is it? Crazy for reducing car parking. Where will visitors park? Cars use this road as a through road to Valley parade. Even if it is 20 dwellings that 20 car parking spaces PLUS visitors - let’s say only 50% get a visitor that’s 10 car parking spaces. Limited public transport and not all people ride bicycles. DO NOT REDUCE OFF STREET CAR PARKING.

Meredith Masterman
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
1034 Toorak Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
Construction of seven (7) three-storey dwellings on a lot and alteration of access to a Road Zone, Category 1.

Isn’t a similar size construction taking place 4 doors down on the corner of Dickens St? What is council’s end game here? A wall of apartments 2 streets deep the entire length of Toorak Rd? With no new ovals, schools, a train that leaves every 20 minutes? No new infrastructure to support the thousands of new residents and their cars. Unrepresentative government.

Craig Chester
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
9 Scotsburn Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Construction of an extension to the existing dwelling and the carrying out of works on land affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay

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9 Scotsburn Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Construction of an extension to the existing dwelling and the carrying out of works on land affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay

Its just an extension of time due to the delays caused by covid. Been a tough couple of years trying to build with materials and labour delays plus everything else! No amendment.

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
9 Scotsburn Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122
Construction of an extension to the existing dwelling and the carrying out of works on land affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay

An amendment is requested to the permit for this extension and construction (which is significant and is right on the boundaries) however the details of exactly what type of amendment is sought has not been but should be advised to the neighboring properties so we might consider our position

Deb Davenport
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
153 Camberwell Road, Hawthorn East VIC 3123
• Buildings and works to construct two (2) buildings (13 and 11 storeys) above basement car parking; • Construction of an awning above the Camberwell Road footpath; • Use of the land for 139 dwellings and a restricted recreation facility (gymnasium); • Reduction of the car parking requirements associated with dwelling visitors, offices (including an electoral office), shops, medical centre and restaurants; and • The sale and consumption of liquor on the premises (associated with the restaurants and bar with bottle shop) and sale of liquor for consumption off the premises;

It is inconceivable that a reduction in off street parking would be considered for this property as parking in the area around Camberwell Junction is already seriously inadequate with the problem being exacerbated by City of Boroondara replacing many parking spaces with elevated dining platforms.
In fact any change to the property should trigger a requirement to provide an increase in off street parking, due to anticipated increase in traffic being generated

Ross Hudson
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
1 - 5 Hall Street, Hawthorn East VIC 3123
Construction of buildings and works to an existing building in a Commercial 2 Zone, Land Subject to Inundation Overlay, a Design and Development Overlay, and the display of an internally illuminated sign, and a reduction in the car parking requirement

It is inconceivable that a reduction in off street parking would be considered for this property as parking in Hall street is already seriously inadequate.

In fact any change to the property should trigger a requirement to provide an increase in off street parking, due to anticipated increase in traffic being generated.

Ross Hudson
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
469 Riversdale Road, Hawthorn East VIC 3123
Construction of a six (6) storey building comprising 12 dwellings and a shop; use of the land for dwellings; buildings and works within the Special Building Overlay; reduction of the car parking requirement associated with a shop and dwelling visitors; and construction of a canopy above a footpath in a Road Zone, Category 1 (Riversdale Rd) generally in accordance with the endorsed plans

It is unconscionable that a reduction in required car parking in this proposed building be contemplated.
Parking in the Camberwell Junction precinct has been at crisis level for years and is getting worse, especially since council converted car parks to dining platforms.

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
43 Spencer Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
Demolition and construction of a double storey duplex dual Occupancy in a Heritage Overlay

This property is seen as Contributory on the Heritage Overlay. I thought that means that it can’t be demolished?

Delivered to Boroondara City Council
2 / 104 A Warrigal Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
Use of the land as a recreational facility (table tennis classes) and a reduction in the standard car parking requirement.

The proposed establishment is not suitable for the area because of two reasons:
1. There is insufficient parking on and around the premises with only two car park spaces on the busy arterial Warrigal road, and no parking available on the adjacent Laneway. It can be foreseen that this would cause problems with other lots and essential services requiring the use of this Laneway (namely maintenance crew for requiring access to the telecommunications tower) as the proposed reduction in car parking requirements will cause a back flow of vehicles and illegal parking by the clientele using the table tennis recreational facility.
2. It can be foreseen that the will be excessive noise pollution in the surrounding residential properties immediately adjacent to the corners facing West and South of this proposed establishment (where residential properties are all within 5 to 10 metres of the zone in question).

For the reasons above it is in my opposition that the proposed plans should be rejected.

Wendy Wen
Delivered to Boroondara City Council
2 / 104 A Warrigal Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
Use of the land as a recreational facility (table tennis classes) and a reduction in the standard car parking requirement.

The use is inappropriate given high residential occupancy adjacent to premises.
The potential noise issues associated with the building having high sound transmission levels being glassed on three sides
Reduced parking will only create issues with public lane way and parking in side streets and road Riversdale road.
Traffic in an out of lane way is already a high risk issue given Warrigal road traffic
Reversing out onto Warrigal road in peak hour will be a real issue ie no room to reverse in lane way.
The council should letter drop potential affected residential community
We believe council is potentially wrong in allowing a permit for this type of activity and actually ignoring the parking implications for people visiting the facility by reducing the parking requirement
The council should start policing the lane way and erect no parking signs
There are more appropriate locations in the council for this type of activity
The existing premises lend themselves to an office use and with standard office operating hours

Jim Thornton
Delivered to Boroondara City Council