15 Broadway, Camberwell VIC 3124

(Section 72) Permit allows: Partial demolition and construction of alterations and additions to an existing dwelling and the demolition of an additional dwelling on the lot in a Heritage Overlay
Planning Authority
Boroondara City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
510 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Boroondara City Council. Add your own comment.

I object on the following grounds:

1. The size of the extension visible from Broadway - the visible bulk is enormous, and detracts significantly from 13 Broadway. The extension is bigger than the neighbouring 13 Broadway when viewed from Broadway. It also is likely to cause significant shadowing into 13 Broadway. The height and width are such that it detracts from the appearance of the original 'Calrossie' at 15 Broadway

2. The gate and new crossover on Broadway is not sympathetic to the heritage of the area - the gate is too high. I note the fence is described as 'vine covered' however these vines have already been removed.

3. When viewed from Berwick St, the new addition is not set back far enough from Berwick St and therefore detracts from the original fabric of 'Calrossie' - on such a large block, building adjacent to the fence is unnecessary.

4. The design is, in my opinion, hideously ugly when viewed from Berwick St - a collection of poorly matched designs, with a pitched roof in one section, what looks like a fake chimney, and random arches. There is no continuity when compared with the original design

5. The side fence on Broadway - renovating should be an opportunity to replace with a new fence sympathetic to the heritage of the area, not to extend a fence not fitting of the era and character of the surrounds.

6. Lack of greenery - for a 1200+ square metre block there is a significant lack of garden space. I also see no need to extend the house to all corners/boundaries at such a high cost to the visible amenity of the area.

7. I'm also concerned by the timing of the permit applications - the 'back to back' applications have resulted in continuous notices on the fence and I am sure most people have ignored the updated notice, thinking it was the same notice as before

To improve the design
1. Please fix the rear design when viewed from Berwick St - it looks awful
2. Please reduce the size and visual bulk of the extension when viewed from Broadway
3. Please address other concerns as above

Nick Watson
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

In addition:

I find the appearance of the extension visible from Broadway pretty poor for such a wonderful heritage area

I echo the objections of a previous person via planning alerts:

on the following grounds:


1. The size of the extension visible from Broadway - the visible bulk is enormous, and detracts significantly from 13 Broadway. The extension is bigger than the neighbouring 13 Broadway when viewed from Broadway. It also is likely to cause significant shadowing into 13 Broadway. The height and width are such that it detracts from the appearance of the original 'Calrossie' at 15 Broadway

2. The gate and new crossover on Broadway is not sympathetic to the heritage of the area - the gate is too high. I note the fence is described as 'vine covered' however these vines have already been removed.

3. When viewed from Berwick St, the new addition is not set back far enough from Berwick St and therefore detracts from the original fabric of 'Calrossie' - on such a large block, building adjacent to the fence is unnecessary.

4. The design is, in my opinion, hideously ugly when viewed from Berwick St - a collection of poorly matched designs, with a pitched roof in one section, what looks like a fake chimney, and random arches. There is no continuity when compared with the original design

5. The side fence on Broadway - renovating should be an opportunity to replace with a new fence sympathetic to the heritage of the area, not to extend a fence not fitting of the era and character of the surrounds.

6. Lack of greenery - for a 1200+ square metre block there is a significant lack of garden space. I also see no need to extend the house to all corners/boundaries at such a high cost to the visible amenity of the area.

7. I'm also concerned by the timing of the permit applications - the 'back to back' applications have resulted in continuous notices on the fence and I am sure most people have ignored the updated notice, thinking it was the same notice as before

To improve the design
1. Please fix the rear design when viewed from Berwick St - it looks awful
2. Please reduce the size and visual bulk of the extension when viewed from Broadway
3. Please address other concerns as above

Carly Rienecker
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

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