9 Scotsburn Street, Hawthorn VIC 3122

Construction of an extension to the existing dwelling and the carrying out of works on land affected by the Environmental Significance Overlay and Land Subject to Inundation Overlay
Planning Authority
Boroondara City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
394 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Boroondara City Council. Add your own comment.

An amendment is requested to the permit for this extension and construction (which is significant and is right on the boundaries) however the details of exactly what type of amendment is sought has not been but should be advised to the neighboring properties so we might consider our position

Deb Davenport
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

Its just an extension of time due to the delays caused by covid. Been a tough couple of years trying to build with materials and labour delays plus everything else! No amendment.

Delivered to Boroondara City Council

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As several incorrect statements were made in a post by Sweeney, Planningalerts.com advised me to respond. The facts are:
* Development has been interrupted with Covid/VCAT delays, hence extension request.
* The VCAT delay is a direct result of unsuccessful complaints made by Sweeney. (Approved by Council in Mar 2021, then appealed and finally issued in Jun 2022).
• Far from heavy construction, all demolition/foundations were hand-done to protect the gum trees.
• The gum trees are not identified as Significant Trees but Council canopy trees.
• The construction does not touch the gum trees with steps taken to protect the trees and site-approved by a Council arborist.
• Council cut the tree branch. This was identified in 2016, well before any work commenced, to ensure the tree's longevity and is not a result of any building works.
• There are no noncompliance landscape issues. The hedge is in place and house addition was approved because it met all overlay requirements. The hedge was not a special condition of approval.
• Existing plants on the property include 20m+ of hedge, 3 canopy trees, 2 park gums, 15 mature trees in pots and over 20 shrubs/grasses. These plants are thriving.
• Sadly, the only trees suffering and dying are the 5 x 4m hedge trees – directly attributed to drowning caused by water overflow from Sweeney’s property.
• Landscaping plans have been approved by Council and are required to be implemented in full by the end of the build not mid-way through.
* The proximity to neighbour exceeds the minimum distance required by Council and is set back 2m more than the original house.
• Melbourne Water has inspected and approved the site twice. The site permeability (porousness) has been increased. The under-stilt planting is voluntary and not a flood risk requirement. Ground remains porous planted or not.
It is disappointing that these facts are knowingly misrepresented and that information already overruled by VCAT and Council continues to be used to misrepresent the true situation.

Delivered to Boroondara City Council

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