2 / 104 A Warrigal Road, Camberwell VIC 3124

Use of the land as a recreational facility (table tennis classes) and a reduction in the standard car parking requirement.
Planning Authority
Boroondara City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
310 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Boroondara City Council. Add your own comment.

We believe the proposed use is innappropriate due to the potential for excessive noise transmission from the second storey offices
Based on the prior use of this premises access to our property was invariably blocked by non cimpliant parking due to resticted paking under the building. The laneway is a public use laneway for access to a number of properties.
There is unsufficient parking for the proposed use activity.
There are privacy concern issues for overlooking the neighbouring residentsl premises.
Hours of operation for these premises should be resticted to normal businees hours of operation.
The premises should be clearly identified by trading name and abn and hours of operation.
We believe there are more apprpropriate locations for this type of activity in the counci
The residents adjacent to the proposed facility sgould be letter dropped by council
I would be happy to have a face to face discussion with the appropriate officer in the coucil.

Walter gross
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

The use is inappropriate given high residential occupancy adjacent to premises.
The potential noise issues associated with the building having high sound transmission levels being glassed on three sides
Reduced parking will only create issues with public lane way and parking in side streets and road Riversdale road.
Traffic in an out of lane way is already a high risk issue given Warrigal road traffic
Reversing out onto Warrigal road in peak hour will be a real issue ie no room to reverse in lane way.
The council should letter drop potential affected residential community
We believe council is potentially wrong in allowing a permit for this type of activity and actually ignoring the parking implications for people visiting the facility by reducing the parking requirement
The council should start policing the lane way and erect no parking signs
There are more appropriate locations in the council for this type of activity
The existing premises lend themselves to an office use and with standard office operating hours

Jim Thornton
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

The proposed establishment is not suitable for the area because of two reasons:
1. There is insufficient parking on and around the premises with only two car park spaces on the busy arterial Warrigal road, and no parking available on the adjacent Laneway. It can be foreseen that this would cause problems with other lots and essential services requiring the use of this Laneway (namely maintenance crew for requiring access to the telecommunications tower) as the proposed reduction in car parking requirements will cause a back flow of vehicles and illegal parking by the clientele using the table tennis recreational facility.
2. It can be foreseen that the will be excessive noise pollution in the surrounding residential properties immediately adjacent to the corners facing West and South of this proposed establishment (where residential properties are all within 5 to 10 metres of the zone in question).

For the reasons above it is in my opposition that the proposed plans should be rejected.

Wendy Wen
Delivered to Boroondara City Council

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