It is totally unacceptable to allow a development of the magnitude suggested to have less on-site parking than stipulated in current planning rules.
Parking on-street in Camberwell is already at the limit without City of Boroondara buckling to developer requests for reduced on-site parking.
Further it is unconscionable to allow this development to proceed with full demolition of existing heritage building.
At least, the facades must be retained!
851 Burke Road, Camberwell VIC 3124
- Description
- (Condition 1 Plans) Full demolition of the building at 853-861 Burke Rd and partial demolition of the building at 851 Burke Rd (Clause 43.01-1); use of the land for dwellings (Clause 34.01-1); construction of an 8-storey building above basement car parking comprising not more than 41 apartments, a restaurant and two (2) food and drink premises (cafés) (Clauses 34.01-4 and 43.01-1); construction of a verandah (Clauses 36.04-2 and 43.01-1); and reduction of the car parking requirements associated with a restaurant and food and drink premises (cafés) (Clause 52.06-3)
- Planning Authority
Boroondara City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 507 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 4 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Boroondara City Council. Add your own comment.
I fully agree with Ross.Hudson. This development should not be allowed to proceed if it means full demolition of this heritage building. This is a unique building which will be a loss to the area if it goes. The facade should definitely be retained.
And to, (as usual), attempt to reduce the car parking allocation, will only lead to more congestion in an already busy area of the shopping strip.
This is a totally unacceptable heritage outcome.
This is a unique building in a unique area with a proud heritage. We do not need low quality additional high rise in this area, or increased density in an area already groaning under the strain of additional traffic courtesy of multiple developments.
A few other inappropriate developments have been allowed, but these should not serve as a precedent.
Other comments:
1. The heritage value of the current buildings - including the facade of one building inappropriately demolished previously.
It is an excellent example of heritage architecture. I feel any development should preserve all of the existing structure
2. Traffic effects.The area is swamped with vehicles and there is inadequate street parking as is. Cars of visitors and residents will add to congestion as they seek parking. The proximity to public transport does nothing - the majority of Australians own cars and need car parking. The commercial premises require parking for patrons.
3. No provision for sewer/other service upgrades
4. Shadowing of neighbouring buildings.
this adds to the fear that these towers are becoming the slums of Boroondara.
5. Inappropriate height and density for Boroondara.
6. Multiple previous applications have been made at these addresses over a number of years - all rejected
The proposal responds appropriately to the City of Boroondara Planning Scheme and Council's other planning policies and should be supported.
The proposal responds appropriately to the emerging character of the surroundings.
The proposal responds positively to the strategic context.
The proposal responds appropriately to the Clause 65 matters within the Victorian Planning Principles.
The proposal is an "acceptable planning outcome" as related by the following:
Gordon Avenue Investments Pty Ltd v Greater Geelong CC [2021] VCAT 1005
Knox CC v Tulcany Pty Ltd [2004] VSC 375